The Cornfield — Experience the Experience Keys

The Cornfield entrance_001

“For many years, the Cornfield was a region of mythological status, where once naughty avatars were sent to think about what they had done. Rumor had it that “The Cornfield” was a vast star-lit field of corn and was cut off from communication with the rest of the world. Over the years, rumors spread across the grid of this infamous region that everyone at one time had heard about, but hardly anyone had ever seen. It was thought to be nothing but a tale…that is until now…

Present day…

A group of young explorers set out one day to explore. They teleported to the farthest reaches of the grid, when suddenly their screens went blank and their shoes went where they should never humanly ever go. All of a sudden, their screens flashed bright, and they found themselves dazed and confused inside an old creepy barn.

The barn seemed abandoned. Creaks and strange noises startled them. They could not find a way out back to humanity. They saw some baskets laying on the floor, so they picked them up, and dared to venture outside. The air was thick, and everything to be seen was enveloped in a strange, eerie mist. A huge cornfield spread out wide in front of them. The corn rustled as if something was out there…something not quite human.

As darkness approached, the strange noises grew louder, and the rustling increased. They looked at each other, faces pale in the moonlight. One of them grabbed a plank for she knew something bad was about to happen. They looked at each other once more, knowing what had to be done, and one by one, they entered the Cornfield…”

The Cornfield landing zone_003Since the Cornfield was developed using Experience Keys technology, I decided to go visit the sim. I’m not too much into horror films or anything else, but I was curious. When you tp in you actually land at a Portal Park, where you can enter several interactive games including The Cornfield. Also at the Portal Park is the entrance to the Tea Party, Linden Realms, The Wilderness, Grid Hunt, Gnome Village and Social Area.

The Cornfield entrance_003 resizedI walked down the entrance to The Cornfield. There were spooky sounds and rustling noises, a cawing crow. The lighting is eerie. The Cornfield entrance_002 resizedAs I arrived at the barn, which houses the entrance to the Cornfield, I kept looking around for the item giver to click, so I could attach the hud. I am so used to having to click and get the items I completely forgot it was using experience keys! It asked me once if I gave blanket permissions for attaching these items and after one click on yes, the rest just happened automatically upon porting through the door to the Cornfield.

The Cornfield entry walkway_004 resizedWhen you walk through the barn, you see the door to the cornfield. All you do is walk through the door and it automatically teleports you (because you’ve already given it blanket permissions through experience keys) to the cornfield itself. Again, because of experience keys, you land on the ground and a HUD attaches to your screen, and a collector basket to your back and a weapon in your hand — a board.

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The Cornfield entrance_012 resized

The Cornfield entrance_008 resizedThere are several notecards that you would be wise to collect once you TP through the door that offer you tips on the game. I personally didn’t remove or turn off my ao; I don’t like walking around like a duck. I’m not sure how taking off your ao helps in the game, but I didn’t do it so I wouldn’t know. I do, however, recommend that you take their advice and turn off “double click tp” in your preferences. I always have the setting so that “double click” in a parcel will move me to that spot via teleport (which sometimes thwarts me when store owners or land owners have their settings set to landing point only, which means that double clicking will only teleport you to the landing point, resulting in great frustration on my part when trying to get to a specific spot. I like to cam around, pick a spot to go and double click to TP there. But that’s another post for another day). In this game, when you swing your weapon, you use a mouse click to swing it, so if you have it set so double click on land teleports you to that point, when you won’t be able to kill griefers because it will constantly try to teleport you. So a word to the wise — turn that off for this game.
Here’s how you do that:

* Go to the top toolbar and select “Me”, “Preferences”, “Move and View”, and set “Single click on land” and “Double click on land” to “No action”.

It also asks you to use the region’s windlight settings and not “cheat” by having your settings on daylight. In addition, it recommends using mouselook, basically like most combat sims do. It’s easier in some ways in mouselook, and harder in other ways. Part of the game play is to collect as many corn as you can, while beating off griefers (not real SL griefers; these are what they call the bad guy in this game and they are apparitions controlled by the scripting in the game; not by someone behind an avatar (at least I don’t think so).

