Celebrate a Decade of Second Life!
byLinden Lab 06-03-2013 10:21 AM – edited 06-03-2013 01:24 PM
This month marks ten years since Second Life first opened to the public in June of 2003! We’re incredibly proud of Second Life’s success and longevity and we hope that all of you are too – it’s thanks to everyone who has made Second Life part of their lives over the past decade that we’ve reached this major milestone.
We’ve planned some special things to celebrate SL10B that we’ll be rolling out throughout the month – be sure to keep an eye on this blog to be kept up-to-date with the latest!
Commemorative SL10B Avatar
Starting today, you can get a free, special-edition SL10B avatar on the Marketplace. This avatar is made with some of the new Materials features and will look even better once that Materials Viewer launches (you can also check it out with the Materials Beta Viewer). Visit the SL10B Marketplace and get your commemorative avatar today – they’ll only be available until the end of June!
Snapshot Contest
We’re also kicking off an SL10B Snapshot Contest! Start snapping your celebratory images and get ready to share. Top prize is free use of a homestead for four months, and second and third prizes are free use of a homestead for two months. Check out the rules and submit your entries here.
Watch Rodvik Linden on The Drax Files
On the occasion of Second Life’s tenth birthday, machinimist extraordinaire Draxtor Despres interviewed Linden Lab CEO Rod Humble (aka Rodvik Linden), for a special episode of the great video series The Drax Files: World Makers. Check out the episode here.
Join the Parties Inworld
Throughout June, there will be celebrations for Second Life’s tenth birthday (SL10B) all over the grid – thrown by DJs and event planners inworld. So that you can keep track of where the parties are at, we’ve launched an SL10B Category in the Destination Guide. If you have an SL10B event planned – there is still plenty of time to submit your entry; and check back frequently – we’ll be continually updating the Destination Guide as always.
From June 16 – 29, there will be a large community-organized celebration inworld as well. As with past Second Life birthday celebrations, you can expect great exhibits, music, and events. For more info, check out the SL10B Community Celebration website.
More to Come
Later this month, we’ll be kicking off a special grid-wide hunt with unique prizes, exclusively for Premium members. We’ll blog with more details soon, but if you want to get in on the fun, be sure that your Premium membership is up-to-date.
We’ll also be releasing some limited-edition gifts on the Marketplace and inworld. Some will be limited quantity – so stay tuned to find out when and where to get them!
There’s more coming to celebrate Second Life’s tenth birthday, so be sure to keep an eye on this blog for the latest.
Thanks again to everyone who has been a part of the last ten years in Second Life – we look forward to what is still to come!
Category Archives: NEWS
LL Repost: Faster Avatar Loading on the Horizon
Faster Avatar Loading on the Horizon
byLinden Lab on 05-29-2013 09:54 AM
We’ve been working hard on some major changes to Second Life’s Viewer and back-end infrastructure to improve the Second Life experience for all users. Today, we’re pleased to share an update on Project Shining – an initiative that will make avatars load and rez more quickly and reliably.
We’ve tested changing of outfits, avatar swapping, and initial avatar loading into worlds, and our tests showed performance gains across the board. Bottom line, Second Life users will experience less time in “clouded” or untextured avatar states and/or completely failed bakes that require relogs. Check out this video for more about the project.
Project Sunshine is rolling out in three steps:
1) A required Viewer update, out now! The official Second Life Viewer (version 3.5.1 and later) includes important updates you’ll need to enjoy the benefits of Project Sunshine, so update today if you haven’t yet. Actively updated Third Party Viewers also already have Sunshine-enabled versions available.
2) A server-side update, rolling out soon. It’s at this point that you’ll begin to notice significant improvements in avatar and object load times and reliability. But if you haven’t updated your Viewer, avatars won’t look right to you when we roll out the server update, so seriously, update now!
