👩‍💻 Scripting changes coming soon

News from the Second Life Team – January 2024 Edition


Happy New Year! We’re off to a great start to the year at the Lab and happy to share more Second Life updates with you. You’ll find news on scripting additions, PBR Materials, Project Viewers, and an update on the Second Life Mobile Private Alpha program. Enjoy!

A handful of new, useful scripting features will be getting released in the coming weeks:


LSL’s old llMD5 function has a significant flaw: it always adds a “:” character to the input string. This makes it useless for most hashing purposes. Enter: llComputeHash! This new function can generate a hash of an input string using any of the following hashing algorithms: md5, md5_sha1, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512.

default {
touch_start(integer count) {
string message = your-test-message-here;
list algorithms = [md5, md5_sha1, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512];
integer algorithmCount = llGetListLength(algorithms);
llOwnerSay(message=’ + message + );
integer i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < algorithmCount; ++i) {
string algorithm = llList2String(algorithms, i);
string hash = llComputeHash(message, algorithm);
llOwnerSay(algorithm + = + hash);


You know how it takes an incredible amount of time for your furniture to boot up after resetting its scripts? Argh! Yeah, it’s annoying, and likely due to your sofa/throne/maypole reading configuration from one or more notecards in its inventory.

The new llGetNotecardLineSync function makes loading data from notecards in object inventory much faster by providing a synchronous access method with the caveat that the notecard must be in the region’s asset cache.

string NOTECARD_NAME = notecard;
key gLineCountId;
default {
state_entry() {
// Request number of notecard lines.
gLineCountId = llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(NOTECARD_NAME);
dataserver(key id, string data) {
if (id != gLineCountId) { return; }
integer count = (integer)data;
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
string line = llGetNotecardLineSync(NOTECARD_NAME, i);
if (line == EOF) {
else if (line == NAK) {
else {

BTW, if you’re interested in knowing more about the scripts that power a huge amount of Second Life’s furniture, vehicles and more check out the open source AVsitter project. 🪑

llGetCameraAspect, llGetCameraFOV, and llWorldPosToHUD

Several functions have been added to help content creators position HUDs:

  • llGetCameraAspect – Returns the aspect ratio of the wearer’s screen as a float (width/height)
  • llGetCameraFOV – Returns a float value for the current camera’s field of view
  • llWorldPosToHUD – Returns HUD position of an in-world object
integer gHasPerms = FALSE;
function printCameraInfo() {
float aspect = llGetCameraAspect();
float fov = llGetCameraFOV();
llOwnerSay(aspect = + (string)aspect + FOV = + (string)fov);
default {
on_rez(integer a) {
state_entry() {
llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA);
run_time_permissions(integer perms) {
gHasPerms = TRUE;
touch_start(integer count)
if (gHasPerms) {
} else {
llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA);

Scripting roadmap

Status of these upcoming changes and more are visible on Second Life’s new public road visible at feedback.secondlife.com. If you have ideas or feedback on the scripting system check out the Scripting Features and Scripting Bugs boards.

🧪 Project Viewers

😀 Emoji

This viewer is also in RC and is based on a contribution by Kitty Barnett, and adds the ability to insert emojis in text chat.

Maintenance W

This Viewer brings many fixes (see list here), including a fix to a long standing issue with voice failing after quickly restarting your viewer

Maintenance X

This Viewer brings many usability improvements, including:

  • Saving you some clicks by allowing the deletion of folders containing worn items. 
  • In case you only wish to detach, Alt+Shift+R will now detach selected attachments so you can remove those less fashionable items at rapid speed.
  • The time format has been changed to show the more superior SLT instead of PDT.
  • The group join fee will be shown when leaving a group so you can be extra sure you want to leave it.
  • Shift+Alt+N will now open the Notifications floater 
  • Group notices can now be accessed directly from the People floaters Groups tab. Hover that mouse cursor over the group name for access.
  • Group notices will now default as being sorted by date with the newest first 

Maintenance Y

With this Viewer, you can now preview your outfit photos when hovering your cursor over outfits in the Outfit floater. You can also now remove locations from history via the context menu located in the Places floaters Visited tab.


See the list of additional fixes here.

