Did you know . . .
• There are two places to pay your tier.
1) ZoHa Islands Main Office: SLURL: ZoHa Islands Main Office
2) ZoHa Islands Sales Office in the Business District: SLURL: Business District Office

• ZoHa Islands is an Authorized Linden Dollar Reseller. You can buy Linden Dollars from ZoHa Islands in a safe way. You can use PayPal, or you can use most debit and credit cards, such as VISA, American Express, MasterCard, Discover, etc. If you are not in the US, there may be other payment options such as bank transfers. Payments can be done with USD, EURO, AUD, CAD, CHF, GBP & JPY. The steps for buying lindens can be found here by clicking on this link: ZoHa Islands: Buy Linden Dollars
• Help and support at ZoHa Islands is only a click away. The best and fastest way to get immediate help is to open the group chat for ZoHa Islands residents and ask for assistance. One of our friendly sales associates or estate managers will respond quickly. Generally we have coverage 24 hours a day, so someone should be available to answer your questions or help with a problem. You can also go to our main sales office (slurl: ZoHa Islands Sales Office) and see who is online, and hit their board. Additionally, we have a support ticket system on our website. You can find it by clicking on this link: Zoha Islands – Request Form.
• You can upgrade or downgrade your land at any time by simply using one of the methods above to ask for help and one of our friendly sales agents will be happy to help you with that. An “upgrade” simply means that you are moving to a larger parcel than the one you are currently renting. A “downgrade” is simply moving from a parcel smaller than the one you’re currently renting. In addition, if you wanted to rent an additional sim or parcel in addition to what you are currently renting, of course we would be happy to assist with that, as well. Don’t forget, if you’re thinking about starting a business in SL, or you currently have one and are looking for some great space, ZoHa Islands offers a multi-sim business district at reasonable prices. You can find out more by going to our Business District Sales Office (SLURL: Business District Office). Our business district offers many perks to business owners. Please contact Deelish Wishbringer, Commercial Manager, for more information.
• Raw Terrain Files: If you rent a full sim (full prim or homestead) you can request that a raw terrain file be uploaded to your sim. Please contact one of our friendly Estate Managers for assistance. You can see the raw terrain files that we offer at our main office here: SLURL: ZoHa Islands Main Office
• ZoHa Islands has a sandbox available for residents and their friends to use. This sandbox can be accessed only with a ZI Sandbox group tag. Please ask for an invitation by asking for help in ZoHa Islands group chat. This is a great sandbox for building, as it is quiet and lag-free. It is cleaned regularly, has lots of space for your builds. You are welcome to leave your build out while in progress. Just realize that notifications of a sandbox wipe go out in group chat, so please save your builds regularly in case a wipe happens while you’re offline. The SLURL to the Sandbox is found by clicking here: ZoHa Islands Sandbox
I hope you find this information helpful and makes your experience at ZoHa Islands smooth and carefree. We strive to ensure that residents’ needs are handled as quickly and courteously as possible. Just remember that yelling at our staff does not make things happen faster. We realize that things get frustrating really quickly, so if everyone remains calm, we hope to resolve any issues as quickly and quietly as possible.
If for some reason you decide to leave us, we would appreciate your comments and feedback as to the reasons why you are leaving. Was something not to your satisfaction? How could we have helped you better? Would you recommend us to your friends? If you are leaving SL completely for awhile, would you consider returning to ZoHa Islands when you come back? This is helps ZoHa Islands management with quality control, as we strive to be the best SL has to offer in the real estate business. We would very much appreciate it if you would be willing to share this information with us before you go.
Late rents: If you are going to be late on your rent, please contact a member of our team immediately. We want to work with you and make arrangements to help you get caught up. We understand that sometimes issues come up. We are willing to help as much as we can, within reason. Keep in mind, ZoHa Islands is a business and we have tier due to Linden Lab, as well. But we are not all about that, we are also a community!
And last but not least, thank you! Without our residents, ZoHa Islands would not exist. We wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for trusting ZoHa Islands with your Second Life land and business needs.
I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers, ZoHa Islands Social Media Manager