Casting Call: Apply to Star in a Second Life Ad Campaign!

Hello ZoHa Islands –

Want to be featured in a new Second Life Ad Campaign?  Well here’s how…!!

Casting Call: Apply to Star in a Second Life Ad Campaign!

by Community Manager Linden Lab on ‎04-17-2013 10:40 AM



Pictured: Lorna H. and her Second Life avatar counterpart  Lollie Bigwig.

Banker by day, but intergalactic space cowboy in Second Life? We may be looking for you!

We are now casting both humans and their avatars for a new promotional campaign that will be featured on and across the web.

For this campaign, we’re looking for people who are comfortable revealing their “human side” alongside their avatars in Second Life, like in the image above. Specifically, we are looking for those whose avatars do not physically resemble their owners.

This promotion aims to spotlight the diverse and creative communities in Second Life, so please apply if you’d like to share your passion for Second Life with the world!

To be considered, please fill out this application form by 11:59 PM Pacific on Wednesday, May 1, 2013. All submissions will be reviewed by the creative production team for the campaign, but no personal information provided will be disclosed publicly unless you are selected and specifically consent to participate.

We look forward to hearing from you!

ZoHa Islands – Spring into Spring Hunt Event – Starts April 1st!!

ZoHa Islands is proud to announce the arrival of its first Spring into Spring Hunt Event.

Over the next couple of days I will display some of the awesome finds from our vendors on this Hunt! We’ve got some great giveaways from some great merchants 🙂

Hunt Locations and Hints can be found here!!

Defunkt & Get Frocked ZISIS

Pictured Above ^^^
Far Left > .defunkt. [Skinny Mesh Jeans] ZISIS – Spring Pink
Center > GET FROCKED! Spring Had Sprung Dress
Far Right > .defunkt. [Skinny Mesh Jeans] ZISIS – Spring Blue

Happy Homes Bird House

Pictured Above ^^^ Home Decor! from Happy Homes!
H.Homes ~ Birdhouse ~ Part Mesh ~ ZISIS Hunt Prize

Intrigue & Blah Blah Blah

Pictured Above ^^^
Far Left > Intrigue – Spring Into Spring Dress
Far Right > blah.BLAH.blah*MESH* Spring Halter Dress

ZoHa Islands – Spring into Spring Hunt Event!!

ZoHa Islands presents the Spring into Spring Hunt Event.

List of Hunt Landmarks

#01 – Intrigue
Hint: It maybe Lust

#02 – blah.BLAH.blah
Hint: Boredom is never a issue in spring…

#03 – [[[[[NOISE]]]]
Hint: Time flies but spring is here!

#04 – Two Moon Gardens
Hint: Can be found where the elegant water falls

#05 – defunkt
Hint: Starlight, starbright. Kinda.

#06 – Sky Mainstore
Hint – Bluebirds may be flying

#07 – Fashion Fears
Hint: I love Maya

#08 – [Tia]
Hint: The sun is on fire, In the sky, And in its warmth Flowers open, In the garden, And the butterfly, Flutters by.

#09 – .:Stone Misery:. Prefabs & Furniture
Hint – We go down the rabbit hole!

#10 – {Sickly SWEET}
Hint – Mmmm, the smell of waffles

#11 – **Sjaja**

#12 – Get Frocked
Hint: All Bagged up and Ready to Go

#13 – Happy Homes
Hint: Lots of flowers start to grow in the spring, most start their lives in a greenhouse.

#14 – Withdrawn – please skip

#15 – Pure Gestures

#16 –  Redrose Jewelry
Hint – Catching the sun.

#17 – Mitch’s Novelty Shop
Hint: They are found in a cluster, sometimes in a circle. This is where the fairies like to dance and play

#18 – Kalylia Kreations
Hint: Spring is here, The sky is blue, Birds all sing as if they knew, Tis the season folks say “I do”, Now the search is up to you.

#19 – Glam Dreams Main Store
Hint: “In Spring, violets bloom and fill the air with their aroma. Ladies love to dance with sweet melodies in sexy elegant gowns”

#20 – 69 Park Ave Main Store
Hint: Prestigious Formal wear can be found at 69 Park Ave.

