One Billion Rising Event in SL coming this Saturday, Feb. 14th

In January, I blogged about the annual One Billion Rising event that was coming to SL in February, and the time is nearly here! I am honored to be part of the press corp for this event, and will be invited to preview the sims tomorrow morning. I am looking forward to touring them.

Meanwhile, please plan on attending this meaningful and worthwhile event this Saturday! One Billion Rising in Second Life will run for twenty four hours – from midnight to midnight SLT on Saturday, February 14th.

The regions will open at 11pm SLT on February 13th to allow you to make your way to the event in good time for the opening. There are landing points on all fours regions. If it is difficult to get into one region, try another.

Here are the SLurls: (These are clickable links)

One Billion Rising in SL 2015 — OBR Change
One Billion Rising in SL 2015 — OBR Dance
One Billion Rising in SL 2015 — OBR Drum
One Billion Rising in SL 2015 — OBR Rise

Here is a map of the event:

Map of the OBR regions

Map of the OBR regions

There is a central stage where there will be music and dance balls available throughout the day. In addition, there is a poetry and performance stage on OBR Dance, where there will be special dance performances, poetry readings and a poetry workshop. There will also be a media center in the Sculpture Garden on OBR Change where several TV and radio shows are being recorded and/or broadcast over the course of the weekend.

Check the event schedule page on the website to find out more. Click on the following link: One Billion Rising Event Schedule

The music will continue till 11:59 p.m. SLT. The regions will be open for a further 24 hours (until midnight on Sunday, February 15th) to allow people to explore the art installations at a quieter time.

What is One Billion Rising?
One Billion Rising began in RL as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. With the world population at 7 billion, this adds up to more than one billion women and girls. This calls for a radical shift to end the global epidemic of abuse that women face worldwide.

With the tagline “Drum, Dance & Rise,” women, men and youth will plan, lead, and participate in actions, dance, political and artistic events, and rallies — or Risings — in hundreds of countries on (and around) the date of February 14th to highlight, spark, and mobilize artistic and community-based initiatives to bring in the new revolutionary world of equality, dignity, and freedom for all women and girls.

One Billion Rising in Second Life 2015
The Second Life event will feature a four-region stage where 200 people can come together to dance, surrounded by an area of art installations, an arena for poetry and dramatic productions, and informational exhibits. A variety of performers will play over the 24-hour period and poetry and dramatic events will be held at different times, enabling people all over the world to attend this virtual event no matter their timezone. The regions will have a General maturity rating to allow all residents an opportunity to participate. Pictures are welcome on the event’s Flickr group.

The objective of the event is to raise awareness, not to raise funds; however, information about real-world organizations will be available for those wishing to donate. If you’d like to join the group, search for OBR’s Second Life Group: One Billion Rising.

Here are some clickable links:

OBR’s Facebook Page
OBR’s Twitter Stream
OBR’s Flickr Group
Main One Billion Rising for Justice page

OBR 2015 in SL Artistic Uprising

OBR 2015 in SL Music events

OBR 2015 in SL Poetry and Performance

I hope you will come out and support this worthwhile cause. See you there!

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers, ZI Social Media

Snowball Warzone Showdown 2015!

Snowball Warzone Showdown THe 2015 Snowball Warzone Showdown is happening this Friday, February 6th from 10:00 a.m. SLT to Noon SLT.

I just heard about this today and thought it would be worth posting, in case some of you can make it, despite the late notice. Unfortunately, I cannot attend because I am at RL work at that time. Should be a blast! Click on this link for the Facebook Page: Snowball Warzone Showdown.

“Come pelt some Lindens and fellow Residents with snowballs in a frozen field free-for-all at Winter Wonderland. That’s right – between 10 AM SLT and noon SLT on Friday, February 6th, we’re holding a meetup inworld at the Snowball Warzone. Get your free snow launching weapon, gather your posse, and prepare to say hello to some Linden friends for a full on flurry of snow-slinging fun.”

Click here for the SLURL: Winter Wonderland, home of Snowball Warzone Showdown!

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers, ZI Social Media

Buried: MadPea’s Newest Adventure!

