Major Ad Campaign for Second Life in Years

As Linden Lab Launches Its 1st Major Ad Campaign for Second Life in Years, Read My Interview With Philip Rosedale & Brad Oberwager on Marketing & Designing a Whole New User SL Experience

SL ad Jan 2025 a

Linden Lab just started publishing new ads on YouTube for Second Life, one of which you watch here. (“It represents one variation of many that are being tested”, the company tells me.) Screengrabs of it throughout this post.

It’s part of a new and aggressive marketing campaign for Second Life — basically the first one in nearly 4 years.

To get more context and strategy, read my latest interview with Linden Lab head Brad Oberwager and CTO Philip Rosedale below!

Inside Project Zero: Brad Oberwager & Philip Rosedale on Marketing & Designing a New User Second Life Experience

Project Zero is not simply a cloud streaming option for existing SL users. It’s tightly integrated into an aggressive marketing plan with a growing budget, and a completely revised first-time experience that discards the “Welcome Island” model that’s basically existed since 2003.

In my recent conversation with Linden Lab heads Brad Oberwager and Philip Rosedale, we explore their vision for growing the user base with Project Zero — and why the company is re-starting external marketing of SL for “the first time in four years”.

Yes, you read that right. In the nearly four years since Oberwager took over leadership of Linden Lab, the company hasn’t much marketed Second Life:

BRAD OBERWAGER: You know the adage, “I know half my marketing is wasted, I just don’t know which half.” When I came in, I asked [Linden staff], and they didn’t know. Turns out it was 100% wasted. 

So since I couldn’t figure it out, I turned off all the marketing and it didn’t have an impact on revenue or any of the financials, other than we weren’t spending the money on marketing.

But it stopped, obviously, it stopped bringing people in. It’s just that the marketing wasn’t bringing people in that were converting into dollars. So we kept it [off] until we had an ROI we could prove out. 

And it took us a lot longer. I figured it was going to be six months to turn marketing back on. It went a lot longer. 

SL ad Jan 2025 d

Now, with Project Zero and with different partnerships we have now, the ROI makes sense for money in the marketing. So starting small, $1,000 a day, it’s going to go up fast. 

So today [late December 2024] was the first day that we’ve spent a dollar on marketing in three years, nine months. And this is going to be great for all the creators, all the communities. We’re going to start driving people back in only where we know where we’re driving them, and we have different partnerships with different community bases, to start sending people not to just where we want them, but we’re testing sending them to other places. We’re going to test with Project Zero. 

So come midway through the first quarter [of 2025], we should be on a much higher run rate for marketing than we’ve ever had before. It makes good sense for everybody. We’re going to drive more revenue to the creators. The way our whole model is set up, we do well when other people do well; we are not able to monetize if other people in our world are not doing well. We don’t really sell anything directly to anybody other than land, and even that, you only buy land from us if you’re getting the benefit of it…

Next: Redoing the old first-time user experience, and partnering with MadPea games.


Breaking the Old First-Time User Experience

Philip Rosedale: Like Brad was saying, we’ll be able to experiment really aggressively in the first quarter on things like completely changing the welcome experience, because our hope is that we can try now — this is another thing we’ve been thinking about — how all the historical welcome experiences, and in fact, all the ones we have today are they’re presumptive of a pattern that we’re going to try BREAKING. We’re going to try not doing this anymore. 

The [original] idea is that you get acclimated and learn to use the software in a three dimensional area that is meant to be a sort of a training ground for the software, right? Like you can remember going all the way back to that first welcome isle that I wrote, pretty much the same one that Firestorm uses today. If you come in through the Firestorm area, it’s basically the same thing as what we had in 2004.

So our [new] thinking is that if we completely redo the UI, we can do the tool tips in-app, in-browser, tutorials that one much more traditionally sees with games. We can do rewards for learning parts of the UI, that kind of stuff. And then we can shift to a model like Brad was saying, where we just let people onboard anywhere in the world… 

One of the things we think we’re kind of doing wrong is that, [a new user] might have heard that Second Life is a cool place to go to listen to live music or something. But you’re presented with an experience for the first hour or so, which is maybe you wandering around a weird little garden doing a bunch of orienting experiences, right? 

But in doing that, you’re looking at like a visual treatment that may not be one, not representative of Second Life, and it may not be even vaguely related to what you’re looking for. 