#21 – Khargo
On Screen

#22 – RoNa Enterprises
Hint: Pick me Up from the dark

#23 – It Figures
Hint – Dresses here fit A, B, C, D cup. While in there try looking up.

#24 – Bebe Boutique
Hint: British Headbanger

#25 – Arrongard Couture
Hint: I fly with the hearts

#26 – Forbidden Butterfly
Hint:2nd floor all dark leather in the dark night you’ll find a flower just as sweet as the lady who wears it.

#27 – PRISM
Hint:Kitty Kitty Kitty…where are you Miss Tabby

#28 – Stitches Creations


When: April 1st – 30th

Theme: All things Spring!

Type: This hunt is an Estate wide hunt which includes participating businesses from around Zoha Islands Estates.

Application Deadline: March 20th – Can be picked up in the Main Tier Office or Business District Tier Office via the clickable application boards.

Sim Ratings Allowed: PG, Mature and Adult – Sim rating must be specified in Application Notecard for website link list purposes.

Hunt Cost: 0L

Requirements: Your business must be within ZoHa Islands Estates to be a vendor in this hunt.
**Original creations only please. No resale shops**

Want in??? – then read on!
ZoHa Islands - Spring Into Spring Hunt Poster vendor pic



Please read the following rules carefully before apply to the ZI Spring Into Spring Hunt.
Hunter Rules:

1. Absolutely no using group chat to give out item position.  This is suppose to be a hunt event not a “Let me show you where it is” event

2. Do not tell others in local where the hunt item is.  This ruins it for other customers that are there to enjoy finding the item.  Believe it or not but some people do the hunts for the joy of finding something… not just for the free goodies.

3. Have fun!!

Vendor Rules:


1. YOU MUST HAVE your business within ZoHa Islands Estates in order to be a vendor in this Hunt.

2. Whether having read these rules or not by submitting your application you are agreeing to them.

3. PLEASE place your hunt poster in a visible area close to your landing point as soon as you are accepted.

4. You will be required to be in the ZoHa Islands Hunt Group for the duration of the event.  This group is separate from the ZoHa Islands resident support group.  You need to have yourself, another store owner, or an alt that is checked often in the group at all times or your store may be dropped from the hunt.

5. You must follow the timeline to the letter or risk being dropped from the hunt.  The hunt organizers will be working very hard to keep things running smoothly but to do so we need your help.

6. Please include ONLY your original creations specific to the hunt theme. Must not be an item you have in your store currently.  *Keep the item exclusive during the hunt. Do NOT sell the item in your shop while the hunt is going on. After the hunt, you may sell the item if you wish.

7. Please showcase some of your best work.  Remember this is your chance to shine.  People will be taking your gifts home and looking at them later.  You want them to see your gift and want to come back to your store to get more of your wonderful items.

8. “Adult sim” stores – This hunt is open to everyone. If you require age verification, payment info or SL age or only allow certain avatars into your sim then this hunt is not for you.  Adult stores that apply to the hunt will automatically be placed at the end of the hunt among all participating adult stores.

9. DO NOT modify Hunt Items (eg. be made too small, recoloured, renamed, or hidden inside objects).  They must remain set for sale for 0L.

10.  ALL hunt applications, hint cards, store changes cards or any messages to Echo SpiritWeaver need to be made into a notecard with the hunt name (initials) and your SL name (not display name). Appropriate notecards have been given to you in the vendor welcome pack..

11. If there is any change to your store slurl/hidden item/etc, fill out a NC and send it Echo SpiritWeaver

12. Please place the hunt item INSIDE your store, not outside/on top/etc.

13.  If you wish your item to be blogged about prior to the hunt you will need to send your hunt item into the group. (more info about that in your welcome packet)

Have fun with this hunt!!!!

** If you dont think you can follow these rules or the Timeline please DO NOT apply **


Hunt Timeline!!

March 20th – Application Deadline, all applications need to be filled out and returned

March 20th-22nd – Vendor Kits will be passed out to all vendors that are accepted into the hunt

March 20th-23rd – Posters need to be up in your store where it is visible to all customers.

March 20th-23rd – Poster checks will be done by hunt organizers to make sure you have them out

March 25th – Items need to be sent out for the bloggers so that your item can be advertised before hand.  This can be done via the Vendors/bloggers group.  We want to build some hype for this event.
HINTS need to be sent in.

