A common question is “How long will my hard drive last?” It’s a very good question, but it might be the wrong question. Read on for some stats on the life expectancy of a hard drive, and find out the more important question you should be asking yourself…
Hard Drive Life Expectancy (and the Right Question)
Whenever I am asked, “How long can I expect a hard drive to last?” I reply with, “How often do you back up your data?” This seeming non sequitur perplexes people, but I have found that the answer to my question is, almost invariably, the reason the first question is asked. The questioner is wondering how much longer he/she can get away with not backing up data.
Technobabble about MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) in the 50,000 to 100,000 hour range is useless. Those hours are active hours during which the read/write head of the drive is moving. You have no way to monitor and record read/write head activity and you don’t want to be bothered doing so unless you’re a test engineer for a hard drive manufacturer.
Furthermore, MTBF measures mean (average) time before the hardware fails catastrophically, as in “won’t spin anymore.” That is the very last thing that will go wrong with a hard drive, akin to throwing a rod in your car’s engine. Long before the hardware fails catastrophically, you will be experiencing losses of data, and you might not even notice that it’s happening.
When data is written to a drive, the magnetic charge of tiny areas of the physical disk is altered. One magnetic state means “0” or zero, the other means “1” or one… or on/off, if you prefer. The patterns of this binary code store your data as a collection of magnetized spots in one state or the other. In order to make the disk reusable, the magnetic state of each spot on it must be changeable.
A lot of things can change that magnetic state beside the drive’s read/write head. A strong magnetic field near a drive can scramble data. Power blips can cause a read/write head to write (change the magnetic state of a spot) instead of read, overwriting data with gibberish. Even cosmic rays can penetrate any computer case and zap the data on a hard drive, although a cosmic ray is so narrow it will probably affect only one or a handful of data spots.
You don’t believe in cosmic rays? As I like to say, choosing not to believe in something doesn’t make it go away. But no matter — natural disasters like fires, floods, hurricanes and tornados also tend to dramatically shorten the lifespan of a hard drive. Even if your brand new 2 terabyte hard drive has no manufacturing defects, it won’t last long in an F5 tornado packing 200 MPH winds. And of course, there are well-known threats from viruses, botnets, and ransomware.
So a hard drive is in constant danger of having all or part of its data either erased, corrupted, destroyed, or otherwise rendered unreadable. It doesn’t matter if the drive is fresh out of the box or nearing its MTBF. (That list of destructive actions reminded me of another phrase: “Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate”. I searched for that and found an interesting 100-year history of the punch card.
What Studies Have Been Done on Hard Drive Life Expectancy?
A study on hard drive longevity was conducted by Backblaze, an online backup provider that has more than 25,000 consumer-grade hard drives in service. They found that 78% of the drives they use are lasting longer than four years. That might sound good, but it also implies that 22% of hard drives fail in the first four years.
The Backblaze study identifies the three most common causes of drive failure: factory defects, random failures, and parts that wear out. The failures due to factory defects tend to happen in the first 18 months of service. Failures due to wear out start to increase much faster after the three-year point.
The Backblaze study has been ongoing for several years. Other hard drive studies done by Google and Carnegie-Mellon University have been five-year spans, and both were conducted in 2007. So there just isn’t an authoritative answer as to how long a hard drive will last. Backblaze has some stats that give them confidence to predict that more than half of all drives will last six years. I think you’ll find their report interesting.
What Are the Implications?
Let me summarize and pontificate a bit. About one in five hard drives will fail within four years. Failure rates start to jump after three years. And there’s a 50/50 chance your drive will last six years. Does that give you a warm fuzzy feeling? I’d rather not rely on luck and statistics. My advice is simple… why take chances?
It’s vital to back up your data regularly and not just whenever you don’t feel like doing something else. Regular, automatic backups are the best defense you have against loss of data.
Why It Will Take Awhile for Bakes on Mesh to Make a Difference in SL
Commenting on Cassie’s video comparing SL mesh bodies, and her note that Bakes on Mesh doesn’t seem to improve performance, Patchouli W provides this analysis:
BoM’s true value contribution will only surface once onion-skin geometry is stripped away from BoM-optimized versions of the same body and people stop wearing more than one copy of the body geometry because of the removal of said onion-skins. The other optimization that will need to happen – and this is trickier because of limitations on how BoM works currently as well as so many legacy mesh clothing items being reliant on them – is the removal of legacy alpha cutting in favor of a BoM model that can handle ‘cuts’ made by using system layer alphas – this would reduce the amount of duplicated geometry required to fake smooth transitions between disparate pieces of geometry as well.
