4th Annual Autism Awareness ~ Lighting the Way 2014

Lighting the way 2014People come into Second Life for many reasons. Some to find companionship, some to find relief from a difficult and stressful RL, some to start a business and make money, and some for the gratuitous sex! Often, people who are residents of SL discover that the virtual world is a wonderful platform to support causes in their lives that are personal and meaningful to them and to others.

SouthernComfort Magic is one of those people who has turned her passion for autism awareness into a cause that she successfully promotes in Second Life. She is excited to bring to SL the 4th Annual Autism Awareness events! You can see more on her website here.

What is Autism?

According to the Autism Speaks website,  autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors.

The website goes on to give these statistics about autism: “Autism statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identify around 1 in 68 American children as on the autism spectrum–a ten-fold increase in prevalence in 40 years. Careful research shows that this increase is only partly explained by improved diagnosis and awareness. Studies also show that autism is four to five times more common among boys than girls. An estimated 1 out of 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism in the United States.”

In RL, I (Suzanne) work for a nonprofit organization that provides rehabilitative and vocational services to adults with developmental disabilities. We have over 230 staff and serve over 600 consumers in our various programs. Years ago, the most common diagnosis that consumers came into program with was Down Syndrome. Now, with today’s advanced medicine allowing parents to make difficult decisions regarding whether or not to proceed with a pregnancy that has an early diagnosis of Down’s, there are fewer Down’s clients. In recent years, we have seen a significant uptick in the number of people with an autism diagnosis coming into program; so much so that our Director of Client Services has had to get a special certification in order to best serve those with the autism diagnosis.

Autism is a very personal cause for SouthernComfort, as both her children have been diagnosed with autism. SouthernComfort shares what drives her passion:

“My drive behind this was simple, my children. In May 2006, my youngest son (he is 8yrs old now) was diagnosed as having Severe Autism. At the time he was only 21 months old. Not really knowing much about it at the time, I spent hours upon hours researching this. Watching my son having to do through struggles in everyday life, I was at a loss of words. My son can’t talk, he doesn’t play, social skills are non-existent, he has no idea what a holiday is or even his own birthday, to him it’s just another day. He has many behavioral issues such as hitting his head on the ground when upset, screaming at the top of his lungs, hitting himself on the arms and legs. He has also been diagnosed as having PICA (which is basically eating things that are non food) and eats things such as wood, crayons, mulch, paper. He also has been diagnosed as having ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). My son is full of life though. He smiles, he laughs, he loves to be tickled and play peek-a-boo, he LOVES Adele and country music. All around he’s a little squirt.

“My daughter who is 9yrs old, just this past November was diagnosed as having Asperger’s [Asperger syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder considered to be on the “high functioning” end of the spectrum. Those with Asperger syndrome do not have significant delays or difficulties in language or cognitive development.] She has some challenges ahead in her life, but with the therapy and help that they have now for children with Asperger’s, she should be okay. She has some social issues (has a hard time making friends), she has some speech delay, has a very hard time understanding when others are joking around and when they are serious. She has some very similar things that her younger brother has as far as symptoms of being on the spectrum, her’s just aren’t as severe as his, but they are present. However, she is full of life, she LOVES to smile and laugh, she loves playing with her new computer which she received this Christmas from someone she truly adores.”

Having been in-world since 2008 and heavily involved in MCs (motorcycle clubs), she had an opportunity in 2010 to work with Scott Sommer, who was organizing an event called “Rockers For Autism”.  SouthernComfort says, “After inquiring about the event, I had gotten with a good friend of mine Tristain Savon and asked if he would be willing to DJ this event with me at Sixx Pack. Together, he and I rocked for 4 hours raising awareness and during that 4 hour period, we had raised $153, 944L (Total was approximately $600 USD). I was completely taken back at the amount of support that I had seen in my family and friends that came out that night.”

Since that time, the event has grown. In 2012, SouthernComfort decided to try doing the event on her own, and she teamed up with Champion Horses to hold the Autism Event. Since horse therapy is very therapeutic for anybody on the spectrum, it seemed like a natural fit. They had a Nickelback concert, and Tristain DJ’d once again. They had a live performer and an auction. After many many hours of planning and after an extremely long day, they raised L$466, 868, or $1,701.60 USD during the month of April.  She was amazed! SouthernComfort works directly with the Autism Society in Bethesda, MD. She has a contact there, and after she cashed out, she was thrilled to make that amazing donation. She was beside herself at the amount of support from so many wonderful people.

