Recently the SL TV show Designing Worlds produced a show about Firestorm by interviewing the Firestorm team, including Jessica Lyon, Project Manager and Founder, Lette Ponnier, the English Support Lead, and Ed Merryman, Support Manager and teacher.
I have been a huge fan of TPVs (third party viewers) in general, and Firestorm in particular, since the Emerald Viewer. I remember when Linden Labs blocked the Emerald viewer in 2010, because the first day that it was no longer approved for use, was the day I got married in SL! You can imagine trying to have a wedding with an unfamiliar viewer! And from the ashes of Emerald arose Phoenix, which I used until it morphed into its present form — Firestorm. I am so glad that Linden Labs open sources their code so that these TPVs can be created.
You can download the viewer on the Firestorm website.
This is very interesting. Listen and you will learn a lot.
I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers
ZoHa Islands Social Media Manager