So what we want to try instead is to say, “Look, are you a computer programmer? You want a sandbox… Listen to live music? We’ll put you in a live music venue right now.” 

And then, because we’ve got this new UI [in Project Zero], we should just hold ourselves to the standard that you don’t need to go through a welcome area to get to that experience. We’re just going to load you in and say, “Hey, do this. This is this, and get started, you know..” 

Wagner James Au: So you’ll have an experiential or thematic menu of, you know, “I want to build”, “I want to go to parties”. 

PR: Yep. That’s one of the first things we want to try as we’re thinking about as we start changing the UI. How do we start people in? We’re thinking, OK, we know what the five or six top destination experiences that people actually want to have, and they’re a pretty different mindset. 

“Build a house” is another one that you touched on earlier, right? Like, “I want to build a home for myself.” Okay, cool, we’ll put you into one of those neighborhoods. You’ll be standing on a street, you know, trying to buy houses. Or if you want to go to a party, we’ll put you in a party. 

That’s the kind of stuff we think we can now do [with Project Zero], but it’s all about the cycle time. Brad sent me this great article from a friend about all the different ways of analyzing failure in software companies. And it was a reiteration of the thing that [Marc] Andreessen said before, which is: you want to fund a company based not on how smart you think it is, but on how many shots on goal it’s going to get before it dies. And you want that number to be like five, and if that number is one, you just don’t invest because nobody’s that smart. 

So I think part of the problem with our welcome area experiments, for example, is that our cycle climb is so slow, because of all the considerations and the way the software is designed, and it’s just so brutally slow… Brad and I are just extremely hardcore internally about saying: we have to get to regular software startups’ cycle time on this stuff, which is days between adjustments.

WJA: I think even just being able to jump instantly into a sandbox, which for the Minecraft generation, I think they get to be, “Oh, I can do all kinds of way more cool shit than I can do Minecraft, and it’s super high res, and, you know, there’s a group in [the sandbox] already futzing around making cool shit.” And, you know, that seems immediately compelling.

PR: Yep, that feels like one of the five or six options that we want to give people. 

Why Linden Lab Partnered With MadPea Games

BO: One of the things that a lot of people do is they play games in Roblox. Roblox considers themselves a metaverse like ours, a lot of the [user base] plays games. Are you familiar with [SL game developer] MadPea?

WJA: Yeah.

BO:  So MadPea has a lot of experiences, a lot of games. Our Christmas gift to all the residents, and, I mean, everyone — MadPea has an unlimited subscription. So we bought it for everybody… we’re giving six months worth of MadPea to any resident who wants it. And it’s not one of those gimmicks where you sign up, you get six months for free, and then at the end of the six months [you got to pay for more]. It’s not that, it’s wide open to everyone.

And at the end of six months, we’ll evaluate. We may keep it like that. And because we have this partnership [with MadPea], why not try to send 20% of our people that we’re marketing to, to a MadPea designed welcome area? Let them try to figure out how to do it. 

So part of the deal is, [MadPea is] gonna build a welcome area. We’re gonna send a bunch of [new] people there. My guess is they outperform us… Certain ads, they’ll get the right people that work well with [MadPea games], and then we’ll put more money into that, and then those people are going to want to get dressed. They’ll buy stuff from creators. That’s my hope. 

PR: And like Brad says, we’re talking to these big [SL] content providers. So [MadPea] is an example of a game on a HUD right. Both as a way of like Brad just said, let’s just streamline getting [new] people into those experiences, the ones that want it. 

And then we’re looking at their technology and saying, Okay, how do we make this actually accessible to a normal person? Because in the case of MadPea, their HUDs are pretty good… We gotta make [the SL tools] something that a modern developer would actually be willing to tinker with, which we are not at right now. 

Thanks to New World Notes For This Post.

Have A Great Weekend From All Of Us At Zoha Islands/ Fruit Islands/ And The Nocturne Project coming soon!

Explore The ExtraFPS Viewer

Explore the ExtraFPS Viewer with Philip Linden!


Watch Second Life founder Philip Linden as he explores and discusses the latest features of the ExtraFPS Viewer! This is the first in a series of recurring video updates that expand upon our Viewer Release Notes. Stay tuned for even more insights from Philip in the future as we continue to make changes to and improve Second Life.

