With Many of your ZI Residents being new users to Second Life, I figured this would be an important topic to touch base on. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with all of your land options and get the most out of your land experience here at ZoHa Islands. As always if you have any questions – please feel free to contact a ZI Manager anytime day or night.
Tab 1 – General (see image below each tab info)
Name – Self Explanatory ( put whatever name your want to call your land)
Parcel ID – for use by the actual Sim Owner through LL
Owner: Ok this section – sometimes it will say an avatar name only and no group selected under – this land is solely owned by the purchaser. If it says a name of an avatar and a group name under – it is only SET to a group. In order to give the group owners, managers etc the necessary rights your land needs to be deeded. (i.e. you want your partner to have the exact same rights as you on your land, or you want your club manager to have eject rights and changing music) Now with this said….. we can go onto the next area.
Group: This is where you set the group you want your land to go to – a land group for anyone who you WANT to have parcel rights or rezzing/music. You can control how much access they have via the ROLES/ABILITIES sections of your group information. To deed land to a group you are owner of – set group, check the “Allow to Deed” box, and then click the now highlighted Deed button. The only way to “undeed” or change the group after deeding is to sell the land back to yourself for 0L, and rebuying it back to reset your ownership, please note you must be an active owner in the group to be able to do this. If by some chance you left the group by mistake – please contact ZoHa Management to reset your land back to you – can only be sold to the original purchaser.
For Sale – Pretty Self Explanatory. Use this to sell your land but remember while you may sublet your land – you are responsible for the tiers unless management is notified of the sale & Ownership Changes.
Claimed – Date land is acquired
Area – SQM of the selected parcel
Traffic – Your lands avatar activity
Tab 2 – Covenant
This is the set of rules set forth by the sim owner – Please read and familiarize yourself with them
Tab 3 – Objects
On the image below – you can see I have 977 prims out of my 1875 allowed prims on my half region.
Click the circular arrow next to “object owners” – It also shows all of the prims belong to me – in some cases you will have a listing of different peoples prims – this list helps you manage the content of your parcel and lets you see what is all there, comes in great handy when you have multiple users.
Tab 4 – Options – VERY IMPORTANT and helps prevent griefings!
Below is a prime example of a well set up parcel. We will go through the areas of this menu.
Edit Terrain (all) – My personal suggestion is to keep this completely unchecked to avoid tergriefers from striking your land and causing havoc and returned items. Use with Extreme Caution!
Fly – Enable or Disable
Build – this should always be set to group to avoid random people from rezzing prims on your land as well. Even if you don’t have a group set and your are the sole land owner – it will enable only you to build/rez on your land.
Object Entry – pretty much same as above – it stops neighbors from having prims crossing over into your land and prevents griefings
Run Scripts – If you run a high traffic area or a high scripted area you may choose to have this set to only group. That is your call.
Safe – Enable or Disable death – TPs you home if you ‘die” used in combat RP mostly.
No Pushing – Enable or Disable as per your preference
Show place in Search – IMPORTANT if you are a business owner – always show your business in SL search. Residential customers no need to enable.
Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel – this enables you a degree of privacy – avatars outside of the parcel cannot hear or see your pixels when it is unchecked – allowing you to roam naked at will. If it is checked they can see in. It doesn’t hide prims – only people/attachments.
Snapshot – Drag and drop something of your choice
Landing point – set to force a landing point – or select anywhere if you want too.
Tab 5 – Media
This is for TVs, Radios etc – please follow the instructions that came with your equipment! We are not tech support for your TVs.
Tab 6 – Music & Sound
Insert a music stream of your choice – Here are some popular ones:
50s, 60s Hits – http://7659.live.streamtheworld.com:80/977_OLDIES_SC
70’s Rock – http://7649.live.streamtheworld.com:80/977_CLASSROCK_SC
80’s Hits – http://7649.live.streamtheworld.com:80/977_80_SC
90’s Hits – http://7599.live.streamtheworld.com:80/977_90_SC
Today’s Hits – http://7609.live.streamtheworld.com:80/977_HITS_SC
Hip Hop/RNB – http://7609.live.streamtheworld.com:80/977_JAMZ_SC
Adult Hits – http://7659.live.streamtheworld.com:80/977_MIX_SC
Alternative – http://7639.live.streamtheworld.com:80/977_ALTERN_SC
Country – http://7599.live.streamtheworld.com:80/977_COUNTRY_SC
Jazz Music – http://7609.live.streamtheworld.com:80/977_SMOOJAZZ_SC
Comedy – http://7639.live.streamtheworld.com:80/977_COMEDY_SC
X-mas Music – http://ophanim.net:9790/
Rock Mix – http://uplink.duplexfx.com:8008/
Now – when on a shared sim – please set your land as the image below – this helps reduce disturbances with your neighbors and makes for a more peaceful stay. It also keeps your voice conversations private.
Tab 7 – Access
This is where you can control who comes onto your parcel and who is allowed and banned.
Hope this was informative for you all 🙂
Have a wonderful day!
KittyKat Jules
ZoHa Islands Assistant Manager and Public Relations
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