The Cornfield entrance_010 resizedThe point of the game is you are to collect as much corn as you can and turn them in to the bin in the barn for points. The more points you get, you can use these points to purchase better weapons and better armor in the store. With better weapons you can kill more griefers. With better armor, you can better resist a griefer. If a griefer kills you, you lose the corn you’ve collected (not the corn in the bin; just what is registered in your hud) and teleported to the graveyard at the beginning of the game.

This is where the difference between mouselook and regular view come into play. In mouselook, you get a real immserive first person view of the game. In regular view, you can more easily see griefers that come up behind you.

While the gameplay is relatively simple, in reality it is more difficult than it looks. It’s a lot of fun, although a bit spooky for me. I think that the more you play the better you will get at it, and obviously the better your weapons and armor, the easier it will be to fight off the greifers.

Here is some of the information from the game:

Cornfield HUD Key resized

The HUD will show you all the current game information:
• Amount of Corn Bucks collected.
• Amount of Corn collected. Maximum is 20 pieces of Corn. After that, you have to empty your basket at the Corn Bins.
• Amount of Health you have, according to how much damage you have taken, and how much armor you are wearing.
• Weapons – Select from a choice of weapons that you have purchased from the Company Store.
• Help – Get a help notecard.
• Plus/Minus – Minimize/Maximize HUD.

And here is the instructions that are handed out:


– Use your arrow keys to move around.

– Left click to shoot your weapon.

– Go around the Cornfield, and collect Corn, and Corn Bucks.

– Walk over the Corn, Corn Bucks, or Moonshine to collect them.

– The HUD will show how much you have collected, and will tell you when your basket is full.

– Moonshine gives you extra Health, up to the value of the armor you are wearing.

– Once your basket is full, go back to the barn, and click on the Corn Bins to turn your Corn into Corn Bucks.

– If you are in Mouselook, press “ESC” to return to normal view to click on the Corn Bins.

– Your name, the amount of Corn collected, and Corn Bucks earned will be displayed on the Leader Board inside the barn.

– The Leader Board shows the current top 5 players.

– Take the Portal to the Company Store to buy prizes, powerups, armor, and better weapons with your Corn Bucks.

– Check back often in the Company Sore for new prizes.

– You can left click with your mouse to use your weapon, and temporarily stop the Griefers from getting you.

– If you hit a Griefer enough, you can kill it. It may even drop a Corn Buck.

– The HUD will show how much Health you have.

– The more armor you buy, the higher your health capacity will be. (The total amount of health bars you can heal up to).

– There are hiding places around the Cornfield. So if you are being chased, you can run to them, and click on them to hide.

– If you hit a Griefer a lot, they can die. If they get you, you will die, and appear in the Graveyard.

– When you die, you loose the Corn you have collected. That Corn will now be on the ground in the spot where you had died, and it can
be collected by yourself, or any other player.

– At night, a Moonshine Still rezzes randomly in the Cornfield. Sit on this to restore to full health.

The Cornfield is worth visiting…if you have the nerve! And the experience keys make it amazingly easy. Once you give permissions, you do not have to give it again. When I visited a second time, I didn’t even have to click once. Experience keys remembers your choice. Should you decide to do so, you can revoke permissions.

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers
Zoha Islands Social Media Manager

It’s A Jungle Out There!

“In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight…”

And giraffes, and crocodiles, and hyenas, and wildebeests, and monkeys, and zebras, and elephants, and orangutans. In addition, there is just about every type of exotic plant there is, including some creepy eyeball plants that make a clicking sound when they blink, and focus on you when you stand next to them! This entire ecosystem has been recreated in amazing detail in Second Life at a sim aptly named The Jungle.

I visited this location and it is absolutely amazing. The detail of the animals, the flora and fauna, the sounds — everything has been carefully crafted to make you think you’ve plopped down in the middle of the Amazon. There are many fun things to do here — explore by teleport, or by foot. If you explore by foot be careful! There are cannibals and quicksand, as well as predatory animals. Clearly, it is a bit of a fantasy, as some of the things found here are not in real life…such as the eyeball plants! But it is great fun.

