New Family Orientated HUB Shopping & Activities Community – Introducing Bitty Bazaar

Bitty Bazaar is located on one of ZoHa Islands Region “Marbella Bay” and is a new up and coming family orientated community full of vendors, activities, places to explore and visit as well as club events, story times and classes for all.   There is a creators lab for builders and creators to utilize as well. We spoke to owner Delilah Greyson (amoralie.triellis) about the event and this is what she had to say:

“Bitty Bazaar is a 24/7 collection of over 200 shops that cater to the kid community. While we’re not an event, we do host frequent festivities in our Kids Hangout and all around our sim! We opened our doors just a few weeks ago – on July 1st, 2017. We’ve been so excited to hear so many positive things about our little world.

The kid community is full of so many talented, awesome people that we wanted to create a place that brought us all together. There aren’t many dance clubs or hangouts like the adult community has – so we thought it was time to fix that. Our sim consists of 6 separate islands surrounding Town Square, which hold over 200 shops – all kid related! Not just kid creators are welcome, adult stores that have furniture or hair that kids can use are welcome to be a part of our collective.

Not just kids are allowed either – its a place for babies, kids, teens, and families to spend time together and meet others while finding new creators to love!”

6 Themed Locations Include: 

Bittipop Candy Shop, Bitty Carnival, Bitty Bay, BittyBrook Forest, IttyBitty Unicorn City and Bitty Beyond.

Creators Lab for Builders and Designers:

A space for creating and idea sharing, teaching, sharing and just building with people with like interests.  So many people build alone on their platforms why not be around people who do the same as you?

A Unique Shopping Hud Experience:

When you arrive at Bitty Bazaar (after July 1st, 2017) you can pick up a
FREE shopping HUD. Over 200 designers, events, communities, and
creators are waiting for you to discover them!

You’ll no doubt find many stores that you’ll want to visit. But instead of
gathering an inventory full of LMs, you’ll simply click on their save box to
save their LM to your Shopping HUD!

After you’re done browsing at Bitty Bazaar, you can begin teleporting to
all of the places you saved. You can even shop while you’re at home! The
Bitty Bazaar HUD has a full directory of shops that you can save straight
from your HUD.

Linden Lab Special Interactive Gift for 14th Birthday

To celebrate, Linden Lab has put together a special (and somewhat mysterious) gift set.

We’re not entirely sure what a Sananok is, but the Moles assure us they are friendly creatures that tend to keep to themselves and need a good home. Each Sananok avatar comes with a mysterious egg, which is  in fact so mysterious, not even the Moles know what it will hatch into.

Sananok Avatar


A wearable avatar that includes a shape and an alpha layer.

Mysterious Egg  (Rezzable or wearable)


Things you can do with the egg:

  • Rez it out your parcel, make it feel at home.
  • Add it to your avatar to carry it around with you (perhaps for a night on the town?).
  • Have a tea party with it, it’s all good.

Keep an eye on your Egg as it will, from time to time, tell you things (like when it’s getting ready to hatch!).

Stop by the SL14B Birthday Regions and grab this gift from any of the gift kiosks available!

Second Life hits its 14th Anniversary this Summer!

Second Life hits its 14th Anniversary this summer. That’s definitely worthy of a celebration, and you do not have to wait until the actual Anniversary, June 23rd! to start enjoying the fun.

The Shopping Event takes place in a large indoor mall atmosphere, with a plethora of 60 of Second Life’s Hottest Designers.  There is something for everyone for sure.

The three regions: Golden, Gilded and Halcyon can be found at the link below – each vendor is to provide a FREE gift and some major discounts on their top-selling items!

Go, check it out now! Sales ends on June 26th!

Linden Lab has few things in the works for later this month as well – so stay tuned!

List of Participating Merchants

.{PSYCHO:Byts}. / .TeaBunny. / [ west end ] / [Tia] / {CA} CALIGULA™ / *KC|Couture* / % anxiety / • Zuri Jewelry • / ^.^Ayashi^.^ / || Fashiowl Poses || / ~Tableau Vivant~ / 1313 Mockingbird Lane / 220ML / addams / Alice Project / alme. by ChloeElectra / Aphorism / Bella Moda / BigBully / Blueberry / BOYS TO THE BONE / by Crash / Cae / Candle and Cauldron / Canimal / Catwa / Chez Moi / ChiMia / CONSTRUCT / Deadwool / Deccan Arida / eve / eXxEsS Hair / FUSSY x FOXCITY / G&D The Italian Style / Gos / Heartsdale Jewellery / Hello Dave / Hucci / Ison / jacinda jaxxon / Lapointe and Bastchild / Lemon Chilliz / Lure / Lybra™ / Mina / Murray / Patron / RealEvil Industries / Rebel Hope / Refuge / Silvan Moon Designs / STRAY DOG / Sweet Tea Couture / Thalia Heckroth / The Cube Republic / Titans / titzuki/FAKEICON / WILD Makeup Studio / zed designz /

Home & Garden Expo for Relay for Life!

The Event of Events for Builders, and Home Decor Enthusiasts of SL is here! The Home & Garden Expo has nine full regions for you to explore loaded with home and garden items under the theme “Passport to Hope” Most importantly and as you may know, the Home & Garden Expo raises money for Relay For Life of Second Life.   Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature fundraising event, and RFL of SL is one of its virtual counterparts. You can help make a difference with every purchase and tip, however small it may seem – every donation or purchase helps this wonderful cause that affects so many lives day to day! So don’t miss this chance to shop and do good, stop by before June 4th cause that is the very last day!