Buried logoToday, February 1st at Noon, MadPea’s latest interactive and immersive grid-wide point and click adventure game began!

This highly-anticipated event had the writers and creators working feverishly to put the finishing touches on the game in order to be ready for their opening at noon. Once opened, MadPea gamers, or “Peas” as they like to be called, began flooding the sim. I have been a huge MadPea fan for several years now, and I always wait with baited breath for the newest event. Sometimes a hunt, sometimes a game, but one thing that you can always count on — it will stretch your imagination and tax your deductive skills, sometimes even frustrate you beyond belief — but you always know that with MadPea, you expect the unexpected.

Not only do participants in these events have a grand adventure, but they end up with some amazing prizes at the end.

As the minutes ticked by towards Noon slt, you could almost see the Peas at the door, hands flat on the glass, eyes fever bright in anticipation, breath fogging up the glass. Excitement sends a frisson down the sim when you see the group notice come through — “We are proud and excited to open our first game of the year – BURIED!” I immediately TP’d over and bought my game hud for $300L.

This is the welcome message:

“Welcome to BURIED the game by MadPea Productions.
You have landed on an island that a few decades ago was used frequently by campers. The islands you see ahead of you are privately owned by Lily and Joshua Morano. It’s the end of June and Lily has been missing for two weeks. The police hasn’t found any clues about her whereabouts and Joshua is getting desperate. He would do anything to have his loving wife back and has offered a $500 000 reward for the person who finds Lily. That massive reward is the reason you (and hundreds of others) are here for.”

When you wear your HUD, you get this message:
“You are equipped only with your tablet. Additional accessories to get immersed into the story with can be purchased from the store at the landing point. Start the game by exploring the island and finding clues about Lily and what could have happened to her. We recommend that you take the boat, it’s a long way to swim and the waves are unpredictable. Good luck, Player! If you should require any help, you can always ask in MadPeas’ group chat. The map icon takes you always back to the landing point.”

As always, MadPea continues to outdo itself with each event.

I was able to explore the first couple of islands, but then had to log to real life for awhile. Now, the sims are full and I cannot get on. I am not quite sure what I’m looking for, but I know the theme of this game is about a missing woman who was writing a book on geocaching. It should be fabulous!

To start the game, purchase your hud at the store by clicking this link: Buried by MadPea

For more information, click on the link here to go to their blog: MadPea Blog

The best thing about MadPea is the community. The Peas are all ready, willing, and able to give hints to anyone who wishes a helping hand. Just join the group, and ask in group chat and someone will IM you. Everyone is friendly, kind and helpful.

Here are some pics I took today:

Buried hud_002

Buried souvenir shop_001

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I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers, ZI Social Media

Dori Helstein Designs Presents Photographer Rhy Breil

Rhy Photographer
Like many people, Dori Helstein was drawn to Second Life because of the myriad of artists and creators in-world. “It’s what keeps me here,” she says.

As a result of her love of art and all things creative, Dori opened an art gallery in Second Life nearly a year ago, to showcase some of SL’s best talent. Her store, Dori Helstein Designs, can be found by clicking this link: Dori Helstein Designs

Dori Helstein

Dori Helstein

Dori’s love of artistic expression in SL is evident within moments of meeting her.
“I am a supporter of arts in SL, thus I decided to use part of my gallery store to exhibit new or relatively new RL artists in SL. DH Designs Art Events will host about 2-3 artists per year, [and] each will run two months long. The event is for people to enjoy the art, but they can also acquire the art if they so wish.”

Dori’s latest find is RL photographer Rhy Breil. Rhy is currently exhibiting his photography at her gallery, and will be there February 1st through March 30th. All are invited to his Gallery Opening Sunday, Feb. 1st, from 6pm to 8pm SLT t browse Rhy’s RL photography, and purchase any that strikes your fancy. All photos come framed and are resizeable.

Rhy is from North Carolina and has been doing photographs for a number of years. His work is varied and includes urban scenes and landscapes to suit most any taste.

