Sept 17th! Building Class @ ZoHa Islands Sandbox – hosted by DanelleDee and BlueVioletVixen Lorefield

DanelleDee Art By DanelleDee Presents:

Making A Scrying Bowl


Halloween is coming up, and spirits from the great beyond are attempting to communicate with us!  Here’s how you can learn how to make a beautiful scrying bowl with animated water, and when touched, gives random words of wisdom from the great beyond!


We will be meeting in Zamargad…

There will be a TPer with instructions here, as we will be taking a field trip to the exclusive ZoHa Islands Sandbox…

You will need to IM ℳαʝɨҟᐺɨӽڠɳ (bluevioletvixen.lorefield) to get a ZoHa Islands Sandbox group tag for entry

Once you are wearing your ZoHa Islands Sandbox tag, then you can walk into the TPer (remember to accept “Lochme” experiences), and you will be teleported to the classroom at ZoHa Islands

When you are done building, you may walk into the TPer to go back to Zamargad and explore our sim!

Monday, September 17th:

1st class is at 11AM SLT

2nd class is at 5PM SLT

DanelleDee is an artist with graphic design schooling.  She has formal training in both print and web design.  DanelleDee has been interested in the building menu and how things work in Second Life since she first joined in November 2014.  She is able to make complex builds with the Second Life building menu, and some simple things in Blender.

When she’s not teaching, she’s taking classes from other great teachers and working on her own builds.  She has been playing video games since the Atari and the Apple II.  She grew up with all the classics, and Second Life is the next interactive platform to master.

DanelleDee has been a Second Life building teacher since November 2015.  She teaches classes at every level.  You never know what you’ll learn in her classes.

Some of the classes she has taught in the past are framing pictures, clothing attachment points, flapping prim wings, tree hideaways, and blinking caution signs.

To Visit Zamargad’s website with upcoming classes and information click here!

Week 1 Fall Showcase: Your Worst Nightmare is looking for Live Characters for Upcoming Haunt!

With Halloween seemingly just around the corner its time to get prepping for all your Halloween Haunts and Fun.

Image result for Fall

Over the next month and a half every other week I will be bringing you exciting new places that will be popping up on the grid and also fun places to visit with your friends and families.

This weeks Feature is an Interactive 4th annual Live Character Halloween Haunt – “Your Worst Nightmare” brought to us by Merge for October 2018.

They are currently in search of participants who would be interested in playing live characters of all ages for the event schedules (See below for info) !

Here’s a little teaser of what you may encounter while you sleep.


If anyone is interested in playing a Live character in this haunt please IM Kacey Delicioso and Ry Heslop in world for an application form.  They are looking for Adult and Child avatars for this one.

There’s nowhere to hide inside a bad dream

Here’s last year’s theme, every year since its start this event has been proving to be a larger and larger event – can’t wait to see what scares Ry and Kacey have in store for us this year:

The Forest Live Interactive Haunt


Hey Ghost Administrator, It’s MY Computer!

Have you ever tried to change a setting in Windows 10 only to be told, “Some Settings Are Managed By Your Organization” and have permission to change them denied? This happened to me during my recent clean install of the Second Life Viewer and I am the only user on my network. I was pretty miffed. My dumb computer thought that some mysterious “organization” was more powerful than I, its lord and sole master? Here’s how to solve that problem…

“All Your Settings Are Belong to Us”

You click into the Settings area on your Windows 10 computer, attempt to make a change to one of the settings… Suddenly it appears as if a mysterious organization is controlling what you can and cannot do on your system. The good news is that you have not been hacked. But wait a minute, Microsoft, this is MY computer!

This error message appears most often when users try to tweak privacy, security, or Windows Update settings. It happens because of certain bugs in Windows that allow settings to be changed inadvertently in a way that appears to be done by the Group Policy Manager, a hypothetical person who holds authority over policies via the Group Policy management app built into Windows. Group policies are designed for organizations in which an IT manager wants to impose restrictions on all users or certain classes of users.

You may have gotten a hint of group policy during the setup of your Windows 10 installation, if you were asked “Who owns this PC?” with you or your (non-existent) organization as the choices. Choosing “your organization” may limit your ability to make changes to policies later. But there is a way to reconfigure Windows 10 to eliminate this restriction upon your godlike power over all that lies on your hard drive. It is called the Group Policy Editor.

Some settings are managed by your organization

You will need to launch the editor using administrator privileges.To do so, type into the Search box “gpedit.msc” – the Local Group Policy Editor will be the first result of such a search. Right-click on it and select “Run as Administrator.”

