If You Could Only See My Face Right Now…..(Face tracking VR)

Veeso 2Virtual Reality is definitely the belle of the ball in the technology world with the production and consumer boom in 2016. It’s already amazing that it enables you to be completely immersed in a world and kick up the experience in games and social interactions. But even more so, VR is starting to branch into adding even more reality into a potential experience with facial tracking.

With me, this could be a potentially dangerous thing in multiplayer situations (seriously, I shake my head a LOT), but there’s a new headset in its Kickstarter phase that shows a lot of promise by using trackers that will follow your lips mouth and jaw, as well as your eyelids, eyebrows and pupils. The aim is to enable you to be able to transfer your expressions into your character in both game and social situations. Enjoying a song you’re listening to in-game or in-world? They want to even make it that you can bop your head along to it. There are also reportedly going to be a series of “emojis” that would enable you to pick an expression as well.

It sounds like such a simplistic thing but it’s pretty incredible and would take VR to another level. While this is planned for both iOS and Android, Oculus already has experiments in facial tracking in motion- so definitely expect this to be the next phase of VR headsets. With many companies also rushing to catch this wave before it becomes the norm, you can expect there to be some great developments with the headsets very soon. Ebbe Altberg, CEO of Linden Labs, even voiced last year that Project Sansar intends to incorporate facial tracking as well. This would mean that when we interact with other players, we would be able to do more than emote.

I guess I should be worried. I can’t control my facial expressions to save my life.

You can check out the Veeso Kickstarter here, or see it in action below!

Bria Oceanside

ZoHa Blogger/Social Media

Yes, It’s Still Sexual Harassment

Probably one of the most frustrating things that happens in Second Life is the sense of entitlement that people carry, assuming that just because we’re in this virtual space all etiquette goes out the window. Some may argue that “it’s just a game” or that their roleplay style is of someone that is simply unsavory…..but in either case, there’s no real justification.

Some of these behaviors carry over to social media as well, where many of us have accounts designated as “Second Life only”. In either scenario, I have personally been subjected to a lot of really unappealing behaviors. Here’s three simple tips on what NOT to do.

  1. Nix the unsolicited D**k Pics, for the love of God.

Guys, this is definitely directed towards you, and I say this in the nicest way possible. If someone wants to see your junk, we’ll ask. Not once when I’ve received such a picture (and it’s happened countless times) have I asked, implied or demanded such a heinous gift. Also, bear in mind, THIS IS THE AGE OF THE SCREENSHOT. There’s nothing stopping any of us grossed-out recipients from passing that along, even if you send it in-world with no permissions. You’re aware of the glory of Gyazo, right? Your pictures are not sacred and probably shared repeatedly. Don’t make it a bad one.

2.  Don’t talk about our “T&A” as an introduction.

Just because we have these profiles that we put a lot of thought into and names displayed over our heads does not mean you know us upon spotting us. It also doesn’t mean you should walk up to someone and talk about their ample bosom or derriere. That’s a quick way to get an equally unsavory response….unless you’re into that kind of thing. The irony of this is that I never got statements like these in places where you’d expect it, but at “classy” establishments or otherwise non-sexual areas. The strange thing about this is that the offending person always seems surprised when they’re not received positively.


3. Don’t assume we’re all here because we’re interested in sex.

Second Life has different meanings for different people. Sure, there are people who think it’s just a sexual playground, and there are some on the opposite end of the spectrum that find quality socialization and family structure to be their driving force. So, unless you’re specifically in a place that promotes totally carefree sexual encounters, it’s usually better to err on the side of more…..civilized introductions. It’s not uncommon to have someone approach you and flat out ask if you want to have a romp. Just don’t be that person.

Long story short, if you don’t know boundaries and haven’t been clearly instructed that any of the above is acceptable, it’s usually safer to play it safe and have….you know….a normal conversation.


Bria Oceanside

ZoHa Blogger/Social Media

No, you don’t get to be racially/religiously insensitive for giggles.

Clearly, this has been a tumultuous week for America. With the highly-publicized murders of two black men at the hands of the police to the heartless execution of dedicated individuals in uniform, I think it’s safe to say that we’re collectively overwhelmed.

The reality is, however, this is nothing new. We just now have the technology to share these incidents. Second Life is no exception.

Last week I had made a decision, before this incredibly horrific chain of events began, to create an interactive Black History Museum in an iconic part of Second Life. It’s been something I’ve wanted to do for enlightenment and tribute, and it especially is going to highlight the modern-day struggles that are going to be very much an integral part of our history when our kids reach our ages.