“I have known Rhy and his work for about 3 years,” Dori stated. “And I have seen him grow and develop so much it is astounding. I knew he was ready for a showing in SL. He is a very easy going person and humble about his art. Even then, we have 39 photos exhibited here.”

I was invited by Dori to preview the exhibit, and was very impressed with the beautiful RL photography that he has created and brought into SL, and which would look wonderful any SL home or business. His photographs have bucolic landscapes, edgier abstracts, sepia-toned photos of old vehicles, and Noir street scenes. Dori also tells me that Rhy has some amazing photos of North Carolina’s coastline, which she hopes to have him exhibit, also.

Rhy’s collection has four series, or areas so you will see the signs marking each one.

1) Whispered Lives
2) Life’s Abstractions
3) Past as Motion
4) Vie Noir Series

Rhy Breil Bio 2015 DH Gallery Exhibit

Please plan on attending the opening reception of this amazing photographer on Feb. 1st at 6pm. Here is the link to the gallery: Photography by Rhy Breil

If you can’t make the gallery opening (I hear there is some football game tomorrow… hehe), please plan a visit to the gallery and wander, absorbing the beauty of these photographs and even purchasing one or two if you are so inclined. They are well worth the price.

Here are some photographs I took of the gallery. Enjoy, and hope to see you there!

Rys Briel_005

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I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers, ZI Social Media

One Billion Rising — Revolution for Change

I received a note card inworld about One Billion Rising — an event that started in Second Life in 2013 and continues today. February 14th is the day chosen for Second Life’s One Billion Rising events.

The One Billion Rising website (that’s a clickable link) describes it’s beginnings and the objective of the event:

“ONE BILLION RISING began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. With the world population at 7 billion, this adds up to more than ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS. On February 14, 2013, men and women in Second Life will join activists, writers, thinkers, celebrities, and people across the world to Walk, Dance, and Rise as a show of unity, individual strength, and the need for change.

The Second Life event will feature a four-region stage where 200 people can dance together, surrounded by an area of art installations and informational exhibits. A variety of performers will play over the 24-hour period, enabling people all over the world to attend this virtual event no matter their timezone. The regions will have a General maturity rating to allow all residents an opportunity to participate. Pictures are welcome on the event’s Flickr group.

The objective of the event is to raise awareness, not to raise funds; however, information about real-world organisations will be available for those wishing to donate.

One Billion Rising in Second Life is sponsored by: Alchemy Immortalis; Bits and Bobs Animations; Cheeky Pea; The Domineaux Effect; Dutchie; Galland Homes; Garden of Dreams; Gos Boutique; Gwen Carillon Designs/Serenite; Heart Garden Centre; Kaerri; MadPea; Maven Homes; Meshworx; Prime; and Spargel and Shine. In-kind sponsors are: caLLie cLine; Fruit Islands; L’aize Dayz; KittyCatS!; and Prim Perfect Publications.”

This is the information on the note card I was given:

“On February 14th 2013, one billion people in 207 countries rose and danced to demand an end to violence against women and girls.

On February 14th 2014, we escalated our efforts, calling on women and men everywhere to Rise, Release, Dance, and demand Justice!

Now, on February 14th 2015, we are calling for a revolution for change.

Change can happen if grassroots movements and marginalized communities are in the lead.

Change can happen if we demand accountability – making sure our justice calls last year are realized. We are going to continue to demand justice, and will continue to highlight the issues surrounding the social injustices inflicted on women, and to keep highlighting where these issues connect. We will continue to challenge institutions, governments, policies, laws – and make these systems, which are responsible for creating situations of poverty and violence, accountable.

Change can happen if we harness our creativity and energy. We will highlight, create and envision new, brave and radical artistic initiatives to bring in the new revolutionary world of equality, dignity and freedom for all women and girls. There is nothing more powerful than art as a tool for transformation.

Change can happen if…WE ACT NOW. AND WE ACT TOGETHER.Change can happen if…WE ACT NOW. AND WE ACT TOGETHER.