NOTE: If you have the “Home” edition of Windows 10, Group Policy Editor is not installed. See this page for a tutorial on how to add it to your Windows 10 Home Edition system.

In the Group Policy Editor, navigate the tree of options on the left side of the window to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Data Collection and Preview Builds.

It’s All About That Telemetry

With Data Collection and Preview Builds selected, you will see the option “Allow Telemetry” over on the right side of the screen. Many pundits, including me, have advised users to disable telemetry to various degrees in order to limit what Microsoft can learn about what you do on your computer. The act of limiting Microsoft’s access to your data may have triggered the “Some Settings Are Managed By Your Organization” problem. So let’s fix it!

allow telemetry

Double-click on “Allow Telemetry” to display its options. At the top of the window, click “Enabled.” Then click the drop-down menu item in the Options section and choose option 3 – Full. Click OK to save the changes and close the window.

enable telemetry

Now double-click “Allow Telemetry” again to open the same configuration window. This time, select “Not Configured” and click OK to save that change and close the window. Then quit the Group Policy Editor,

Go back to the setting where you saw “Some Settings Are Managed By Your Organization” and you should not see that message anymore. Full access to your Windows 10 settings should be restored.

This fix works on machines configured as home or personally-owned computers. If your machine was originally set up as an organization’s machine (or your computer really is part of a network that’s managed by your school or employer’s IT department) then this fix may not work. This post is greatly appreciated Bob R without it I would have still been lost.

Have a Great Week

From all of us at ZI Staff

Secret Foistware Blocker in Windows 10

Defender, the security software built into Windows 10, has a hidden setting that will block installation of programs that try to install themselves during another program’s installation. This feature is the answer to one of my most fervent tech prayers! I also have a solution for people still using Windows 7 or 8. Here’s what you need to know…

How to Block Unwanted Software

When I download and install a “free” program, I need the concentration of a brain surgeon. That’s because many free programs try all sorts of tricks to install other programs that come along with the free program’s installation file. I’m sure you know what I am talking about, but here is a clear-cut example:

The installer app of ImgBurn, a free optical disk burning program contains “InstallCore,” a program that tries to install additional software on your PC as you click through the ImgBurn installation screens. The PUA (Potentially Unwanted Apps) may or may not be things that you want or need. InstallCore inserts into ImgBurn’s installation screens tiny check-boxes already checked, which purportedly represents your conscious decision to allow the PUAs to be installed.

This dirty trick works on many people who don’t pay close attention to all of the tiny print, icons, check-boxes, “Install” buttons, and other distractions that appear during the installation of ImgBurn, and many other freebies. The more unwanted “foistware” that gets installed, the more money the authors of the software make. It’s an evil, underhanded tactic that should be stopped.

I’ve been warning folks about foistware for at least 5 years, but the problem is not going away. So it’s up to you to be aware, diligent, and equipped with the proper tools to prevent the installation of unwanted (and potentially malicious) software on your computer.

If you have Windows 10, you can configure Windows 10 Defender to block most apps that try to install themselves during another app’s installation. With this option enabled, you will (for example) get ImgBurn and nothing else. You can start ImgBurn’s installer and not have to watch it like a hawk, reading every character and inspecting every box or button that appears.

The trick is a registry modification. If the thought of tinkering with your system’s registry dismays you, I have you covered with a .REG file that automatically does the necessary without error.

If you know how to use the REGEDIT registry editing utility, open it and navigate to this key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender

Under Windows Defender create a new DWORD named PUAProtection (if it does not yet exist). Set the value of PUAProtection to 1 to enable blocking of Potentially Unwanted Apps (PUA). (A value of 0 will disable blocking.)

Reboot the computer to let the changes take effect. If you don’t want to mess with REGEDIT, just right-click to download this .reg file, and then click “Save link as…” Enable_Windows_Defender_PUA_protection.reg.

After downloading the .reg file, double-click it to apply the registry changes. Then restart the computer to let the changes take effect.

Pass the Caveat, Please

Microsoft’s tech support note on this obscure feature of Defender explains that blocked apps are placed in the quarantine section so they won’t run. BUT… there are some exceptions.

The tech support note goes on to say: “PUAs are blocked when a user attempts to download or install the detected file, and if the file meets one of the following conditions: The file is being scanned from the browser; The file is in a folder with “downloads” in the path; The file is in a folder with “temp” in the path; The file is on the user’s Desktop; The file does not meet one of these conditions and is not under %programfiles%, %appdata%, or %windows%. ”

So if a PUA is a new one that Defender does not yet know about, or if it is not in any of the locations specified above, it will slip past this PUAProtection. But PUAProtection should catch most of the pesky toolbars, weather apps, and other junkware that useful free apps try to foist onto users.