In 2013, they decided to make the Autism Awareness event for two days rather than just one.  They had two concerts, Halestorm and Nickelback, with Tristan Savon Dj’ing once again. They had the IT Girlz and Fellaz doing a dance routine.  Nan Ember DJ’d for both days, and Madison Pizzaro was a DJ, as well, Blazer Bowenford did an amazing Blues set. There were a number of Motorcycle clubs involved as well such as the Black Knights, Damnation, Outlaws just to name a few.

In 2014, the Autism Awareness ~ Lighting the Way event has grown by leaps and bounds. The events are on two sims, and runs from throughout the month of April, which is Autism Awareness Month. She has nearly 50 sponsors, including ZoHa Islands, who is donating a full prim sim for this event. Over 20 MCs are involved. Entertainment includes 10 DJs and several live performers.  You can check out the Second Life Autism Awareness ~ Lighting the Way website for dates and details.

In closing I leave you with SouthernComfort’s own words from her website:

“When my son was diagnosed with Severe Autism at the age of 2, Autism affected 1 out of 150 children. Today it affects 1 out of 88. Over the course of 6 years, I have watched my son go through changes that I would never wish upon anyone. However, he is the most lovable child that I have ever known, he is truly an angel from heaven. He has taught me more about life & the person that I want to be more than I ever thought possible.

“So the next time you are at a restaurant or at a mall & you happen to see a child throwing themselves down on the floor, screaming and/or shaking things, stop & think before you judge. Not all disabilities are easily seen.  Sometimes all one might see is the symptoms & without knowing the full situation. Don’t judge someone incorrectly & unfairly.”

Please join us in supporting this very worthy cause. Come to the events, enjoy the performances, and give generously. Anything we can do to support and promote research into autism and it’s causes brings us closer to a way to prevent its occurrence.  In this way, we can “light the way” for their lives and by doing so, by having these events for them, we can raise awareness to help with research and therapy for them.

I remain respectfully yours,

~Suzanne Piers, ZI Social Media Manager


New Year, New Office & New Water Recreation Amenities for our ZI Community!

Have you stopped by the Zoha Islands sim lately?  If you not you probably should!

It’s been completely reworked, with a gorgeous new Marina for all to enjoy.  There are many new things available for all of our residents to enjoy including fishing, jet ski rezzers, swimming, tubing, and many hidden places for you to explore and find.

Please visit our sales office for information on our new lots available with ocean access for sailing along the ZI Sim.

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New Year – New Main Office Sim – Pardon our dust!

So – we’ve got a shiny new design in store for the Zoha Islands Office.  OH SHINY you’re thinking right 😛 ?!

There will be a sailing area among the sims surrounding the office as well as many fun new things and exciting surprises awaiting you to explore and discover 🙂

Pardon our dust over the next couple of days while we implement the new design!   Out with the old and in with the new 🙂

Here’s a sneak peek:


ZoHa Islands Business Expo – Christmas Theme – Dec 1st to Dec 22nd

Do you have great products you’d like to show off? Or a really great Item new to the market and want people to learn about it? There is no better way to do this than being a part of a business expo!

ZoHa Islands Business District Office will be holding themed expos every month and the space is FREE! This will be open to ALL creators, you do not have to have land with us. ZoHa business owners get benefits like free advertising on our ad boards and our website along with free business consults from the business district manager Deelish Wishbringer. ZoHa’s Business Districts are the best place to be for your business! So if this will be your first visit we encourage you to take a look around, you might find your perfect business space!

Each creator will be given a small space to highlight one or two select items (per approval). If you have large items you can display a mini version of your item with a sign that says “not actual size” or something to that effect.
You will be expected to be there as much as possible to talk to potential customers. This is not an open invitation to spam people, greeting them and asking if they’d like to know more about your product/s is the better way to go. This is a great opportunity to get your items seen as this will be heavily advertised! ( See Bottom of article for upcoming expos)
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We are open to suggestions, please IM Deelish Wishbringer if you have any good ones!

No vendors or selling will be allowed, this expo is strictly for displaying and info purposes only to help your business gain exposure. We will be supplying an easel for you to put a sign with your logo on no scripts in this please (if your display items are scripted in a way that makes them work or do something that is okay). You may include in your sign an info card and a landmark to your place of business or a link to your Market Place listings on a notecard. Set the sign to sell items contents for $0L so that when you are not able to physically be there people have the option to grab your info. (you may want to add text to your logo that says “right click/buy for 0L for info or something to that effect).