You can also jump in an inner tube and explore by waterway, or climb up the rope and try the zip line! This immersive envrionment is well worth a first, second, or even third look! Bookmark it and explore it again and again. There is so much to see!!

You know what was cool… when I first teleported in to the sim, Ebbe Linden was sitting on the bench! How cool is that?? I thought it was great to bump into him out and about like that. 🙂

Here are some pics from my visit. Click on them to enlarge. If you click on the first one, you can see Ebbe in the blue shirt sitting on the bench! Enjoy!

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Updates to Section 2.3 of the Terms of Service

Recently there was a change in Second 2.3 of the Terms of Service (TOS) that had many content creators and artists in SL quite alarmed, sending some running for the hills. I also manage a club in Second Life (because apparently I don’t have enough to do! hehe) and he lost his Estate Manager for his sim (he runs an artistic community sim besides the club) because she is an artist that is leaving SL. She did not want to take the chance that anything she created in Second Life would be appropriated by Linden Lab.

Recently, Linden Lab posted the following blog post in response to the general concern (read: freak out) by many in Second Life:

“When we updated our Terms of Service in August 2013, the revised language of Section 2.3, the “Service Content License,” caused concern among certain Second Life creators. The revision to this section was worded in such a way that these creators expressed concern that we intended to appropriate their original creations and sell or license such creations without their permission. As our historical practice demonstrates and as we have since tried to clarify, this was absolutely not our intent. Creators are the lifeblood of Second Life. It is you who have populated Second Life with a petabyte worth of unique content and experiences, and it is important for our collective and continued success that you remain confident in continuing to create in our world. To be clear: Linden Lab respects the proprietary rights of Second Life’s content creators and prides itself in its success in providing platforms on which users can create original content and profit from their creations.

“As part of an update to our Terms of Service today, we have made a modification to further clarify Section 2.3. The updated section still provides Linden Lab with the rights that we need in order to operate and promote Second Life, so you will see that we have retained much of the language as the previous version. However, the updated section now also includes limits that better match our intended meaning, and we hope will assuage some of the concerns we heard about the previous version.

“First, the modified version limits our rights with respect to user-created content in Second Life by restricting our use ‘inworld or otherwise on the Service.’ Additionally, it limits our right to ‘sell, re-sell or sublicense (through multiple levels)’ your Second Life creations by requiring some affirmative action on your part in order for us to do so. This language mirrors the corresponding User Content License currently in Section 2.4, which has been part of the Terms of Service for years.

“We know that the legal language of documents such as the Terms of Service can seem daunting, and we expect that some creators may continue to have concerns about particular elements of the updated agreement. Today’s revision to this section of the Terms of Service more closely expresses our intent – that we do not intend to appropriate or sell your content outside of our Service – and our hope is that the limitations clarified in the updated language of this section will support creators’ confidence in our platform.

“As with any document like this, it’s important to read the whole Terms of Service before agreeing to it. Section 2.3 isn’t the only thing that’s changed – we’ve also added the updated policy for skill gaming, which we blogged about here – but we wanted to blog about this update to be clear about what’s different in this section, what it means, and why we made the change.”

Content creators and artists: If you continue to be concerned about not being allowed to bring your creations out of SL, please consider having that section of the TOS reviewed by a RL attorney before deciding to bolt out of SL. We residents of SL really enjoy and need your beautiful content contributions to this amazing world.

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers
ZoHa Islands Social Media Manager

Linden Lab Plans SL Improvements

In a recent article in the Second Life blog, Linden Labs announces upcoming planned improvements to the Second Life platform. As promised in a recent video interview given after Linden Lab dropped the bombshell that a new virtual world was being developed, Linden Lab continues to dedicate resources to improving the current Second Life platform.

From a long list of improvements and enhancements that LL plans to bring to Second Life, they weighed priorities and scoped out a list of important projects for the next few months. They shared a few highlights from the list of projects LL will be working on so that residents are aware of what improvements to expect in the coming months. This isn’t an exhaustive list, of course, but here are a few of the initiatives LL thinks will have a big impact on improving all of our Second Life experiences.

One of those developments and improvements is Experience Keys, that I blogged about earlier.