3) A second Viewer update, released after the server-side improvements are rolled out. As long as you have the Viewer 3.5.1 or later (available now), avatars won’t look wrong for you, but this second Viewer update will be needed to get the full benefits of Project Sunshine.
Get on your way to a better, faster, and more reliable Second Life experience and update to the latest Viewer today!
Linden Dollar (L$) Authorized Reseller Program
We are proud to announce that ZoHa Islands became today an Authorized Reseller of Linden Dollars.
To give Second Life users more options to purchase Linden dollars for use in Second Life, Linden Lab is piloting an Authorized Reseller Program. This program authorizes third parties to resell L$ (that they purchase on the LindeX) to Second Life users, using a variety of international currencies and payment methods.
Participants in the Authorized Reseller Program have been approved by Linden Lab and have agreed to the Program’s Terms and Conditions.
Reselling L$ outside of this Program and/or purchasing L$ from unauthorized resellers is a violation of Second Life’s Terms of Service.
For the terms that govern the operation of the Authorized Reseller Program, please see the Linden Dollar Reseller Terms and Conditions
Click here to BUY your Linden Dollars from ZoHa Islands.
Second Life’s 10th Birthday Celebration – Get Involved – Applications due May 20th!
Howdy ZoHa Islands 🙂
So with Second Life’s big 10th Birthday bash coming up…I figured it was time to say – GET THOSE LAST MINUTE APPLICATIONS IN!!
This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your businesses and get involved!
May 20th is the official deadline!
We hope to see you there 🙂
SL10B: Looking Forward, Looking Back: Help Celebrate Your Second Life!
It’s that time of year when we celebrate the anniversary of Second Life – and this year, the tenth anniversary of the founding of Second Life, will be very special. The theme of the event will be: Looking Forward, Looking Back. This year we will have 20 sims for builds and stages and fun and freebies, and we invite you to be part of the festivities!
How Can I Be a Part of This?
Application forms are available NOW for anyone who wants to be a part of the celebration. APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MAY 20, 2013. There is a place for everyone, and here are the details:
If you want to present something:
Talk on a topic
Run a workshop
Teach a class
Do performance art
Put on a media eventYou need an AUDITORIUM APPLICATION
If you want to exhibit something:
Art installation
Informative exhibition
Community group
Media (writing, machinima, photography, etc.)You need an EXHIBITOR APPLICATION
If you want to be involved in the musical celebration as a:
Live Performer
If you want to help out with any other aspect of the celebration, such as:
Exhibitor Assistant
Stage Manager
Public Relations
You are invited to sign up for one or more of these areas (yes, you can volunteer for everything if you like). Orientation and Training will be provided for many of the roles. Expect that some time will be required prior to the event for that purpose.
Find out more about the roles.
EXTRA!! EXTRA!! I’m With the Press!
If you have a blog or other publication, we encourage you to apply. You can be “embedded” – you will promise to post about the event at least once a week or put up photos at least once a week and in return for that, you will get special early access to SL10B and an invite to Press Day! Or – if you can’t post or put up pictures so often – you can still be on the Special Press Pass List – you’ll receive an invite to the Press Day, June 14 & 15.
Don’t miss your chance to be part of this amazing celebration!
How can I stay informed?
Read the SL10B blog – there will be regular updates and information posted there!
You can also follow us through various social media:
Our Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/SLBCommunityCelebration/
Our Google + Page – https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109351184395034254417
Our Twitter stream – https://twitter.com/SLBCommunity
Our Flickr Group – http://www.flickr.com/groups/2187760@N21/
We also have an information group inworld – “The SLB Community” (without the ” “) – it’s free to join so sign up inworld to hear announcements there before you hear them anywhere else.
Linden Lab ToS Changes and How they affect Paypal/Credit Payers!
UPDATE 05/17/20013:
To give Second Life users more options to purchase Linden dollars for use in Second Life, Linden Lab is piloting an Authorized Reseller Program. This program authorizes third parties to resell L$ (that they purchase on the LindeX) to Second Life users, using a variety of international currencies and payment methods.