There will be 15 to 20 spaces per event. Time allotments may vary per space depending on interest., meaning the more interest the less time allotment per space to allow everyone interested to get a chance to exhibit. Once set up you will be informed on how much time you will have in your space, once you are informed of your time allotment it will not change.

For an application contact Deelish Wishbringer or visit any ZoHa Islands Office Location and click the signs.
This is a GREAT opportunity for any business! Don’t pass it up!
Here are the Expos we’ll be offering, any are subject to cancellation due to lack of interest:

♥ Christmas Expo (holiday related items) – Dec 1st to Dec 22nd

1) Anouk Haiku – Les Encantades – Christmas clothing (RP)

2) Marietta Washborne   ::mar::Creativity Studio -skins (mrs.claus)

3) iAntonio Vyper – . : V y C : .  M e n ‘ s    B o d y s h o p – mens skins

4) Katelyn Barom & Anthonys Republic – Sculpty Republic – sculpt and mesh furnishings and full perm items

5) Antreas Alter – Real Waves – real lights/real aurora/tree

6) master Nowles – (NO BIZ NAME) – sculpted christmas decor/characters/landscape etc

9) katuehhh Adderstein – Fabuleux – lights/luggage/glasses

10) FoxxyLola – Dark Wing – clothing

13) Abrahamrabbitson- Rabbit mesh – mesh trees

14) Nicoletta Conrad – Dedalo – clothing / costumes/cmas decor

15) Keanu Kharg & Selkie Flatley – Khargo – Khargo: Furniture & Design,
Khargo: Tip Jars, Khargo: Christmas & Winter Market

16) Skylar Raine- Raine Designs –  greeters/gadgets/club items

17) uostna – Ugh Design- Christmas decor

18) Megan Prumier – CRIMARIZON – prefabs/scenes

19) Kerhop Seattle – Kerhops Innovations- tree/snow/amusement

♥ Fashion Expo (fashion shows allowed per approval) – Jan 5th to Jan 26th
Fashion expo will be divided into these categories:
*Womens clothing- Jan 5th to the 11th
*Mens clothing- Jan 12th to the 18th
*Skins/Hair/Avatars Jan 18th to the 26th

♥ Weapons Expo – Feb 5th to Feb 26th

♥ Gadgets Expo – March 1st to March 22nd

♥ Jewelry Expo – April 1st to April 22nd

♥ Wedding Expo – May 1st to May 24th

♥ Home & Garden Expo – June 1st to June 28th

♥ Vehicle Expo – July 6th to July 20th

♥ Game/RP Expo- Aug 14th to Aug 31st

ZoHa Islands – Block Party – 6th Anniversary Celebration

ZoHa Islands has reached its 6th year in business this past month and we would like to thank each and everyone of you that makes our community a whole.

We will be hosting a 6 hr long celebration on November 7th, 2013, commemorating the milestone and bringing everyone together in an evening of live entertainment and dancing.

There will be door prizes and fun for all.  So come on down and join us and make this day special!

Live Entertainers – Nov 7th – 2013
1:00 – 2:00 pm: jlively
2:00 – 3:30 pm: SINGINGIT2YA Resident
3:30 – 5:00 pm: ML (master.lysios) & Rhesa Aderyn (rhesaaderyn)
5:00 – 6:00 pm: Riffster Xue ( DJ)
6:00 – 7:00 pm: Rosedrop Rust
7:00 – 8:00 pm: greek111alexandar Flux (DJ)


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Fresh New Look – Business District Office & Community Center

Heya Zoha Islands!

Its been a little bit – but we’ve been working harder than ever to bring our residents some exciting new things, and this is only the beginning!  The plans to feature some hand selected merchants and host product conferences and community events are well underway for the upcoming months.  We hope to bring all of our residents some exciting new things here very soon.

Come on down and check out the new Business District Building, game tables, and fishing for all residents of Second Life to enjoy.  Bring your friends, and come enjoy a game of Greedy or soak your feet along the dockside.  While your here feel free to explore and venture out into the 12 connected regions of our Business District where we offer a united community of merchants and shop space for your all your business needs.

Did you know that Zoha Islands offers a advertising package for each and every business customer?   Our Commercial Manager, Deelish Wishbringer offers a free consultation to get your businesses featured on office adboards and on our webpage for FREE! (Please note Some Restrictions do apply for adult content businesses, please contact Deelish Wishbringer for info)

Thank you all for making Zoha Islands the best place to call home for all your needs in Second Life!

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