I kept the building in theme with the land, made a tasteful sign, and had been driving myself crazy learning about scripting so I can make this a very unique experience for those who choose to peruse the exhibits. However, while working on the interior I noticed that my neighbor (a well-known RP police officer) decided to put up a wall around his property, and then a courthouse to block the entrance without a word.

I could have been angry; could have thrown a fit. Instead, I continued to work on my scripting. It’s the exact type of passive-aggressive behavior that I am used to receiving, and it was only more motivation to make the museum the best it can be.

I also watched as a well-known figure in Second Life bravely shared her own experience with religiously insensitive remarks in response to a gorgeous post that she put on Flickr for Eid. While many rushed to chastise the person who had the nerve to be a jerk, that really is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to contemporary discriminatory mindsets…..especially online.

No, those of us who are the recipients of passive aggressive to discriminatory behavior are not being “too sensitive”.  Racial/color/religious bias has never gone away and it’s not new. Don’t sit here and blame Obama. Don’t sit here and blame the “race card”. Don’t sit here and try to prove yourself an expert on an experience you’ve never personally had.

While I love Second Life and social media SO MUCH, it also illustrates how enabling it is when it comes to people that normally would keep their raging bias under wraps. I had someone in-world call me “tampon nose” because of my wide nostrils, or tell me my experience with bias is invalid because I’m a “mixed breed” (what am I, a friggin dog?). Today, the topic of lynching came up and a well-established figure in the Second Life community felt the need to joke around about it in a group, then later said she was trying to be lighthearted about it.

Lynching needs to be joked about? I’m sorry, does it make you uncomfortable, thus pushing you to resort to insensitive humor? You do realize that, even this week, it’s still happening? That’s exactly why the conversation must be had.

We live in this moment of easy distractions by the next thing that’s trending. People decided to focus on Pokemon: GO instead of remembering that there was a critical series of events this week that must not be ignored. While people of color were becoming more vocal about their experiences and rage, others were saying “Oh look at this Squirtle” or “I’ve had enough negativity, I’m going to avoid these things and just talk about happy things”.

As a person of color, I don’t get to just avoid it. It’s the life I live. The rest of the world is looking at the US like they’ve lost their minds and travel advisories are starting to pop up. A good friend of mine RL told me that her UK class was supposed to go to Kentucky for a class trip. They cancelled it, due to too many students being black.

So, what I’m trying to say is, don’t be one of those people that is insensitive because you don’t want to be bothered with understanding what this reality is for many of us. Don’t be that person who goes #ALLLIVESMATTER when you see a #BLACKLIVESMATTER post, especially when you don’t need to stress about going to a convenience store or be scared over a trivial traffic stop.  Don’t be that person who force feeds insensitive jokes because you think you’re entitled to be a jerk. Be that person that tries to become enlightened. Be that person that can be a small part of a centuries-overdue solution to a lapse in humanity.

Being online doesn’t give you a free pass to forget humanity.


Bria Oceanside

ZoHa Blogger/Social Media

When Death Becomes Real

So, this was not an easy post to write, but a needed one. I struggled with it as I headed back home after another unexpected in-world memorial. Yet another person taken too soon; yet another reminder that our time on this earth is ever so limited.

It goes without saying that it’s nearly impossible to form bonds with people in Second Life without eventually experiencing loss. The first time it happened for me, it was the unexpected (albeit not entirely surprising) death of my SL son Tommy. I say it wasn’t surprising because we had many arguments about the state of his health and his stubborn stance when he didn’t think it was bad enough to see a doctor. I felt otherwise. And that was a lost that caused me to walk away from Second Life for a couple of years.

And it happened several times since, almost every time it was someone that was taken unexpectedly. It was rarely a situation where someone actually knew their time was nearing an end, so you don’t have that time to mentally prepare yourself for it. Twice, there was cancer. Neither time was any easier to cope with.

Whenever I hear people talk about “I keep SL in SL”, I just smile and nod, because that is a really sad way to live your Second Life. You have the opportunity to meet and explore your SL with so many different people, and I can’t fathom how someone can connect with people but maintain a level of disconnect at the same time. I feel like it’s almost more of a “wishful” thinking in those cases, because you either connect with people or you don’t. It’s hard not to connect with the person behind the avatar.

As I sat through this latest memorial, so many people got on voice and expressed similar stories about how they didn’t spend enough time with the person they loved and lost. And it was another stark reminder that, if we have people that we care about in Second Life, we need to take the time to make sure that they know that. If you love someone in Second Life, rather than worry about whatever taboo you think there is, tell them and show them. Don’t worry about the “what if’s”.