Linden Lab posted this about Experience Keys:

Releasing Experience Keys
We recently put out a call for creators to join a limited beta for Experience Keys – new LSL functions and calls that make it possible to bypass the multiple permissions dialogs that you encounter with scripted objects today. Thanks to the applications we received, we now have enough creators to move ahead with the beta, and we’ve begun giving these beta users access the keys. The feedback we get from beta participants will help determine our next steps for making Experience Keys available to everyone, and we may start by expanding the beta group with a second group of creators.

In the meantime, though, everyone can get a sense for what’s possible with Experience Keys by downloading the Project Viewer and checking out The Cornfield game.

Improving Group Chat Performance

One of the most frustrating experiences in SL is group chat. As most of you know, group chat is notoriously laggy, resulting in either serious chat lag that makes a connected conversation impossible, or the fact that group chat just flat out refuses to open at all. I know that when I do large weddings, it is extremely helpful in trying to organize everyone that we all get into a group chat, and nine times out of ten, it just doesn’t work. It is incredibly frustrating.

Linden Lab states: “We’re carefully monitoring the effects of the changes we make to improve group chat performance, and so far, the results of efforts like upgrading the servers that host chat have been positive. We anticipate that the work to improve group chat performance will continue for some time as we identify the underlying causes of the issues, experiment with different fixes, and analyze results.”

Implementing the Chrome Embedded Framework

Linden Lab is working to upgrade the component of the viewer that is responsible for rendering web content, including the viewer splash screen (displayed before login), the content of a number of floaters, and inworld media-on-a-prim. This is important because it will fix a number of bugs (especially related to streaming media) that currently affect many Second Life users, and it will also make available many modern web features that aren’t possible with the current viewer.

Linden Lab states: “We’re making good progress on this initiative already, and expect to have an experimental Project Viewer ready for testing soon.”

More Texture and Mesh Loading Improvements

Building upon the performance enhancements made with Project Shining, LL is continuing to make improvements to how the viewer retrieves texture and mesh data from the servers. Linden Lab indiates that the next round of improvements will reduce the number of connections the viewer needs to get this data (making it easier on your router and network), while also using each connection to retrieve more data more quickly (for the technically inclined, this means that among other things we will add support for HTTP pipelining).

These improvements will mean that as you explore Second Life, objects will appear more quickly and reliably, especially for users who have longer latency connections (higher “ping times”), such as those who live outside the US.

Linden Lab states: “We have begun doing small scale testing with a selected group of users, and the early results have been great from a performance point of view. Unfortunately, we’ve also encountered a bug that we need to tackle before we can move on to releasing a project Viewer. We’re eager to move ahead as quickly as we can, and will … announce that project Viewer as soon as it’s available.”

Again, these certainly aren’t the only things LL is working on as they continue to improve Second Life, but they’re among their priority initiatives in the coming months.

It is certainly good to know that Linden Lab is clearly putting time and effort into the Second Life platform. Stay tuned here, as I will report changes and improvements as quickly as Linden Lab publishes them. Meanwhile, visit The Cornfield and check out the benefit of the Experience Keys improvements. I haven’t had time to visit it yet, but I plan to this weekend. My only concern is getting chased by someone with a chain saw! Horror flicks are not my thing!!

Have a wonderful weekend, and don’t forget to click over and check out our available land! This is a great weekend to stay indoors, keep cool and shop for your upgrade or new home today!

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers
ZoHa Islands Social Media Manager

Reducing Viewer Crashes

Firestorm viewer smallestIt’s the bane of everyone’s existence in Second Life… the dreaded viewer crash. Naturally, viewers don’t crash at opportune times; they wait until you’re getting busy with someone, or in a wedding, or doing a crucial final touches on a build you hadn’t saved. Sometimes they crash and all of a sudden the viewer just disappears. Most times, however, you suddenly can’t move, then all sound disappears and then the screen dims, accompanied by the endlessly rotating circle, and the dreaded words “Not responding” appear at the top of your screen. Since oftentimes people use the excuse “Oh, I crashed!” when trying to get out of an uncomfortable circumstance, it never fails that the viewer will crash during something critical, like your partner telling you they love you for the first time, or something equally important, and that inopportune crash looks suspicious.