One Billion Rising in Second Life 2015
In Second Life, we will be marking the occasion (as we did last year) with a twenty-four hour one day event that will allow women and men to gather. There will be music, there will be art installations and exhibitions, there will be poetry sessions, there will be storytelling events, there will be live dramatic performances, there will be dancing – and there will be information kiosks that will share information about organizations devoted to promoting justice for women across the globe, and stories of events that will be happening around the world.

The Second Life event will feature a four-region stage where 200 people can dance together, surrounded by an area of art installations and informational exhibits. A variety of performers will play over the 24-hour period, enabling people all over the world to attend this virtual event no matter their timezone. The regions will have a General maturity rating to allow all residents an opportunity to participate. Pictures are welcome on the event’s Flickr group.

This is not an event to raise money – although you will find information about organizations that need funding. But our primary goals are to draw people together and to raise awareness.

What can you do?
You can attend the event!

You can send us information about groups known to you that we can add to the informational kiosks. How can you do this? You can write to or post on our Facebook page (that’s a clickable link).

You can spread the word about One Billion Rising in Second Life amongst your friends, your communities and through social media.

You can volunteer to help us organize the event – by completing this form by clicking here: How Can I Join In?

We need greeters, security, stage managers, media liaison and information processors, who will help build the information that will go into our displays.

You can add your reasons for rising to our special Why I’m Rising page by clicking here: Why I’m Rising

If you would like to be a sponsor for the event, contact Samantha Ohrberg in-world.

If you would like to be part of our special Press Day, you can complete this form by clicking here: Information for the Press

Change can happen if…WE ACT NOW. AND WE ACT TOGETHER.”

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers, ZI Social Media

Valhalla Outlaws MC’s Enchanting Winter Wonderland

“Truly, I am so very grateful to the people and sponsors who help us make this event possible. I’ve been asked many times why I focus on doing charity in SL, when I could just drop some cash off or send some. And the reason I bust my butt in here is simple. Or to me it’s because not everyone can just drop $50 in a donation jar. But most people can drop $50L in one.” ~ Jayda Ronin

VOMC T4T 2014 Invite PosterRecently, I was contacted by Jayda Ronin (jayda lycheborne), because her motorcycle club was looking for a full prim sim to hold their annual Toys For Tots charity event. ZoHa Boa, the owner of ZoHa Islands, graciously agreed to rent the land to her at a reduced price as a contribution to their charitable event. I put her in touch with a salesperson at ZoHa Islands and she got Jayda all set up with her land. To visit the sim, click on the SLURL here.

Jayda’s elves worked long, hard hours and transformed this sim into an amazing, wonderous Winter Wonderland in only four days!

This sim isn’t open to the general public until Friday, Dec. 5th at Noon SLT. I was fortunate enough to be invited early and was given a tour and a sneak peek of this amazing sim. When I first landed, I was enchanted! This wonderful, magical place truly embodies the spirit of the Christmas season. The sim is positively gorgeous. The windlight setting, the snow, the builds, the snow (I liked the snow; can you tell??) — it was breathtaking. I shivered in RL because it was so realistic.

Jayda Ronin

Jayda Ronin

Jayda is very passionate about her charitable work. As founder and president of the Valhalla Outlaws Motorcycle Club (VOMC), she is the heart of this organization. She is tough on the outside, but inside she has a heart of gold. She will tell you herself, “I’m an asshole… but I’m the nicest asshole you’ll ever meet… and I feel very strongly about helping the underdog.”

This humble woman brushes off any attempt to give her credit for the charitable work that the VOMC does. “My crew will tell you it’s mostly me, but I say it’s a group effort. Because I wouldn’t be able to do what I do, without them.”

Jayda formed the VOMC in 2011. Jayda states: “I formed the VOMC with my former partner and still one of my best friends . . . and our goal when we made the MC was for the purpose of giving back. We started as a group of about 12 DJ’s and a few creators who wanted to give back, so that collectively we did something in SL that wasn’t all about us.”

The VOMC holds rallies for charities all year long. “We do Toys for Tots every year at this time, and we do annually as well, which is the National Alliance for Mental Illness. Then we participate in RFL, and we’ve done, the BCA Rockfest for Breast Cancer etc. Basically when we aren’t doing our own big ones, we support the others. Several of us help out Soco with her Autism one.” Jayda says.

