How to Optimize PBR Era Firestorm

How to Optimize PBR Era Firestorm

How to Optimize PBR Era Firestorm: Notes & Tips from the Lead Dev As noted yesterday, quite a few SLers are having a poor experience with the new PBR upgrade to Firestorm, by far the most popular viewer for Second Life. Fortunately, as Firestorm project lead Beq recently detailed for me, there are a number … Continue reading

Many Second Life Merchants

Many Second Life Merchants

Many Second Life Merchants Say the Virtual World Economy Seems Oligopolistic; How Should Linden Lab Intercede? We should explore a key finding from my recent Patreon report, that nearly half the Second Life merchants surveyed believe the virtual world economy is dominated by oligopolies (see above). A solid plurality of merchants believe some SL brands have … Continue reading

New Updates!

New Updates!

New Updates Coming Soon For The Second Life Marketplace 2024/2025 Daniel Voyager Here are some new updates on what everyone can look forward to in the coming year for the Second Life Marketplace from the Second Life web team. See the whole meeting here which runs for 1 hour and 8 minutes. These new updates are … Continue reading

Second Life Mobile Beta

Second Life Mobile Beta

Now Available for Premium and Premium Plus Members!       We’re excited to announce the next important milestone in the availability of the all-new official Second Life Mobile app. Effective today, we’re now opening up early beta access to all active Premium and Premium Plus members! The Second Life app brings all the richness … Continue reading

Launching Mirrors

Launching Mirrors

PBR Terrain and 2k Textures in Second Life! We are thrilled to officially launch three groundbreaking updates designed to elevate your virtual experience: Mirrors, PBR Terrain, and 2K Textures. Mirrors: Step into a more immersive world with real-time reflections. Our new mirror functionality uses reflection probes, providing stunning and dynamic reflections. Perfect for adding realism to … Continue reading

Inara Pey : Simurg’s mythical beauty in Second Life

Inara Pey : Simurg’s mythical beauty in Second Life

Simurg’s mythical beauty in Second Life Posted by Inara Pey Simurg, June 2024 Located within the north-west corner of a Full private region  which has been sub-divided into a series rental parcels, and which leverages the Land Capacity bonus, Simurg occupies a little under 4096 sq metres and is held by Lintu (KorppiLintu). It is offered … Continue reading