Avi Choice Awards 2015

avi choice
It’s that time of year again, and the Avi Choice Awards are open for voting in the SLife Category. ZoHa Islands is up for an award! We are honored to have been nominated in the Favorite Land (Rent or Sell) Company category!

ZoHa Islands works hard to gain your trust and confidence in our ability to find you the very best land for your needs and budget. With over 800 sims available, our salespeople and estate managers are available to you 24 hours a day to help resolve any issues you might be having.

We encourage you to please go to the Avi Choice Awards website and vote for ZoHa Islands — the best estate on the grid!

Click here: VOTE HERE — SLife Awards

Once again, we want to thank each and every one of our awesome residents. We couldn’t do it without you!

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers, ZI Blogger/Social Media

Second Life Residents Come to Nepal’s Aid

Join Hands

One thing that I love about Second Life is the way its residents come together to help when there is a need. There are many annual events for causes such as Relay for Life, Feed A Smile, and many other charitable organizations. SL residents continue to give generously to help those less fortunate than themselves, often raising hundreds or thousands of RL dollars for various causes.

The devastating earthquakes in Nepal over the last couple of weeks have left that country in shambles. Valsnia and Ruby Ornamental, two Second Life residents and bloggers, have recently formed Join Hands, a virtual group they would like to see “make a difference to the real world we live in. Not dedicated to a single mission but the spirit of Humanity.” As the inaugural activity for Join Hands, they are organizing a four-day fund-raiser in support of the people of Nepal following the devastating earthquakes.

Fashion for Food SL is an event that has been organized in order to raise money to donate to the UN’s World Food Program (WFP), which focuses efforts on bringing assistance and relief to the outlying regions of Nepal. This will allow Nepal’s government to concentrate in coordinating their efforts along the Kathmandu Valley. The WFP estimates that US $116.5 million is required to provide food for 1.4 million people for a period of three months – that’s US $27 per person per month.

Fashion for Food opens at 2:00 p.m. SLT on Wednesday, May 13th. The opening event is a special fashion show by SCALA™. It will be followed by an after-show party hosted by DJ Seashell Dench from SCALA™. Clothing and jewellery from participating designers can be purchased from the vendor boards throughout the region, with all proceeds of sales, as well as all donations received going directly to WFP in support of their work in Nepal.

Designers from across Second Life are donating to and participating in the event: 69Park Ave GQ, Amarelo manga, Ana Markova, Astralia Alice Tartaglia, Aura Yeu, Ayiki, – AZUL -, Baboom Couture, CIRCA Living, CORPUS Motion, Dulce Secrets, ~ghee~, ~~ Glitter Girls ~~ and In-Pose, Glitterati by Sapphire, Hawker’s House, ImmateriA, J’adore poses, JCNY Collection, .:JUMO:., K E L I N I Haute Couture, Lazuri. Look @ Me Design, LUXE, Lyrical Bizarre Templates, Mâchoire, M&M Clothing, Me Sew Sexy, Moondance Boutique, NYA’S Shop, No 7, Petit Chat, Prey, Prism Designs SL, PROMAGIC, RAPTURE, Athena Couture, SF designs, Silken Moon, ::SG SLackgirl ::, Snowpaws, TASHI, Totally Random, Vestige Poses, Xen’s Hats and Zanze. All proceeds of the sales through the vendor boards will be going to support the WFP to deliver food to the people of Nepal.

Indian Paradise is the region hosting the event, and it has been designed to re-create an environment which has been shattered by an earthquake, offering a glimpse of the devastation in Nepal. The fashion show and events area is located towards the center of the region, while paths winding around the region take you past the vendor boards, which will be available throughout the four day event.

The planned schedule of events for Fashion for Food is as follows:

• Wednesday, May 13th, 2015, 2:00 p.m. SLT: Fashion Showcase by SCALA™Models

• Wednesday, May 13th through Saturday May 16th 2015: Outfits and jewellery from the participating designers are on sale throughout the region, with all proceeds going to the WFP

• Thursday, May 14th, 2015, 12:00 noon SLT: DJ Bonie Facio

• Saturday, May 16th, 2015, 2:00 p.m. SLT: closing party with SCALA™ DJ – Seashell Dench

Fashion for Food is being largely organized by the Indian community in Second Life in support of their neighboring Nepal, with the event region being sponsored by Indian Paradise. Note that if you would prefer to donate to the WFP’s work directly, you can do so via their Nepal relief work page. Click on the following link to go to their page: Nepal Relief Work Page

You can find the landmark to Fashion For Life by clicking here (won’t be open until 2:00 p.m. SLT on May 13th): Fashion For Life SLURL

Research for this topic came from the blog Living In a Modemworld

Please come out and support this worthy cause. If you cannot attend events inworld, please consider donating either to WFP directly, or with Lindens in SL through Join Hands.

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers, ZI Blogger/Social Media

MadPea’s UNIA Game is Open!

MadPea has really outdone themselves with this game. I have not yet tried it, but plan to this weekend when I have some time. This is their most complex game to date, and it operates much like an MMO, with a combat HUD and everything. They call it an “MMO within and MMO” and it is likely to be their best yet!

Please see their website for full details on how to participate in this game. I highly recommend reading it, as it is very complex, but so exciting!