Only when these two changes are pushed through in full will the full value of BoM in cutting the impact of mesh bodies on the SL grid be fully realized. Then there’s the issue of trying to port this work over to cope with normal and specular/env channels baking, which is an entirely new kettle of fish since the way normals are blended is a little different compared to diffuse and specular texture layering.
This may be true or not true, but what’s striking to me is all the 3D graphics technical jargon one must know to understand the state of Second Life mesh. Or as it was expressed in the immortal line from The Limey: “There’s one thing I don’t understand. The thing I don’t understand is every motherf#@&ing word you’re saying.”
Anyway, Patch’s basic takeaway — be patient:
In short, it’s going to take a while, and you need to support your body maker of choice in the transition by encouraging them and providing the feed back they need as they release beta tests of your current body, because if they see it as a thankless task, they may just give up and let go. And that’s no good for any one of us.
And don’t forget to watch Cassie’s mesh round-up above!
“Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.” – from Shakespeare’s Macbeth
Oh, there are strange ( and stranger) things afoot, and all over the Grid, Residents and Creators alike are brewing up some Halloween mischief. It is — after all — one of the most exciting and celebrated holidays in Second Life!
All Hallows Eve, Samhain. Hallow E’en – a time when the spookiest, kookiest, and most mystical of mayhem rolls into our world like a thick and possibly sentient fog. The veil between the living and the departed grows thin, and everywhere you look, you see pumpkins, skeletons, ghosts, and ghouls. And don’t forget the treats, and sweets, and tricks and broomsticks – it’s magical!
This week’s destination video highlights just a few of the scarier Regions you can experience in Second Life, and while many embrace the spookier side of things all year round, be sure to haunt the Haunted category of the Destination Guide, throw on your favorite costume, and explore. Then join us on Halloween from 11 am to 2 pm SLT for our annual Creepy Crawl. More details on the schedule for that are coming …
Explore the timeless coastal island of Arranmore, with its haunted manor house and photogenic scenery. Enjoy the creepy landscape shrouded in mist. Remember, it is not what you can see that is scary – it is what you can’t see. Don’t forget to take the flashlight from the station platform when you arrive.
Welcome to Everwinter, a post-apocalyptic theme park. Many years after a nuclear disaster, Everwinter sits frozen in time. Explore the aftermath, take in the sights and sounds, or maybe find a quiet spot in an abandoned building. Frequented by scavengers and those lucky enough to survive, only time will tell how long you’ll last in Everwinter.
Welcome to Pendle Hill, a new creepy build by Lauren Bentham. Explore the dark side of Second Life at this creepy haunted island. Bring your friends and wander the misty shores and haunted house of Pendle Hill, but remember, it is not what you can see that is truly scary, it is what you can’t see. Don’t forget your camera, so you can take home some photo memories of your visit.
These regions are made by well-known UK-based designer Lauren Bentham, whose work – with her unique style that includes delicate windlight design – includes more lighthearted fare such as beaches and other relaxation spots.
If you scanned that headline quickly, you might have read it as ‘Your Password Is Not Strong Enough.’ The point of today’s article is no matter how strong your password, it’s not enough to protect you. Some security tips bear repetition. I’ve been beating the drum for two-factor authentication for several years. I know, it sounds geeky, but it’s actually a simple tool that can protect you even if your password is stolen or compromised in a data breach. Here’s what you need to know…
What is Two-Factor Authentication?
It goes by many names… Sometimes it’s referred to as “2FA,” “two-step verification,” “login approval,” or “enhanced login security.” Bottom line, it’s a big improvement on the username/password method of gaining access to online accounts. Massive data breaches, often exposing millions of login credentials
Two-factor authentication makes it much more difficult (if not impossible) for someone to hack into your online accounts, even if they have your password. That’s because a password is just one factor used to prove (authenticate) that you are who you say you are. The other authentication factor will be quite different.
