Fresh New Look – Business District Office & Community Center

Heya Zoha Islands!

Its been a little bit – but we’ve been working harder than ever to bring our residents some exciting new things, and this is only the beginning!  The plans to feature some hand selected merchants and host product conferences and community events are well underway for the upcoming months.  We hope to bring all of our residents some exciting new things here very soon.

Come on down and check out the new Business District Building, game tables, and fishing for all residents of Second Life to enjoy.  Bring your friends, and come enjoy a game of Greedy or soak your feet along the dockside.  While your here feel free to explore and venture out into the 12 connected regions of our Business District where we offer a united community of merchants and shop space for your all your business needs.

Did you know that Zoha Islands offers a advertising package for each and every business customer?   Our Commercial Manager, Deelish Wishbringer offers a free consultation to get your businesses featured on office adboards and on our webpage for FREE! (Please note Some Restrictions do apply for adult content businesses, please contact Deelish Wishbringer for info)

Thank you all for making Zoha Islands the best place to call home for all your needs in Second Life!

BD Office_001 BD Office_006 BD Office_002 BD Office_003 BD Office_004 BD Office_005

Second Life Candy Fair 2013

Candy Fair is an entire event centered around the love of Candy & Sugar!  With Halloween right around the corner what could be better.  Time to get your Sugar Rush on!!

The Theme is ANYTHING featuring candy…candy colors, candy treats, sugary sweets!  We all Love Candy 😀

Skins, Makeups, Jewelry, Furniture, , Home & Decor, Poses, Kids Stuffs, or Anything to do with CANDY!

Candy Fair and all credits for the hard work and organization of the wonderful event go to MelissaJeanne Flores &  Danicasaerwen Resident (Candy Fair Organizers).

See below for a list of participating vendors.

Pleas visit the Candy Fair Official Blog

Teleport Links & Maps Below:

Candy Fair Sim 1

Candy Fair Sim 2

Candy Fair Sim 3

Candy Fair will run October 4th through October 18th – 2013!!

Candy Fair V3 Poster



Candy Fair 2013 Map Sim 3 Candy Fair 2013 Map Sim 2 Candy Fair 2013 Map Sim 1Candy Fair Designers & SLurls!

Sim 1 – Sweet Suprises
**Chocolate Falls – Sponsors**
//elephante poses
Petitie Bowtique
RazzBerry Inc.

**Gummy Bear Drive – Kids**
Candii Kitten
~ Kawaii ~
Glitter Outfitters

**Marshy Mallow Town – Clothing**
Mango Cheeks
Cute Poison
Pretty Kitties
Bitter Bunnie Designs
{le fil casse}
[: Kawaii Couture :]
Fashion Fears
Cupcakes & Poetry
Sweeter Than Candy
Berries Inc.

**Candy Corn Valley – Poses**
.[ pose+ivity ].
.mien. poses
Demise Of Flight
Say Cheese
Vanity Poses
Picture this! Poses
.click. poses & props
Heirloom Poses
:: Axix ::
!dM deviousMind / (*chanimations photography props and poses
Shots Studio
::WetCat:: Builds&Poses
Flash Friendly Poses
. Infiniti .
Starry Heaven

Sim 2 – Sugar Valley
**Gingerbread Alley – Sponsors**
Leri Miles Designs
Legal Insanity

**Lolly Land  – Clothing**
Crash Republic
pure Perfection
Loordes of London
{{BSD Design Studio}}
CIA Designs 
[[ Masoom ]]
{ViSion} – S&F
D&G Fashions
Forever Reckless
Pure Poison

**Candy Cane Lane – Home And Garden**
[][] beach street [][] home and garden
End Of Daze
[CIRCA] Living
!! Follow US !!
Oceania Breedables
[ free bird ]
Little House Of Curios
[Noble] Distinguished Furnishings
Rassasy Foods
Treasured Cove
Yay! and Stuff

Sim 3 – Candy Cove
**Gumdrop End – Sponsors**
.::Pink Sugah::.
Mes Sucreries

**Cupcake Hills – Skins, Hairs, Shapes, Tattoos, Makeup**
Pink Acid
.:Panda Punx:.
cStar Limited
Nikita Fride
.::WoW Skins::.
Mr & Miss C.
Identity Body Shop
Dead Apples
.:: Delusions ::.