See you in UNIA!

Click here to read more! How To Play UNIA!

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers

Fashion For Change 2015

Fashion For Change Logo

Fashion For Change is an event in Second Life running from April 11th through April 25th. This event benefits a wonderful organization called Womankind Worldwide.
Womankind Worldwide is a UK based, international Women’s Rights charity working to help women transform their lives and communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America. They celebrated their 25th Anniversary last year (2014).

The charity’s motto is “Equal, Respected, Proud,” and its vision is of a world where being a woman does not limit choices, opportunities or rights, no matter where she lives.

The charity’s aim is to support local Women’s Rights organizations and smaller local women’s groups. These groups, often at great personal risk to themselves, are challenging discrimination, human rights abuses and violence towards women within the countries and communities they are based in.

Womankind delivers the essential support – funding, expertise, contacts and publicity that these local grass roots women’s organizations need to amplify their voice, increase their impact and bring about greater change in their communities.

Womankind’s approach is not to impose a ‘top down’ solution but to help and empower the women’s groups it works with to achieve their own solutions and change. Womankind Worldwide also works in wider arenas, to lobby for change , working to influence the powers and practices of governments and non-governmental organizations.

While not being a very large charity, over the 25 years of its existence it has supported directly and indirectly over 18 million women and their families. In 2013, for instance, it worked in 15 countries, directly supported almost 141,000 women, and helped improve the rights of over 6 million women. In 2013 as an example, it worked in Afghanistan, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nepal, Peru, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

What follows is just a tiny example of the schemes, large and small, that it has helped.

Afghanistan – In Jalalabad WW helped a a legal aid center run by a local Women’s Organization to provide free legal support to 175 women, psychosocial support to 70 women/girls and basic health treatment to 46 women

Bolivia – WW helped 550 indigenous and peasant women leaders in 5 out of the country’s 9 regions to acquire the knowledge to challenge discrimination and they are now actively participating in local politics.

Liberia – WW helped develop a manual to help the police improve how they manage cases involving violence against women and girls, especially rape

Tanzania – WW worked with the Women’s Legal Aid Center in the Nyarugusu camp to support refugee paralegal units to take action on violence against women, and other human rights abuses, and they trained the wider community to recognize, promote and protect the rights of refugee women, children and men.

Nepal – WW helped Dalit tribal women’s political participation and their understanding of local political processes

Ethiopia – over five years, alongside another charity, WW worked with local communities to raise awareness of women’s rights, violence against women and harmful traditional practices. Just one result of this work was that 250,000 girls escaped genital mutilation.

That is only a tiny sample, the list could go on for hours….

This is a charity where even small donations can make a significant difference, because the money is targeted to make maximum and lasting impact. Some examples are shown below.

$20 US could train a police person in Peru in issues of sexual exploitation, violence and women’s rights to ensure that they better support trafficked women and women in prostitution.

$60US could train a community paralegal in Ghana, to provide legal support to survivors of violence, helping them to obtain child custody, a divorce or to keep their home.

$300US could train 25 Aymara women in Bolivia to educate other women in their communities on women’s rights, violence and leadership.

Looking at the figures, you can see that there is a real chance that money raised in Second Life could make a real difference somewhere.

Womankind Worldwide’s weblink can be accessed by clicking this link: Womankind Worldwid.

Please consider attending these events in Second Life and supporting this worthwhile cause. If you have any questions, you can contact Eles (eleseren.brianna) inworld. Here is the link to the inworld location: Fashion for Change

Fashion For Change Club Events Schedule

Fashion For Change Club Events Schedule

Fashion for Change Runway Fashion Show Events Schedule

Fashion for Change Runway Fashion Show Events Schedule

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers, ZI Blogger/Social Media

Unia: Unleash the Monster Within


As those of you know who read this blog regularly, I am a huge MadPea fan. They just finished “Buried.” Coming up on April 20th is Unia. I cannot wait!!

Unia by MadPea

(p.s. I hope you realized that Wednesday’s Post was an April Fool’s joke by Linden Lab. 🙂 )

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers, ZoHa Islands Blogger/Social Media

One Billion Rising 2015 — Preview

As a member of the press corps, I was able to get onto the One Billion Rising sims (there are four connected sims) and preview them. It was great to be able to wander around and look at everything without all the lag that comes with lots of avatars on the sims. I took lots of pictures and will post them here. The exhibits are amazingly beautiful and creative, and all bring awareness to the fact that we need to end violence against women and girls all over the world. I think my favorite exhibit was an interactive art exhibit, where you can actually sit and be part of the art!

Here are some photos. You can click to enlarge them. And don’t forget to visit the One Billion Rising sims all day tomorrow!

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The first interactive exhibit. I chose this one first because I LOVE books in RL. :)

The first interactive exhibit. I chose this one first because I LOVE books in RL. 🙂

This one is so joyful! You can't see it here, but this exhibit moves. I am actually dancing around in this field! Fun!

This one is so joyful! You can’t see it here, but this exhibit moves. I am actually dancing around in this field!

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There are free One Billion Rising t-shirts for men and women.

There are free One Billion Rising t-shirts for men and women.

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OBR Rise_001

I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers, ZI Social Media