Home and Garden Expo, photographed by Wildstar Beaumont

Home and Garden Expo, photographed by Wildstar Beaumont

Expo exhibitors are required to have two 100% donation items at the Expo. These items must be new and exclusive to the Expo for the duration of the event.

100% of registration fees, sponsorship fees and donation items are paid to Relay For Life of Second Life. 50% of the proceeds from the gachas will be paid to RFL and 100% of the 10L hunt items.

Also – Builder’s Brewery will be hosting building classes on texture alignment, prim building, and various other courses that can be found here.

Every day at 4pm, there is a special lantern release ceremony from the top of the theatre on Hope 5.

This ceremony goes back to 2012, when Alchemy Immortalis created the Blue Willow lanterns especially for the Home and Garden Expo. It became the custom to release them each day at 4pm, and people would gather to watch and reflect as the lanterns rose slowly into the air.

Sometimes people speak, but often the event takes place in comparative silence – a break from the busyness (and the business) of the Expo – a time to reflect, remember and mourn.

Complete Shopping Guide!

Teleport to Hope 1

Teleport to Hope 2

Teleport to Hope 3

Teleport to Hope 4

Teleport to Hope 5

Teleport to Hope 6

Teleport to Hope 7

Teleport to Hope 8

Teleport to Hope 9


MadPea Easter Egg Hunt – The biggest hunt on the grid!

The MadPea Easter Egg Hunt is a hunt like Second Life has never before experienced. Just a week into the hunt, residents have scored over 5 MILLION points by sniffing out eggs. Don’t worry – you still have until April 18th to participate by putting an egg on your land or hunting!

How does it work?

Hunters start at Madpea Easter Egg Headquarters and purchase an egg hunting HUD for 100L. The HUD scans the sim you are on and tells you if an egg is there, then guides you to its location. When you click on the egg you will receive either 10 points, 25 points, or 50 points. Eggs that last 1 day are worth 10 points. Eggs that last 2 days are worth 25 points. Eggs that last 3 days are worth 50 points.

That’s right! Once an egg is rezzed, its only out for a short period of time. Land owners are constantly putting out new eggs and eggs are disappearing, which makes this a two week event that you won’t get bored of! To find a new location that has an egg, you can either click on the pink egg on your HUD to be given a random location, or you can pick from the list on the official Easter Egg Hunt web page.

There are over 1600 hunters currently scouring the grid for eggs, so if you own or rent land – get in on the traffic! You can purchase eggs to place out at MadPea Headquarters. Once set up, the hunters will appear! You can continue to put out as many eggs as you want through the duration of the event on April 18th.

You may even see a few of Zoha’s rentals on the list. Can you find an egg at Llama Lyfe (location 1) (location 2) or TerraVillage?

Happy Hunting!


Delilah Greyson
(amoralie triellis)


Second Life Subscription Boxes – A list of loot!

Shopping can be difficult on Second Life. While some stores gather on the same sim to create a ‘mall’ of sorts, its still far from a real world shopping experience where you can visit all of your favorite stores in one place. On SL, you have to know what you’re looking for. This can be exhausting, especially for people who don’t have the time.

To solve this problem, Subscription Boxes that mimic the real life trend have made their way to the virtual grid. For a flat fee, every month or so (depending on the box) you will receive an entire package of goods to check off your shopping list all at once. Everything from frills and bows to home decorations are covered in the list below. And to make it better, many of the items are exclusive and made by top designers across the grid.


Deco(c)rate consists of 15 home and garden items in a new theme each month. Everything from buildings, furniture, decorations and landscaping have been known to make their way into the box. These items are semi-exclusive, meaning after a month the item can be sold in the designers store – but you’ll still be among the first to have it! This box is released on the 8th of the month and costs $1500L before the 8th, or $3000L after its released.


BishBox consists of 15 clothing and accessory items for the “wild and crazy grrrls of Second Life”, as their website explains. This box is released on the 20th of each month, and costs $1500L before the 20th, or $3000L to purchase after the box is released.

Luxe Box

Luxe Box is the box for chic, glamorous girls. You can find anything from clothing, shoes, hair, and even some decor. For $1500L preorder you will get 12 items from top designers across the grid. You can also purchase the box after the release for $3000L.

Cutie Loot

Cutie Loot is a new Kawaii themed subscription box. While only one box has been released so far, it received rave reviews from the adorably cute collection of clothing, hair, and accessories in the Kawaii fashion. This box is released on the 8th of each month and is $1500L to preorder, $3000 after release.

Powder Pack

Makeup is no exception to the subscription box trend. This box, or boxes, consist of 12 appliers for the Catwa or Lelutka mesh heads. Catwas packs are released on the 17th of the month, and Lelutka on the 1st. This box costs $1500L to preorder or $3000 after release.

Treasure Chest

The Treasure Chest is dedicated to the Role Players of Second Life. You’ll find a collection of 12 fantasy items from clothing to accessories, decor and more. The box is $1500L and releases on the 15th. You can purchase it for $3000 after release.

Builder’s Box *NEW

This box has yet to be released, but as their description states it is a  “box packed full of nothing but homes, skyboxes & other builds from 10 great creators”. It will be $2000L for preorder or $3000L after release. Pre-orders for the first box open on April 15th, 2017.