**Donut Turn – Clothing**
Holli Pocket
The Sugar Garden
Mon Cheri
Hard Candy
[QE] Designs
Que Bella!
*TwInS FaShIoN – TF*
*RoTtEn DeFiAnCe*
Phoebe ~Piercings & more
NS:: Cutie Shape
Zombie Suicide
ToXiC HiGh
Sugar & Cyanide

Introducing SLShare, an Easy Way to Share to Facebook While Inworld

Introducing SLShare, an Easy Way to Share to Facebook While Inworld

by Community Manager Linden Lab ‎09-25-2013 09:09 AM – edited ‎09-25-2013 09:09 AM

Today, we’re introducing Second Life Share or SLShare for short. It’s a new feature that makes it easy to share things from Second Life with your friends on Facebook.

SLShare is a new, 100% opt-in Viewer feature that will allow you to easily update your Facebook status, share photos, and check-in from Second Life locations to your Facebook wall.

Whether you’re at a great inworld event and want to let your Facebook friends know where to join you, want to show off a photo of your avatar modeling your latest Marketplace purchase, or just share a thought inspired by your inworld explorations, SLShare makes it easy to share pieces of your Second Life experiences with your Facebook network.

Check out this video introduction for more info.

SLShare isn’t yet available for everyone, but starting today, a certain percentage of users will begin to be able to access the feature, and we’ll soon rolling it out to everyone.

Second Life Is Now Available on Desura

Repost from Linden Lab Blog:

Second Life Is Now Available on Desura

by Community Manager Linden Lab ‎08-28-2013 07:11 PM – edited ‎08-28-2013 07:11 PM


If you keep an eye on Linden Lab announcements, you might have seen that we recently acquired Desura, the community-driven digital distribution service that puts the best games, mods and downloadable content from developers at gamers’ fingertips, ready to buy and play.

Now, Second Life is available on Desura (oh, and Patterns is too)! You can still access Second Life as always, but this now makes it easier for anyone with a Desura account to get into Second Life as well. If you have friends who are Desura players, help spread the word! And, if you’d like to check it out yourself, it’s free and easy to create a Desura account.


Server Side Appearance is NOW LIVE!

Repost from Firestorm:

Thank you Jessica 🙂

SSA is now live

Earlier in the week we notified you all that server side appearance (SSA) was rolling out to the entire grid between Tuesday the 20th and Wednesday the 21st. This rollout was the completion of just one phase of this improvement, and I am happy to say, aside from a few glitches it has been mostly a success. Congratulations Linden Lab, job very well done! It isn’t perfect though, as there are still some users who are having appearance troubles but so far these seem to have common and fixable causes. For more info on these and other SSA problems please visit the blog links at the bottom of this post.

Now this was just the first iteration of this work, and as of Friday afternoon Nyx Linden stated that they have plenty more viewer code yet to be tested and released which contains more fixes, improvements and cleanup for SSA. When this code becomes available we intend to merge it into ours and have it available with our next Firestorm release. For those interested you can listen to Nyx speak about the SSA rollout at Friday’s Third Party Viewer Meeting starting at 4 minutes and 50 seconds on the following video recording.

Faster avatar rendering!

By now most of you have probably noticed improvements in the speed at which you and other avatars render your worn clothing: that’s one of the things SSA is designed to do. But please note SSA doesn’t address rendering of objects, sculpts or mesh, worn or otherwise. SSA deals specifically with your avatar skin and clothing layer textures only.

To the complainers…

I have seen plenty of folks complaining about LL “once again fixing things that aren’t broken instead of dealing with important things… ” Let me just tell you straight up, right now! Avatar appearance has been in the Top Five list of broken things that have needed to be fixed for many, many years, maybe even the top issue. Not just that, but this fix has taken over a year to do and truly was a monumental task for LL as it required nearly a full rewrite of incredibly complicated code. The fact that LL was able to roll this out without the grid exploding on first attempt is impressive enough, but they also proved me wrong! I predicted it would take three attempts before it would stick; they did it on the first. While it isn’t perfect, and there may still be issues for some people rendering, it is important to remember a few things…

1st. This is just the beginning. LL will be working for some time now to polish up this new rendering system and improve its reliability. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so be patient.
2nd. Let’s give LL some credit for going after a very expensive and challenging set of bugs in order to fix bake fail across the grid while also speeding up render times to improve our user experience. This is one of those times LL has fixed something very important to us.