A username, such as JSmith419, is who you claim to be. In order to authenticate that claim, you may provide a password which, in theory, only the real JSmith419 knows. That’s one-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication requires two of the following three types of authentication factors:
Something you know (e.g., a password)
Something you have (e.g., a mobile phone)
Something that is part of you (e.g., a fingerprint)
Passwords and mobile phones have become the preferred pair of factors for two-factor authentication. To use two-factor authentication methods 1 and 2, you might register your phone number with an online service such as Gmail, Facebook or your bank. Then, each time you enter your username and password, the service sends a text (SMS) message to that phone number, containing a unique one-time code that you must type in to be fully authenticated.
But there are serious vulnerabilities in SMS-based authentication. The SMS protocol was never designed for sensitive communications, so it utterly lacks encryption and other ways of defending against eavesdroppers.
You’ve Got Options
Google and other online services offer 2FA without the insecure SMS requirement. If you turn on this option you’ll need to enter your username/password as usual. You’ll then be prompted for an authentication code before the login can be completed. The code can come from Google Authenticator, an app for your Android or iOS device. This time-sensitive code can be generated even if you’re not online, and you can also print a list of codes for use when you don’t have your phone handy.
The really cool thing about using a two-factor authentication app is that even if a malicious person has your username and password, they cannot login to your account! And no, using Google Authenticator does not give Google access to any of the accounts you use it with. If you prefer to use a non-Google authentication app, check out Authy or the Lastpass Authenticator.
If it sounds like a nuisance to enter both a password and a verification code every time you log in, well, you’re right. But most services that offer two-factor authentication give you the option to enter the code once and check a box that says something like “trust this computer.” If you do that, you won’t need to enter a verification code each time you sign in with that computer.
Online businesses increasingly urge customers to use two-factor authentication. Some even insist upon it. Their reasons include the skyrocketing frequency of mass thefts of username/password pairs by hackers, and the cost of responding to such breaches. Those costs can include lawsuits, fraudulent transactions that merchants or banks must eat, the cost of notifying affected customers, and even the cost of providing a year’s worth of credit report monitoring. Not to mention the cost of bad publicity and lost customers.
2FA: Step-By-Step
There are a couple of websites developed to encourage and help Internet users enable two-factor authentication on all the sites that offer it. The Turn It On site is chock-full of information about two-factor authentication (abbreviated 2FA). Even better, it provides step-by-step instructions for enabling 2FA on over 100 sites, a list that is growing rapidly. See also TwoFactorAuth.org for a long list of websites that support Two-Factor Authentication.
Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Gmail, Instagram, Outlook, Snapchat, Twitter, and Yahoo are among popular sites offering 2FA. “Turn It On” also documents 2FA procedures for backup and sync services such as Dropbox; financial sites including Chase, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America; cloud computing resources such as Amazon Web Services; communication services such as Skype and Office 365; domain services such as GoDaddy; Web hosting services; government Web sites; Paypal and other payment services; eBay, Etsy, and other shopping sites; and many social media sites.
Another option for two-factor authentication is a gadget called a security key. We are all relying on web-based services for an increasing number of functions. As the number of user accounts you have grows, so does your exposure to identity theft and fraud. Two-factor authentication is the best way to protect yourself. It’s worth the small extra effort.
We at Linden Lab are dedicated to creating the future of virtual experiences via both our pioneering virtual world Second Life and new virtual multiverse Sansar. We also recently launched Tilia, which powers our virtual worlds’ commerce.
As a company, we do things that no one else does and we aren’t afraid to take on complex challenges that drive innovation and improvements on both our established and emerging virtual world platforms. That’s why we’re excited and proud to share with you the latest news about what we’re up to for both Second Life and Sansar.
Today Sansar introduces new features including improved avatar editing, experience points and titles, and new core worlds. We also have first-of-their-kind partnerships with several established music and entertainment companies. Now with a rich backstory and new quests, Sansar has come a long way since it debuted in beta in 2017 and is worth a second look!
As for Second Life, we continue to work hard on making substantial improvements and new additions to ensure that it stays fresh and relevant for many years to come. Here’s an update on what we’re working on:
New Features & Enhancements
Over the past year, we’ve shared our plans to add multiple new features and enhancements to Second Life. Our engineering and product operations teams are continuing to do the heavy work on making these and other improvements available as fast as possible.
We’ve already delivered Animesh, which allows independent objects to use rigged mesh and animations. We’ve been having so much fun watching residents’ creations come to life! So far, the creator community has developed over 1,300 animated objects on the Marketplace.
