Repost – Original LL Postings can be found here.
Speedy Delivery: Introducin
g the Project Interestin g Viewer byLinden Lab 11-14-2013 12:09 PM – edited 11-14-2013 12:14 PM
We’ve been working for some time on a set of improvements – code-named Project Shining – to give Second Life users a better inworld experience. The latest improvements from this work include an improved object-caching and streaming system called Project Interesting.
As we’ve previously blogged, this project will greatly reduce the load and time it takes to draw objects in regions. Put simply, this means scenes will appear more quickly and smoothly as you move throughout Second Life.
Project Interesting is a set of improvements to how the Viewer and server work together to know what scene objects to draw. We’ve already made the server smarter about sending the important, “interesting” stuff first, and today we’re launching a release candidate for a new Viewer that does a much better job of storing and managing the scene data on your computer. This will not only improve the speed at which a location loads, it will also help with overall Viewer performance.
This all translates to a smoother, faster Second Life experience that gets you to the Interesting stuff that much faster. So check out the video below, then go try out the new viewer Second Life Interesting Viewer version