Default Viewer

🎨 GLTF PBR Materials

At the end of November, we announced in this blog post that PBR became available grid wide! The PBR Materials project brings increased realism and enables bringing GLTF content into Second Life with expected results. Now you can create scenes with real reflections which mimic how our eyes have learned to identify that a surface is metal, plastic, or some other material. Whether you create objects in Second Life or simply enjoy seeing and wearing them, PBR Materials will provide a big step up in the appearance of the Second Life world.

Individually faceted disco ball reflections

As of January 8th, 2024, the PBR Materials Maintenance 1 viewer became the default viewer for Second Life. See Release Notes here. There are 17 new Materials available in the Library so you can start building with PBR today!

📱 Mobile Update

On December 12th, we announced our Mobile Private Alpha, bringing the richness of the Second Life virtual world to your Android or iOS mobile device. Qualifying Premium Plus members can apply now for the Private Alpha. If you are Premium Plus, you can learn more at this link.

Check out this video if you haven’t already!

We’ve had an incredible amount of interest, so if you’ve applied but haven’t been added yet, you’re still on our list. Future testers will be added and notified as the Private Alpha continues to expand. Thanks again for your patience as we process the ongoing demand and we look forward to your participation!

Have A Great Weekend From All Of Us At Zoha Islands/Fruit Islands

New JIRA Changes Are Now Live!

Hot off the presses!
by Community Manager Linden Lab on ‎03-06-2014 02:52 PM

 As we blogged about last week, we’re making some changes to our JIRA implementation to make our bug reporting system a more transparent and productive experience. We just wanted to take a moment to let everyone know that these changes are now live!

One of the questions we’ve seen in the past week is how previously submitted issues would be treated – namely, will those also be viewable by everyone and open for comment prior to being triaged?

While we want to make issues visible for the reasons described in our last post, we’re not going to extend this to old issues, because at the time they were created, users knew that those reports would have limited visibility and they may have included sensitive and/or private information. We don’t want to take information that someone thought would be private and suddenly make that visible to everyone, so the new visibility settings will apply only to new issues.

Changes to JIRA Implementation


This was posted by Linden Labs on Feb. 28, 2014. It has some great information and announces changes to the JIRA which is a bug reporting system for SL users. Read on:

By Community Manager Linden Lab ‎02-28-2014 09:44 AM – edited ‎02-28-2014 09:55 AM

“Today, we’re happy to announce some changes to our JIRA implementation – the system we use to collect, track, and take action on bugs reported by users. You’ll see these changes take effect next week.

Recently, this system was working in a way that wasn’t very transparent, and it frankly wasn’t a good experience for the users who care enough about Second Life to try to help improve it, nor was it the best set-up for the Lindens tasked with addressing these issues. So you can see why we’re happy to be changing it!

Moving forward, we’re going to make our JIRA implementation a more transparent experience. All users will be able to see all BUG issues, all the time. You’ll be able to search to see if there are duplicates before submitting an issue, and if there’s a bug that’s particularly important to you, you can contribute your info to it and see when it’s been Accepted and imported to the Linden team.

You’ll also be able to comment. Before an issue is triaged, everyone can comment to help isolate and describe the issue more clearly. Do remember, there are some basic guidelines for participation that need to be followed. Once an issue is Accepted and imported by Linden Lab’s QA team, the original reporter will still be able to comment, as will Lindens and a small team of community triagers – a group that includes some third party Viewer developers and others selected by Linden Lab for having demonstrated skills in this area. This group has been invaluable in helping to keep the bug database orderly and cross-referenced as well as troubleshooting bugs before they’re triaged, and we’re glad to have their continuing help with this process.

Lastly, “New Feature Request” is back! If you’ve got a great idea for a feature, you don’t need to slip it through the system disguised as a bug report – just select the “New Feature Request” category when you submit. Commenting for this category will work just like for bug reports, and submitting improvements through this category will make things much easier for the Linden team reviewing these. Please remember that JIRA is an engineering tool – it’s not meant for policy discussions and the like nor is it a replacement for the Forums, where you can have all kinds of stimulating discussions.

If you’re one of the many who have taken the time to submit a bug report through the JIRA system – thank you! We really appreciate your work in tracking down the issues, and it’s a significant help to us as we continue to improve Second Life.

We think these changes will make for a better, more transparent and more productive experience for all of us, but if you have additional ideas on ways to improve our implementation, you can share them with us in this Forum thread.”

You can find the article here: Changes to Our JIRA Implementation

Thank you, and I always remain respectfully yours,

~ Suzanne Piers, ZoHa Islands Social Media Manager