Also important to note is that Defender defers to any third-party anti-malware program you may be running, so this junkware protection is inoperative unless Defender is your only security suite.

Another Option to Block Foistware

SO… if you’re not running Windows 10, or you don’t feel like fiddling with your Windows registry, or you are running Windows 10 with a third-party security tool such as AVG, Avast, Avira, Bitdefender, etc., then you will need another tool to block unwanted software. A nifty free service called Ninite, which makes it easy to safely install new software, and keep it all up to date.

Ninite lets you choose from a menu of about 100 popular free software titles (including ImgBurn), bundles them up into a single download, and installs them with a single click. Ninite will automatically say no to toolbars and extra junk, and will not bother you with any questions during the installations. It also skips any reboot requests from installers. For security, Ninite downloads each app from the publisher’s official site, and verifies the digital signatures.

Have a Great Week from all of us at ZI!

ZoHa Islands Tier Terminal Instructions/Menus 101

Hello ZoHa Islands –

While some of you are quite familiar with our tier terminals and system, we still do get questions on how it operates and the functions it provides. So here is a detailed manual on the many functions and operating the terminals to make the most out of the tools we at ZoHa Islands provide our residents. Help us help you!

Upon purchase of any of our land you are given a Welcome Package with a ZoHa Islands Tier Meter inside the folder along with some other useful information, Notecards and Landmarks.

Below is a picture of exactly how these tier meters work – they can help you plan when your tiers need to be paid, and in turn help with the workload of sending overdue notices from our staff.  If there is an instance where you are going to be late – please contact us via support ticket so we can note your account (Please note approvals on late payments are done on a case by case basis and depend on your payment history with ZI).  We also offer a daily pay option for those times when L’s may be a bit tight or you are going away a few days RL.

If by chance you need a new one – they can be picked up next to the tier terminals located in our sales office.  The boards are 1 prim so can easily be rezzed and hidden in an discrete place on your land.

ZI Tier Blog Pic 8

Here is a step by step instruction on how the tier terminals function and the wide array of options they do provide. They can be found in our sales office.

Select Your Language from the first menu:

In the Next Menu you can Select to receive a Notecard with a Link to Available Parcels, Visit our Website, See your Payment History or Make a Tier Payment – Please select the option that best suits your needs.

In the Third menu -you can select the payment amount of your choice – Daily – Weekly Monthly and/or PayPal – Even set up recurring payments – so you don’t ever have to visit the terminal again 🙂 Tiers can be paid via Paypal even if you don’t have an account using your debit/credit card.

To complete the transaction using Lindens – Right click the terminal at this point and pay the appropriate amount – your account will be automatically credited.

If you choose to pay with PayPal – you will be directed to click on a Link to take you to the PayPal Payments page -(picture below)

You can pay with a one time payment via PayPal or a Automated Subscription.

PayPal payments are manually processed once/twice per day by ZoHa Islands Owner.
Because of that it is possible that the tier terminal is not up to date when you check your remaining tier.

How to cancel your PayPal subscription when needed?
1. Log into your PayPal account on
2. Click on the settings gear (upper right corner)
3. Click on the Payments Tab
4. Look for your Preapproved Payments – Find the ZoHa Islands Payment Agreement
5. Click the CANCEL button.

ZI Tier Blog Pic 7

Town Hall Event with Linden Lab CEO Ebbe Altberg – Sept 13

Town Hall Event with Linden Lab CEO Ebbe Altberg – Sept 13

Linden Lab


With SL15B behind us (and SL16B to look forward to!) we thought it was time to have another Town Hall, and give Residents a chance to ask about Second Life and hear the latest news on what is being worked on and planned in Second Life. We’ll also share specific updates on our product development roadmap, as discussed earlier this year.

Linden Lab CEO Ebbe Altberg will be appearing at a  “Town Hall” chat session on Thursday, September 13th 2018 at 9:30 a.m. (SLT/Pacific). This is your chance to interact directly with Ebbe as he discusses 2018 and beyond.

Got a question you want to ask? Post it in the Community Forum thread “September 2018 – A Conversation with Linden Lab CEO Ebbe Altberg” in advance of the Town Hall. Questions will be selected from all submissions made prior to Sept. 10, so make sure to weigh in now!

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Sept. 13 to see if your question is selected. On that day, you can join us live for the Town Hall meeting. Location will be publicized closer to the event – stay tuned!

We’ll see you inworld soon!