We are proud to announce that ZoHa Islands became one of those Authorized Linden Dollar Resselers. More info can be found HERE.
Hello ZoHa Islands –
Big changes on the Linden Lab front with the new terms of service additions.
(See the official blog post from Linden Lab at the bottom of this page.)
Due to this change in the TOS we have had to pull the ability to BUY L$ from our tier terminals.
If you don’t want to buy your L$ from Linden Lab to pay your tier you can still pay your tiers via PayPal and … Paypal does accept all major credit cards as well. Even if you don’t have a paypal account you can use your credit card to pay your tier!
How to pay your tier with your credit card or prepaid card ?
- 1. Click on our tier terminal
- 2. Choose your language
- 3. Select PAYMENT
- 4. Select the PAYPAL option
- 5. Click on the link you see in your SL viewer to go to our website
- 6. On our website you can choose to make a one time only weekly or monthly payment with PayPal.
- 7. On the PayPal screen you can choose “I don’t have a PayPal account” and manually enter your credit card info as you can see in the screens below.
(Click on them to zoom)
PayPal / Credit Card payments need to be booked manually. So it might take a few hours before we have booked your payment.
Repost from the Official Linden Lab Blog:
Updated Second Life Terms of Service
byLinden Lab 05-07-2013 10:41 AM – edited 05-07-2013 11:55 AM
When you log in to the Second Life Viewer today, you’ll be asked to accept an updated Terms of Service. As with any legal document, it’s important to read in its entirety before accepting, but we wanted to highlight one of the changes we’ve made in this update: to better protect Second Life users against fraud, the updated Terms of Service make it clear that trading of Linden dollars (L$) on exchanges other than the LindeX, Second Life’s official L$ exchange, is not authorized or allowed.
As the official exchange owned and operated by Linden Lab, the LindeX is the best place to buy and sell L$ for use in Second Life. It consistently offers the best rates for both buyers and sellers, and by limiting L$ trading to the exchange we operate, we are better able to protect users against fraudulent activity.
The majority of Second Life users who purchase L$ do so through the Second Life Viewer by clicking on the “Buy L$” button. There will be no change to that function, as these orders are placed directly through the LindeX. Similarly, shopping on Marketplace will not be impacted.
If you haven’t used the LindeX before, check out this Knowledge Base article and the video below for more information:
Server Side Baking Update & Supported Viewers
Hello ZoHa Islands –
Server Side Baking or SSB as commonly referred to – renders clothing layers, avatar’s skin, tattoos, alpha from the client side to the server much faster.
The major benefit to SSB is no more cloud avatars. This is because the baking [rendering] of your avatar is moving to the Region Server your Avatar is standing in. This new method of baking eliminates delays in passing rendered information to all viewing your avatar.
Currently your avatar is rendered on your PC with information then transmitted to the server to distributed to others viewing you. Avatar rendering performance in the past was tied to the quality of the Internet Connection to and the speed of the the Client PC.
Those who delay upgrading to a modern viewer will still see avatars as before with the exception that the textures rendered by the SSB code may be missing from them leaving a white mask on the prim/layer shape. In addition to the SSB code upgrades, several other updates will also be rolled out at this same time.
The good folks at Linden Lab are testing server side baking for official Second Life Viewers which is projected for release within the next 2-4 weeks.
Supported Viewers as of April 25th – 2013
- Firestorm Viewer has added support for Server Side Baking
- Catznip Viewer R8 has server side baking support (SSB)
- Nirans Viewer 2.2.0 Alpha (2656) contains the update SSB (Server Side Baking)
- Singularity Viewer 1.8.0 has added support for Server Side Baking
- Kokua Vewer latest build includes experimental code
- Cool VL viewer supports Server Side Baking
You can read more about SSB here or on our blog or on Firestorm’s Blog
Please check back for updates!