Bakes on Mesh
Just last month, we released the official Bakes on Mesh-enabled Viewer, the last piece of the Bakes on Mesh project. To learn more about this cool new capability, watch the video below!
Learn more about Bakes on Mesh in this community-created “How To” video from Novata.
We’re also getting the Environmental Enhancement Project (EEP) Viewer into shape to promote to our default official Viewer. EEP is a series of new customizations in the environment rendering system that will allow for the creation and sharing of advanced environment settings, including up to four different sky layers which can be set independently.
EEP We’re also getting the Environmental Enhancement Project (EEP) Viewer into shape to promote to our default official Viewer. EEP is a series of new customizations in the environment rendering system that will allow for the creation and sharing of advanced environment settings, including up to four different sky layers which can be set independently.
This video from Tao UminoB shows Second Life EEP skies deployed in the Miyazaki Region
Migration to the Cloud
We have been hard at work moving the services that bring you Second Life from our existing data center to cloud hosting. Our goal is to make almost all of it seem invisible to you; in general we won’t announce that a service has been moved until it’s been working in the cloud for a while. Some things already qualify, though: Your inventory data has been in the cloud for quite some time, and the maps website moved a little while ago. We have several more things that your viewer uses that are being tested internally now, so expect more updates in the next couple of months. We are very excited about the new product possibilities that cloud hosting will enable.
More to come!
There’s more in the works, too! Stay tuned for updates on when to expect the return of Last Names, availability of a new mobile app beta, changes to Premium options, improvements to Events, Search, the Destination Guide, and much more.
New Linden Home Theme: Campers!
Pictured: New camper-style Linden Homes.
We continue to innovate and expand upon our Linden Homes offerings. Recently we debuted (and quickly sold out of) new Traditional and Houseboat styles…we’ve been making more to accommodate the incredible interest these generated, and now we’ve introduced the newest theme: CAMPERS!
Clustered in central Bellisseria, the new Camper regions offer a secluded, rural environment, with more nature and parcel privacy than the previous themed locations. We’ve already seen amazing creativity in decorating and customizing these campers from our Residents.
Like all Linden Homes, these are first-come, first-served, so keep checking for availability and act fast to claim yours if you see any available!
New Growth & Community Initiatives
Linden Lab also has several new initiatives aimed at growing awareness of Second Life through a combination of new ad campaigns, original video content programming and other growth-focused community efforts.
Second Life Blogger Network
Are you a Second Life blogger looking to expand your reach to a wider audience? You’ll want to consider joining the new Second Life Blogger Network (SLBN). This new initiative will promote high-quality independent blog content to the Second Life community. More details coming soon!
Halloween & Community Events
One of the most popular holidays in the Second Life community is Halloween – and this year we’ve got a bunch of tricks and treats that are sure to delight (or is it fright?) Second Lifers. Residents can expect a mix of new events, freebies and other spooky surprises throughout October – including a special haunted edition of the Swaginator!
New Video Programming & Ad Campaigns
Eagle-eyed Residents may have noticed a flurry of activity on our official YouTube channel and othersocialnetworks, which are now filled with dozens of new community-focused videos aimed at better showcasing the diversity and creativity of the Second Life community. More than 30 episodes of our weekly “Second Life Destinations” series have already debuted this year with many more to come!
There’s also our ongoing “Made in Second Life” series, which goes deeper to discover the people behind the avatars including explorations on themes as varied as romance, gaming and education. Many episodes of “Made in Second Life” and “Second Life Destinations” are also trimmed down into 15- or 30-second ads.
In addition, we’ve started the first of several new initiatives that involve live streaming programming about Second Life. First up is the recently announced bi-weekly talk show “Lab Gab.” (Don’t miss the next episode on Wed. at 3 p.m. SLT/Pacific).
Finally, we’ve already started production on a new round of video tutorials aimed at new, intermediate and advanced Second Life Residents. Our own Strawberry Linden serves as your guide to topics such as “Getting Started,”“Shopping & Buying Linden Dollars,” and “Customizing your Avatar Shape.” Each video is also translated into multiple languages, too. Check out this playful clip to see if you can identify each language:
We are so proud of how far we’ve come and we’re excited for the road ahead. As always, we appreciate all the amazing creativity found in both the Second Life and Sansar communities. Thank you for joining us on the journey!