The causes for these crashes vary. Sometimes if you simply cam around too much, it causes the crash. Sometimes the sim is too full, a griefer is on the sim and unleashes a graphics crasher, or computer system is out of date and doesn’t have the resources necessary to run Second Life smoothly.

Click to make larger

Click to enlarge picture

I use the Firestorm viewer, and it asks to collect crash data each time you crash. You can either choose to do this manually, or changes the settings in preferences to allow the viewer to send crash reports automatically.

Click to enlarge picture

Click to enlarge picture

So you think to yourself, why should I do that? All I want to do is get back in-world to try and repair the possibly broken relationship, broken build or continue on with what you were doing, so taking the time to send crash data just adds to the frustration of trying to get in-world. However, what you don’t realize is that the people at Linden Labs and the people at Firestorm (or whatever viewer you use) take the crash data collected, and use it to create the fixes that help reduce crashing. This means that you are helping improve things by allowing your viewer’s creators to collect the crash data. I have set mine to automatic, and it only takes a few seconds for it to collect the crash data on the next start up, and doesn’t cause any serious delays.

So that begs the question: What can we do? Many users can greatly reduce their risk of Viewer crashes by taking a few steps to update their software outside of Second Life.

Oz Linden posted in the Tools and Technology blog, offering these tips to residents some steps they can take to help reduce viewer crashes.

“The nature of Second Life as a platform for user creativity means that the Viewer faces different challenges than client software for an online game, for example, which would just need to handle the limited and carefully optimized content created by the game’s developer. This can make Second Life a demanding application for your computer and can mean that if your operating system is out of date, your Viewer is more likely to crash.

The good news is you can take steps today to help this! Here are a couple of tips:

1. Upgrade your Operating System
There is a very clear pattern in our statistics – the more up to date your operating system is, the less likely your Viewer is to crash. This applies on both Windows and Macintosh (Linux is a little harder to judge, since “up to date” has a more fluid meaning there, and the sample sizes are small). Some examples:

• Windows 8.1 reports crashes only half as often as Windows 8.0
Those of you who stuck with Windows 7 (roughly 40% of users of our Viewer right now) rather than upgrade to 8.0 made a good choice at the time; version 7 still has a much better crash rate than 8.0, but not quite as good as 8.1 (now about 15% of users), so waiting is no longer the best approach.

• Mac OSX 10.9.3 reports crashes a third less than 10.7.5
OSX rates do not have as much variation as Windows versions do, but newer is still better, and there are other non-crash reasons to be on the up to date version, including rendering improvements.

Upgrading will probably also better protect you from security problems, so it’s a good idea even aside from allowing you to spend more time in Second Life.

2, Use the 64 bit version of Windows if you can
For each version of Windows for the last several years, you have had a choice between 32 bit and 64 bit variants; if your system can run the 64 bit variant, then you will probably crash much less frequently by changing to it. While we don’t have a fully 64 bit version of the Viewer yet, you can run it on 64 bit Windows, and statistically you’ll be much better off if you do.

• Generally speaking the 64 bit Windows versions report crashes half as often as the 32 bit versions.
According to the data we collect, a little more than 20% of users are running 32 bit Windows versions; most of you can probably upgrade and would benefit by it.

If you bought your computer any time in the last 5 years, chances are very good that it can run the 64 bit version of Windows (as will some systems that are even older). Microsoft has a FAQ page on this topic; go there and read the answer to the question “How do I tell if my computer can run a 64-bit version of Windows?”. That page also explains how to do the upgrade and other useful information.

We’ll of course continue working hard to find and fix things that lead to Viewer crashes. Even as we do that, though, you can decrease your chances of crashing today by taking the steps above.”

I hope this helps with some of your viewer crashing problems. I’m sure it will probably never go away, but please help by sending your crash data to the viewer’s creators when asked. This will help all of us improve our experience.