Life is far too unpredictable for us to take these moments for granted. I’ve watched so many people care so much about people and not ever properly express it, or have a “I’ll do it tomorrow” attitude. Sometimes, just like people we know in person, tomorrow never comes.

So love fully, love without fear, and appreciate each moment.


Bria Oceanside

ZoHa Blogger/Social Media

The Bonus Prims “Lie” In Second Life

This is sometimes a difficult misconception to redirect, as many estate owners like to advertise the use of “bonus prims” as an incentive to get people to rent from them. When you’re looking to rent a parcel, it sounds like an incredibly attractive advantage, right? Well, this is where it’s a bit misleading.

Estate owners have the ability to delegate an Object Bonus multiplier to their land parcels. So, that can enable a particular parcel to have a higher number of prims available to the occupant. However, what does not change is that any particular sim still only has an overall capacity of 15000 prims. All the owner is doing is concentrating prims more in individual parcels, but then it depletes the number of prims the remaining land may have.

So, while it sounds great, the owners are depending on not being fully rented. In the long run, it’s not really the wisest business move when you have a portion of land sales that you can never make because you have delegated a portion of the sim to enabling the higher prim usage for everyone else. If you went to that same owner and wanted to occupy the entire sim, you’d find yourself with exactly what the capacity is in reality: 15000 prims.

It’s a strategy that some owners use in order to entice some long term tenants, and that I can understand. But, it can be misleading if someone is unaware that they’re focusing more on getting occupants with half-truth advertising.

ZoHa Islands, however, will ensure that you know exactly what you are getting without all of the flashy strategies. We offer timely and courteous 24/7 support, clear communication, approachable staff and a unique Up Front Fee promotion that enables you to lock your land in at very discounted rates as long as you hold the land. If you are looking for reliable longevity with experienced management and support, we’ve got you covered.

I hope you all have an awesome week ahead!

Bria Oceanside

ZoHa Blogger/Social Media

What happened in Orlando……

I’m not about to sit here and pick apart the political loopholes that people are beating to death about the tragedy at Pulse nightclub a couple of days ago. I’m not here to spurt out some meaningless rant about how this could have been avoided. But, I am going to talk about what happened.

What happened was an act of hate. Considering the circulating speculation that the shooter was actively involved in the LGBTQ scene locally, it also could have been a violent deflection stemming from self-loathing or rejection. We may never fully know, but we do know that it was a painful loss for the victims, their loved ones, and humanity.

We’ve become a society that is becoming increasingly numb to hatred, violence and violation of rights unless it happens on a large scale. It’s becoming harder and harder to see people as individuals because we’re getting more screen time than actual face time (and I don’t mean the iOS version). We’re at a point where acceptance and respect shouldn’t be as optional as people treat it. Social media enables us to be callous and continue the vicious cycle of ignorance and disinterest in fact-checking.

With that said, one thing I have learned to appreciate as someone who is very much part of the LGBTQ community is that Second Life does enable us to have a safe haven of sorts, even if just virtually. One of the biggest blessings that I have personally found is that there’s such a great pool of people in-world that can either relate or are totally respectful even if they can’t. Being able to meet so many people that don’t care what you look like, what you do or whom you love is such a lifesaver in many ways.

We need more of that offline, people. We need more support and learning to respect people for the human beings they are, not their differences. But, in the wake of the tragedy in Orlando, we need to rally and show support more than ever. Thankfully, someone is heading up just that in-world.

Casper Warden, owner/creator of CasperVend (which most of us are very familiar with) has not only started an in-world relief fund, but has also created a free donation kiosk that you can also rezz on your land to help the fundraising efforts. It is incredibly important to help rally together for these families, as they’re now struggling with unexpected funeral and medical costs, child costs, even pets that are now ownerless. Every little bit helps reach that goal, and I would love to see a push from the Second Life community to do just that. Links will be placed at the end of the post.

But, going forward, we need to make sure we’re taking steps to preserve the integrity of humanity. Life is too unpredictable to spend it mired in hate. Love a little more, learn to show a little more compassion and help shape our kids into people who think more than buy everything at face value. What happened in Orlando was a tragic explosion of hate, and society has long fueled it.

Let’s put this fire out and help heal the damage that’s been done.

With love,

Bria Oceanside

ZoHa Blogger/Social Media

Click HERE to grab your CasperVend donation kiosk

Click HERE to go to the in-world donation location to help out

Click HERE to donate directly to the GoFundMe account set up for the victims and their families