This update includes:

  • HDR and Emissive Toggles: Optimize performance on older systems by adjusting these settings.
  • Voice Dot Display Options: Choose to show or hide voice dots above avatars to reduce screen clutter during events.
  • SMAA Antialiasing: Enjoy smoother visual edges with advanced antialiasing.
  • Sharpening Filter: Enhance details in your surroundings, making every scene come to life.
  • Tonemapping and Exposure Controls: Fine-tune the look of your virtual world with new settings like the Khronos Neutral tonemapper.

These improvements are not just for the official Second Life viewer but are also included in the latest Firestorm Beta. We encourage all Residents to download the latest ExtraFPS Viewer. 

Your feedback is invaluable! Please share your thoughts and experiences at to help us continue improving Second Life.

  • Read the full details about the ExtraFPS viewer in the Release Notes
  • Download the latest viewer now. 
  • Filmed on the CLAW region, built by Tiger Claw and Pink Ocean.

Have A Great Week From All Of Us At Zoha Islands/ Fruit Islands/ Nocturne Project

Enhancing the Financial Experience in Second Life


We are introducing improvements to the financial and billing systems in Second Life in partnership with Tilia, our trusted billing provider. These upgrades aim to streamline and modernize transaction processes, ensuring a more secure and reliable platform for our community. While you may notice some visual updates when interacting with payments and payouts, the overall experience will remain familiar and seamless.

What’s Changing?

These improvements leverage Tilia’s expertise to enhance how transactions are managed, tracked, and processed, with a focus on user security, compliance, and functionality. Key features include:

  • Tilia Wallet Integration: US Dollar Balances are securely managed through Tilia Wallets, providing a centralized, compliant, and reliable system for handling fiat currency.
  • User-Friendly Tools: Updates to the Second Life Marketplace, Cashier, and Account dashboards make it easier to interact with your account and manage payments.
  • Improved Payout Experience: Enhanced payout mechanisms, supported by Tilia, including faster and more payout options like direct bank deposit (coming soon).
  • Robust Security and Compliance: Tilia, a regulated financial institution, ensures secure payment processing, detailed transaction tracking, and alignment with regulatory standards.

A Secure and Reliable Framework

Through our partnership with Tilia, these updates create a more modern and sustainable foundation for managing Second Life’s economy. The system now automatically reconciles transactions nightly, allowing for accurate and efficient handling of payments and balances. Users will continue to have the flexibility to manage their balances and payment methods while benefiting from improved security and reliability.

Looking Ahead

The rollout of these updates is underway and will be completed by the end of January 2025. Residents can expect:

  • Enhanced Tools: Ongoing updates to dashboards and payment systems for an improved user experience.
  • Faster Payouts: Continued development of more flexible and efficient payout options.
  • Sustained Compliance: Alignment with regulatory requirements ensures the longevity and integrity of Second Life’s financial ecosystem.

We appreciate your patience and support as we implement these vital improvements. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please reach out to our support team here.

Thank you for being a part of Second Life as we continue to build a secure and robust platform for all residents.

FAQ Items:

Billing General Questions

  • When will the Billing Enhancements go live?
    • These updates will be released to the community on a rolling basis with everyone on the new system by the end of January 2025.
  • What will look different on the website with this upgrade? 
    • There will be many locations where you will notice an updated user interface. Tilia Widgets will provide modern, responsive layouts on the following web pages:
      • Cashier
        • image4.png
      • Billing Information – Add & Manage Payment Methods
        •   image5.png image1.png
      • Payout (Process Credit)
        • image2.png
      • Payout History
        • image3.png
    • US Dollar Balance vs. Balance Due
      • Tilia manages everything to do with your US Dollar Balance, this value is being split out as a standalone positive value. Second Life will still track and assess your Balance Due, but that value now will also always be positive. 
    • Account History
      • Your Account History page will also change to split out the positive or negative Balance Due value into these two positive values for US Dollar Balance and Balance Due. Both values can move depending on the transaction being recorded, so there may be some getting used to this layout. We plan to make improvements to this page soon.