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers
ZoHa Islands Social Media Manager

Skill Gaming Regions in SL

New regulations are afoot for skill gaming in Second Life. According to the new blog post, Linden Lab is revising its gaming policy. Gambling has always been, and will continue to be strictly prohibited by the TOS (Terms Of Service). Gambling is considered to be operating, or participating in, a game of chance that provides a Linden Dollar payout. However, there are many jurisdictions in SL where games of skill are legally permitted, and result in a payout of Linden Dollars. The difference being one is a game of chance (gambling) and a game of skill (winning Lindens for achievements).

Since the games of skill are becoming increasingly popular, Linden Lab has decided to update it’s TOS. Skill games that offer Linden Dollar payouts will still be allowed; however the new TOS dictate that these games will be limited to a specific Skill Gaming Regions only. Beginning August 1, 2014, this new region designation will be available for those SL residents wishing to convert their regions to Skill Gaming Regions.

Second Life residents who wish to convert their regions to Skill Gaming Regions can do so by contacting Linden Lab in accordance with Linden Lab’s Land Policy. Linden Lab states that “Due to the additional administrative and compliance-related costs associated with these regions, the monthly maintenance fees will be greater than those for regular regions in Second Life. We will include Skill Gaming Regions as a new category in our Destination Guide (unless the owner requests its removal). As a resident, you will be able to check the setting of each region to verify that it has been recognized by Linden Lab for the placement, operation, and use of approved Skill Games.”

Those wishing to become approved operators can apply now. Due to processing and compliance-related costs associated with maintaining this program, there is a one-time nonrefundable application fee as well as a quarterly license fee (waived through December 31, 2014, upon approval of an application) for those designated as approved operators. Linden Lab will maintain a public wiki page of operators.

Creators of skill games can apply to become an approved creator and to have their games approved beginning immediately. Due to processing and compliance-related costs associated with maintaining this program, there is a one-time nonrefundable application fee as well as a quarterly license fee (waived through December 31, 2014, upon approval of an application) for those designated as approved creators. Linden Lab will maintain a public wiki page of approved creators and their approved games of skill.

Residents need to meet relevant age requirements in order to access these new regions. If you are not eligible, you will receive an error message. However, you are responsible for knowing which jurisdictions are prohibited and the requisite ages of participation and not attempting to access a Skill Gaming Region if you do not qualify. Attempts to circumvent the controls will constitute a violation of the Skill Gaming Policy and Terms of Service.

The details of the revised policy can be found here, and this is a summary of how it will work:

• Skill games that offer Linden Dollar payouts will be allowed in Skill Gaming Regions only.

• Only operators approved by Linden Lab will be allowed to run skill games that offer Linden Dollar payouts on Skill Gaming Regions.

• Creators of skill games that wish to make them available in Second Life may do so only through Skill Gaming Regions and only after the games have been approved by Linden Lab.

• Access to Skill Gaming Regions will be restricted to Second Life users who are of sufficient age and are located in a jurisdiction that Linden Lab permits for this kind of online gaming activity.

In summary, skill games that offer Linden Dollar payouts will be allowed in Second Life, but each game, its creator, its operator, and the region on which it is operated must be approved by Linden Lab.

These changes are effective as of August 1, 2014, and applications for approved creators and approved operators are now being accepted at Echosign.

If you live in a jurisdiction where gaming is permitted and you plan on playing these games in Skill Gaming Regions in Second Life, you should not need to do anything differently. However, adding payment information on file now is a good way to ensure you’re able to play as soon as Skill Gaming Regions are live.

Linden Lab has created an FAQ page to address what are likely to be the most common questions at this point. They plan to update that as needed and will keep an eye on the forums and other community discussion channels so that LL can help clarify anything that might seem confusing as this update goes into effect.

Basically you need to comply with the age requirement, have payment on file in order to play the games, and ensure that the region and the games you are playing are authorized by Linden Lab.

ZoHa Islands has a strict policy against third party sims. We will not be applying for any of our sims to be authorized Skill Gamging sims because of the tight regulations, increased costs and there are many legal reasons that come into play. Thus if you currently are using any of ZoHa Islands land for skill gaming, they will have to be removed no later than August 1, 2014. Please see ZoHa Island management for further clarification.

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers
ZoHa Islands Social Media manager