Jayda credits Nan Ember of Nanscapes as the genius behind the creation. Nan’s profile states simply: “I do sim landscaping. If you are interested please contact me for pictures of my work.” Having seen the transformation of this sim in only four days, I would highly recommend her work. But don’t take my word for it; come see the Winter Wonderland for yourself! (this SLURL won’t be valid until Noon on Friday, Dec. 5th, don’t forget!).

The Winter Wonderland will be open December 5th through December 14th. All sorts of events are planned (see schedule later in this post) but if you want to visit the sim between events, the public is warmly welcome. Highlights of things to do include:

• Carriage rides
• Flying reindeer that are ride-able (and steer-able!)
• A platform in the sky for bowl sleds to ride and shoot across the ice
• A huge frozen pond for skating, hot chocolate, and of course snowball throwing

There are so many spots to stop and enjoy a little peace and tranquility. This sim has an amazing feel of winter, with ice and swirling, falling snow! There is a photo contest that is going to be held for the duration of the Rally. There will also be three big production concerts, as well:

• In This Moment
• Celebrity Christmas
• Disney on Ice.

There is also some fun-filled Gachas, and all proceeds go to Toys for Tots. And of course there are Toys For Tots donation kiosks scattered throughout the sim.

The Photo Contest Boards are at the landing point of the sim. There is a cost of L$10 to enter, and L$10 to vote. Vote as often as you’d like, but you can’t vote for yourself. There will be a minimum of L$1,000 given for first place. Make sure you thoroughly explore the sim, as there are LOTS of places to take pictures. This contest is open to ALL ages. Please remember this is a General Sim and open to ALL. (in other words, keep your bits covered).

Please follow these simple rules:

• Photos must be taken on the VOMC Winter Wonderland sim, and it CANNOT BE PHOTOSHOPPED. You may use windlight settings.
• Only 1 entry per person

During the live Dj events, gift cards and prizes from the event’s sponsors will be handed out to those who have dressed in the theme of the event. There are no contest boards. Everyone gets a treat! ‘Tis the Season!

All times are SLT

Friday, Dec 5th
4-6pm – DJ Reb Redgrave – Come as you are
6pm – In This Moment Concert
7:30pm – Seven Ronin

Saturday, Dec 6th
4-6pm – DJ Canuck – Best in Silver & Gold
6-8pm – DJ Nan Ember – Best in White

Sunday, Dec 7th
4-6pm – DJ Skokamo Auer – Best in Christmas Elves
6-8pm – DJ Silky Lioncourt – Best in Winter Wear

Monday, Dec 8th
4-6pm – DJ Beauwolf Wilder – Best in Nutcracker
6-8pm – DJ Carina Darkfury – Best in Blue & Silver

Tuesday, Dec 9th
4-6pm – DJ Beauwolf Wilder – Best in Santa’s Workshop
6-8pm – DJ Mukren Kush – Best in Ugly Sweater

Wednesday, Dec 10th
4-6pm – DJ Jimmmy Sharktooth – Best Wrapped
6-8pm – DJ Shealynn Cardone – Best in Peppermint

Thursday, Dec 11th
4-6pm – DJ Shibari Metall – BEST IN 80’s Christmas ( attire )
6-8pm – DJ Shealynn Cardone – Best in Holiday Hats

Friday, Dec 12th
4-6pm – DJ Mukren Kush – Best in Red and Gold
6pm — Celebrity Christmas Concert Tribute

Saturday, Dec 13th
4-6pm – DJ Trouble ( Axl Berkmans ) – Best in Merry Mint ( green & white )
6pm – Disney On Ice Tribute

Sunday, Dec 14th – LAST RALLY DAY!
4-6pm DJ Khor – BAD SANTA Event
6-8pm – Winter Formal and Closing Party – DJ Carina Darkfury.

Below are some pictures that I took while on the sim. But truly you must visit this amazing place in person. And drop some Lindens in the donation kiosks while you’re there.

For more information or inquiries, please contact Jayda Ronin in-world.

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers, ZI Social Media Manager.