Payouts (Process Credit) Questions

  • Will our payout fees change?
    • There will be no changes to fees for existing services. New payout types and speeds that will be coming soon may have different fees based on the underlying costs involved with those payout methods.
  • Are there any changes to Payout countries supported?
    • All payout countries supported by PayPal and Skrill will be supported by Tilia.  Additional countries may become available in the future as Tilia adds additional partners for Payouts. 
    • The following countries will no longer be supported with new payout connections:
      • Kazakhstan
      • Azerbaijan
      • Bosnia-Herzegovina
      • Russia
      • Belarus
  • What about Skrill?
    • Beginning January 30th, 2025, Skrill will no longer be available to add as a new payment or payout method. If you currently use Skrill as a payment or payout method, you may continue to do so as long as it remains active in your account. If you remove Skrill from your payment or payout methods after January 30th, 2025, you will not be able to re-add it.
  • Have A Great Week Be Sure To Check Out Nocturne Project Here

Browser-Based Access to Second Life

Limited Testing Begins Today

Linden Lab




Starting today, Second Life residents can help us test access to Second Life directly through the browser, with no download or GPU required.  Initial testing will use the standard viewer UI, but in the next phase of work we will dramatically simplify the user interface, with the overall goal of greatly improving the accessibility of Second Life for a larger audience.     

How to Participate:

  • New Residents: Beginning next week, a fraction of new registrants will be randomly selected to experience their first Second Life session through their browser during the sign-up process.
  • Existing Residents: You can try the new browser-based experience for yourself by visiting  During our test phase, the web version of Second Life is not meant to serve as a replacement for your desktop Viewer or mobile app. We are still in early experimental development of this project, so please note that capacity is limited, and wait times may occur. Session durations will be time-restricted during this phase.

Important Notes for Current Residents:

  • No Changes to Existing Viewers: The downloadable Second Life Viewer and popular Third-Party Viewers (like Firestorm) will continue to be fully supported. This browser-based initiative is an addition to existing platforms, not a replacement.
  • Testing in Progress: While we encourage you to explore the browser-based version, we kindly ask that you avoid creating new accounts just to access this feature, as this may skew our testing data.
  • Known Issues:  For the initial release of this browser-based Viewer, you cannot upload files, voice chat is not yet enabled, and chat history and preferences are not stored across sessions. However, we do plan to address some of these limitations in future updates.
  • Give Feedback: Your feedback will help us in the design process. For this first phase, we are most interested in finding any failure cases where you are unable to connect at all. 
  • Forum Post: Join the conversation in our designated forum post for this topic.  

‘Project Zero’

Our internal name for this initiative is ‘Project Zero’, because our goal is to reduce to zero the barriers to getting into Second Life:  the system requirements, the possibility of not being able to install or crashing, and the many barriers present to getting accustomed to the interface.  


To make Second Life accessible to a larger audience, we will begin by using cloud-based servers to render the world, adding a simplified, modern UI built from web components.  We will start with basic UI elements like chat and navigation, using design patterns similar to those we are using in the mobile client.  Then, working closely with Second Life content developers, we will re-write the most difficult components, such as HUDs and editing your avatar.  The final experience will be a dramatically simpler and more accessible UX, without reducing the full richness of experiencing the world.  Server-side rendering and streaming means we can increase frame rates without reducing graphic quality, while reducing and ultimately eliminating crashing and other bugs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wasn’t streaming tried in the past?   
Yes, a couple of times. However, the price/performance for the underlying streaming technology and service has changed greatly in the last couple years – partially because of the rise of AI and GPUs in the cloud. It is now possible to stream pixel-perfect 1080p with no detectable lag. As part of this experiment, we will be closely monitoring operational costs in relation to its positive impact on growth and retention for return on investment. 

Isn’t streaming too expensive?  
Yes, it is still pretty expensive, which is partly why there are limits on access right now.  But we believe that prices will continue to rapidly decline, aided in part by the interest in GPUs driven by AI projects.  SL is unique in both being very graphically rich, as well as being used by a lot of non-gamers with older PCs.  We think streaming could help bridge that gap.  

What does this mean for Firestorm and other Third-Party Viewers?  
No changes:  We aren’t changing anything with Third-Party Viewers, who remain an important and preferred way for the majority of residents to access Second Life.  We may also partner with third party viewers to experiment with streaming their versions as well.  

Do you need a fast internet connection?  
Anyone who can watch Netflix can use Second Life in the browser. And, as mentioned above, you can still access Second Life from the official or third party viewers. 

Will it work on mobile? 
No.  This project is designed for laptop and desktop access, but without the need for a download, fast CPU, or graphics card.  The streaming technology might be adapted for future mobile use, but not right now.  The SL Mobile Client is available on iOS and Google Play stores.   

What about shopping?  
In the first phase, there will be no changes to the shopping experience in Second Life. As we complete the second phase of UX changes, we will include avatar dressing, HUDs, and shopping, working closely with SL content developers.

