“Lab Gab” is a live-streamed variety show that showcases events, destinations, and different talents across Second Life.
Join our host, Strawberry Linden, as she speaks with Cilian McCullough, who runs The Dive Shop in Second Life, which is a platform for training scuba divers in the physical world. Cilian and his team have created scuba equipment, fully functional dive computers, and oxygen analyzers. They have been approved by PADI, the world’s largest diver training organization, to use these simulations in Second Life to meet the practical application part of the PADI Enriched Air Diver course. Watch as he gives Strawberry a one-on-one lesson in diving!
Aired Friday August,21st
For full episodes of Lab Gab, click over to the Lab Gab YouTube Playlist.
Real Soon we will be working to get some of this rolling in Fruit Islands I will be personally working on this and many more programs like Sailing Instruction ,Pylon Air Racing, Flight Instruction and so much more.
Have a great week from all of us at Zoha Islands and Fruit Islands