March 24th – Empty hunt prim needs to be set out next to the poster so we can check to see it is set right with the correct LM to the next store.

March 26th-27th – Final walkthroughs will be done to make sure that your store is ready.  Naughty list will be made of any stores not set up for the hunt

March 29th-30th – Make up walkthrough will be done on only the stores on the Naughty list.  If those stores are not in compliance with the rules or are not ready for the hunt they will be dropped.

March 31st – Hide your hunt prim, put your gift in it, and set it for sale by the time the clock strikes midnight.

April 1st – 12am SL time the hunt officially starts

Official Hunt Blog

All links, hints, and stores will be listed here.


There will be an opportunity to become a “Feature” Business for this hunt.

First 6 applications received will be placed on the poster which will be promoted by ZoHa Islands

Please return the notecard and direct any questions to:
Echo SpiritWeaver
(Zoha Islands Commercial Manager)


Second Life Love: MTV Catfish wants you! Second Season Casting Call.

MTV’s Catfish is Seeking Second Life Stories

Have a online love story?  Ready to take it to the Real Life?

MTV’s Catfish: The TV Show brings together couples that have online relationships to meet offline for the first time, often with surprising results as the differences between online personas and offline lives are revealed.

MTV is now casting the show’s second season, and they’re interested in hearing from Second Life users who have fallen in love inworld, and would now like to meet their love in person. If you’d be interested in being on the show, you can apply online here.

Server Side Baking Code and Firestorm: The Road Ahead.

Hello ZoHa Islands!

Today’s posting will cover a very informative posting from the Firestorm blog as we know that the majority of the SL community uses this viewer.  This important meeting was held Wednesday February 13th – (the meeting was recorded or you can read the transcripts below as well).  It is packed with information pertaining to the new Server Side Baking code.  Please take a moment to read on and familiarize yourself with the information provided.

Please NOTE!! >> Meeting starts about 16 minutes in.

Official Blog Post Release from Jessica Lyon, Firestorm Project Manager :

On Wednesday we had a lengthy Question and Answer meeting with as many people as could fit into a region. We explained that our current internal code is quite unstable after merging with LL’s latest release code and we expect things to get worse once we merge in Server Side Baking  (SSB) code. The main point is that we are faced with some big challenges and expect we will have to release SSB before our viewer code has reached our stability standards or passed our Quality Assurance testing. This is because we are on the clock with this one and once LL flips the switch for SSB you will all need a viewer that has SSB capability, else avatars everywhere may look like this.

A great deal more was also discussed; for a full summary of the Q&A, Inara Pey’s BLOG and Nalates Urriah’s BLOG  both have very well written summaries and I highly encourage you to have a read from them, as well please send your friends to read them too. The next few months are going to be rough and it’ll be good for everyone if folks understood why.

Pantera Polnocy was kind enough to record the meeting on video, you can watch that here.   (it starts around 16 minutes in).

TRANSCRIPT UPDATE: Inara Pey has written a very good and detailed transcript for those with hearing impairments. You can read the transcript on her blog here.

Good things are coming and the destination looks very promising, but the journey may be a long and rough ride.

Jessica Lyon
Project Manager
The Phoenix Firestorm Project, Inc

Lumiya: Navigate SL from your Mobile/Tablet in a 3D Enviornment

Lumiya is a Second Life and OpenSim client with a 3D world View.  With Lumiya, you can send and receive instant messages, teleport to your favorite Second Life Locations, participate in Local Chat, interact with objects, manager your inventory, and see and navigate the virtual world around you unlike that of recent solely text based clients.

The application is available in the Google Play store for Android  and cost about $2.95 USD.

Runs entirely on the phone, no special in world objects and required.  No Hidden subscription fees.  Every review I’ve read so far has been nothing but positive as well – Alina Lyvette, the developer of the application has done a very nice job.

HUDs can be used.

Land Tools are accessible – restarting regions you have EM powers on.

Lumiya supports mesh content and is compatible with RLV.

Version 2.4.1

Updated Feb 1- 2013

Size 4.80MB

Content rating: Everyone

Whats New with the Application:

Support for mesh objects and Clothing

Support for RLV

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