What about avatar customization?  
Initially there will be no change, but we will start modernizing UX elements and we probably won’t get to avatar customization in Q1.  We are certain that in the long-term, there are needed changes and improvements. 

Will you charge for this in the future?   
Hopefully not.  We’ve not figured out the costs yet. 

Have A Great Weekend And don’t forget to check out The Nocturne Project  Taking waiting list spots now!


Welcome to the Nocturne Project: An Exciting New Community in Second Life!

Dear residents and adventurers of Zoha Islands Fruit Islands and ALL of Second Life,

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest community, the Nocturne Project, here on the enchanting Zoha Islands! Designed with vision and passion, Nocturne will be a beautiful addition to our beloved virtual world, providing an exceptional experience for all lovers of sailing, flying, and community engagement.

Connecting to Blake Sea

The Nocturne Project will soon seamlessly connect to the picturesque Blake Sea via the newly developed region Night Solace Welcome center and Marina, to the region Funnel. This connection not only invites exploration but opens up endless possibilities for adventures on water and air alike. Whether you prefer to sail through the shimmering waters or soar across the sky, Nocturne offers an idyllic playground for your escapades.

Community Events Galore!

Immerse yourself in a vibrant community where entertainment awaits at every corner! Nocturne will host a variety of events, including live concerts and DJ parties featuring the best music Second Life has to offer. Our prime venue, Whiskey Road, will be the heart of our community, where you can gather with friends and make new connections while enjoying fabulous live performances.

Affordable Premium Home Rentals

In Nocturne, we understand that a wonderful community experience shouldn’t come with a hefty price tag. That’s why we are proud to offer premium home rentals and parcels as well as commercial spots at accessible rates, allowing you to enjoy the luxury of a beautiful virtual home without the usual premium costs. We want everyone to be part of this exciting new community!

Building a Unique Experience

As we take on the ambitious task of developing 35 meticulously crafted regions, we ask for your patience. Each corner of Nocturne will be thoughtfully designed to ensure a unique and immersive experience, unlike anything you’ve encountered before in Second Life. We believe that, together, we can cultivate a thriving community that reflects the spirit of adventure and camaraderie.

Join Us on This Journey!

As we embark on this exciting journey to establish Nocturne, we invite you to be part of our growth story. Your involvement will help shape the future of our community, making it a vibrant space where friendships flourish and memories are made. Together, let’s build the best community Second Life has to offer!

Stay tuned for updates as we forge ahead with the Nocturne Project. We can’t wait to welcome you to our new home!

Warm wishes, And a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

The Zoha Islands Team 🌊🌌✨

Watch: Amazing Second Life Machinima Promotes New Song

And Helps It Get Real Life Radio Airplay!

This is a beautiful new machinima from auteur Teal Aurelia, but with a special new twist: It’s also a promotion for a track from real life pop singer SEMINA, who’s had several hits in her home country in the EU, but had her music career undone by the recent pandemic.

“[I] was preparing for a tour when COVID hit and it all went to hell,” as she puts it to me. “The tour was cancelled and I thought I’d never do this again.”

That led her to performing in Second Life (“it filled somewhat of a emotional void… it was enough for me not to lose my mind during the lockdown”) — and led her to discovering Teal:

Semina music SL machinima

“I knew I wanted to make a teaser for the single where the two worlds meet. It was easy to take a step into the metaverse but to take a step out of it with my own songs and not just the covers that the show goers are used to and still keep their interest was a little bit different.”

After reaching out to Teal, she shared artwork that helped inspire the SL machinima:

“I showed her my visuals through the paint doodles and Pinterest and somehow she put it together to a beautiful teaser. The video is full of easter eggs for the upcoming five track EP as it’s leading in to the first single.”

Speaking of which, a funny thing happened when Teal put the video online: Someone working at an EU radio station saw it, reached out to Semina — and put the song into airplay rotation! (I’m omitting the specific nation for privacy reasons, but if you’re in the European Union, check your local station.)

“The video has surely caught the attention of RL media,” Semina says, stoically. “What will happen, time will tell.”

As for the song, hear the whole thing here:

The track is also available on Spotify here.

Stay Tuned For NOCTURNE PROJECT UPDATES Coming this week!

Have a great week from all of us at Zoha Islands Fruit Islands and Nocturne Project.