Temporary textures no longer work

Many of you have noticed that temporary texture uploads no longer work… this is because temp textures worked by piggybacking on the avatar appearance data. Because this data has now drastically changed, temp textures no longer work and cannot be fixed. The alternative is to use the local texture picker. Info can be found here: .




Jessica Lyon
Project Manager
The Phoenix Firestorm Project, Inc

3 Crucial Pieces of Safety Advice When Using Browser Extensions in Windows

Browser extensions have been around for a while, but it wasn’t until recently that they started playing more of a role in your browsing experience than the pesky tool-bars we used to see back in the days of Internet Explorer 6. Granted, there are still many people new to the whole extension thing, along with many hardened veterans in the computing world who feel a certain distrust born back in the days when tool-bars were shoved down your throat at every instance. Things have changed immensely as soon as Google Chrome and Firefox became major players, but we still have a long way to go. That’s why I’m going to teach you how to employ safety when using extensions.

1: Just because the extensions are hosted on the developer’s “store” doesn’t mean they don’t bite.

When you look through Firefox’s add-ons site or the Google Chrome store, you’ll find a ton of browser extensions, each with their own ratings and descriptions neatly laid out for you. There’s a ton of stuff you can get and most of it is free.  Both of the above-mentioned sources are very trustworthy and come from the developers of the
browser you may be using. Sadly, this doesn’t mean that you should just hop right in and download anything that meets your eyes. There are a lot of malicious extensions out there that can be used to hijack your computers. Granted, browser developers do their best to keep malware out of their extension stores. However, their security isn’t always going to stop the bad guys from butting in and giving you a bad apple. It’s the unfortunate truth of the Internet. To prevent compromising your computer, only get extensions that have lots of positive feedback. Search Google for the name of the extension, the name of your browser, and then the word “malware” after it. See what you find!

2: Extensions can be forcibly installed on your computer.

It shouldn’t have happened to me, but it did: I downloaded malicious software and opened it. It happens to the best of us. During the installation, it sneaked in an extension on my Chrome browser that popped up ads every few pages I visited. I looked at my list of extensions and, surely enough, there it was. There was something there I didn’t ever install myself. Forcible infections via proxy have a way with making your computer behave in all sorts of inexplicably funny ways. To prevent something like this from happening, download software that comes from trusted publishers. Avoid big green “Download” buttons that appear next to a ton of other “Download” buttons on some websites. A lot of people fall for this trick and   it’s sad to see how many actually get infected.

3: Be careful when giving your information to an extension.

Seriously, I can’t stress it enough: Use extensions only from trusted developers. Just because an extension is working as it should be doesn’t mean that it won’t unintentionally leak information about you to malicious sources. A hacker can access the extension developer’s database and steal all the information it collected about you. In this day and age, that’s how most compromises happen. Large database leaks can really disrupt the lives of many people. Make sure you know what the extension is taking from you. Does it need your credit card info? Your phone number? How about your passwords? Don’t give a browser extension any information that you would mind being leaked, unless you’re certain the information is encrypted upon storage and decrypted on your computer with a passkey that you control. I would also recommend 2 crucial things you need on your computer to help protect you from virus and maleware. One is a program I talked about in past post MALEWAREBYTES this is the best freeware maleware scanner out there and is really effective and worth the price for the pay version.  The next program is Microsoft Security Essentials is another freeware security that I must say is the best virus scanner I have found beyond expectations over paid anti virus scanners.  There you have it the only 2 programs to help keep you safe you will ever need. Make sure when downloading and installing these you first remove any other virus scanners you have on your system.

Anything Else?

It’s all about trust and scrutiny. Before downloading anything, scrutinize it carefully. Playing detective is always fun, anyway! If you have more thoughts on the subject, leave a comment below!

Have a Great Week
Deuce Marjeta
Operations Manager