Reaching into Second Life with Leap Motion

When the Linden Lab developers first saw the Leap Motion controller they couldn’t wait to get their hands on one. Thankfully, they were able to get a pre-production development kit and built demos to explore its capabilities in Second Life. The demos included tests of flight controls, object manipulation, and avatar gestures.

This work was strictly experimental, but it showed the power of Second Life as a platform for exploring gesture-based interactions with controllers like the Leap Motion, and they are happy to be able to share the code with you as a starting point for your own explorations.

If you have a Leap Motion controller and would like to experiment with the Second Life Viewer, you can find the source code for these experiments at Viewer-Rabbit. The ‘indra/newview/llleapmotioncontroller.cpp’ file contains most new functionality. The Viewer is built to work in several different modes. These modes can be used to control the avatar while flying, send data into Second Life for scripts to intercept, detect hand motions that trigger avatar gestures, or control the camera and avatar movement. To switch between these modes use the “LeapMotionTestMode” value in the Debug Settings, accessible from the Advanced menu.

To give your experiments a shot you will need get the source mentioned above and contact to join their developer program and obtain the SDK. Currently only Windows Viewers are supported, but other platforms could be added by linking in the appropriate Leap Motion SDK.

Linden Lab Unveils Dio

Linden Lab, the creators of Second Life, are unveiling the beta of their latest project – a website called Dio. Dio is a simple site that blends website design and social web, where you can create an explorable space that people can visit, move around, and leave comments in. It works by allowing you to upload photos and add actions, those actions can result in other actions, or even an entire chain of events – making it user interactive and quite an adventure.  You can leave interactive advertising, play games, and even eventually make money while doing it according to Linden Labs.

Want to read more and explore all of the perks and cool features of Dio?  To read more on the website visit – What is Dio ?

As of yesterday, it’s available to beta users to design, play, and share –

ZoHa Islands in Dio
(You need to register first to be able to view this page)

Linden Lab Dio Press Release – January 29th – 2013
Linden Lab introduces dio – a new shared creative space

Official Dio Website
Dio | Linden Lab

Dio Video Tutorials
DioPlaces – YouTube

Forbes Blog Post
Exclusive: Linden Lab’s ‘dio’ to Let You Gamify Your Media for Fun and (Eventually) Profit

One Billion Rising in Second Life – February 14th – Save the Date!

ZoHa Islands would like to take this opportunity to spread the word about this new event  on Thursday, the 14th February 2013 called One Billion Rising in Second Life.   On February 14, 2013, for 24 hours starting at midnight SL Time, Second Life residents will join with activists around the world in a spectacular 24-hour dance event for ONE BILLION RISING, the largest day of action in the history of V-Day, the global activist movement to end violence against women and girls.  The event sounds fantastic & should be an exceptionally and equally amazing turnout – and for such a wonderful cause.  For More info on this cause and how to support in RL please visit The V-Day Official Website.

There will be a giant 4 sim stage where over 200 avatars can enjoy the live music and fantastic art/info exhibits.


Official Press Release –>>

“Come and dance! One Billion Rising in Second Life!


On February 14, 2013, for 24 hours starting at midnight Pacific Standard Time, Second Life residents will join with activists around the world in a spectacular 24-hour dance event for ONE BILLION RISING, the largest day of action in the history of V-Day, the global activist movement to end violence against women and girls.

ONE BILLION RISING began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. With the world population at 7 billion, this adds up to more than ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS. On February 14, 2013, men and women in Second Life will join activists, writers, thinkers, celebrities, and people across the world to Walk, Dance, and Rise as a show of unity, individual strength, and the need for change.

The Second Life event will feature a four-region stage where 200 people can dance together, surrounded by an area of art installations and informational exhibits. A variety of performers will play over the 24-hour period, enabling people all over the world to attend this virtual event no matter their timezone. The regions will have a General maturity rating to allow all residents an opportunity to participate. Pictures are welcome on the event’s Flickr group.

The objective of the event is to raise awareness, not to raise funds; however, information about real-world organisations will be available for those wishing to donate.

One Billion Rising in Second Life is sponsored by: Alchemy Immortalis; Bits and Bobs Animations; Cheeky Pea; The Domineaux Effect; Dutchie; Galland Homes; Garden of Dreams; Gos Boutique; Gwen Carillon Designs/Serenite; Heart Garden Centre; Kaerri; MadPea; Maven Homes; Meshworx; Prime; and Spargel and Shine. In-kind sponsors are: CaLLie CLine; Fruit Islands; KittyCatS!; L’Aize Days and Prim Perfect Publications.

For more information:
Our blog:
Our webpage at One Billion Rising:
Our Second Life Group: One Billion Rising
Our Facebook Page:
Our Twitter Stream:
Our Flickr Group:

# # #

About One Billion Rising
One in three women on the planet is raped or beaten in her lifetime. That is ONE BILLION WOMEN violated. One billion daughters, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, lovers and friends. On February 14, 2013, V-Day’s 15th Anniversary, we are inviting ONE BILLION women and those who love them to WALK OUT, DANCE, RISE UP, and DEMAND an end to this violence. ONE BILLION RISING will move the earth, activating women and men to dance across every country.

For more information go to

About V-Day
V-Day is a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls that raises funds and awareness through benefit productions of Playwright/Founder Eve Ensler’s award winning play The Vagina Monologues and other artistic works. In 2012, over 5,800 V-Day benefit events took place produced by volunteer activists in the U.S. and around the world, educating millions of people about the reality of violence against women and girls. To date, the V-Day movement has raised over $90 million and educated millions about the issue of violence against women and the efforts to end it, crafted international educational, media and PSA campaigns, reopened shelters, and funded over 14,000 community-based anti-violence programs and safe houses in Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Kenya, South Dakota, Egypt and Iraq. Over 300 million people have seen a V-Day benefit event in their community.

For more information go to “

ZoHa Islands – A New Year

…Looking Back…and Looking Forward.

First of all I would like to thank on behalf of the entire ZoHa Islands Team, each and every one of our loyal customers who stuck through the database maintenance over the past two weeks.  We know the process was not the most pleasant but we have made it through!

This past year ZoHa Islands has marked milestones for the Estate, now holding over 650 regions, we are the third largest estate in all of Second Life.  Bigger things…better things for you the residents…and as always the best customer service around!
We look forward to growing even more with you!

ZoHa Islands has a new fresh looking blog and also a wide array of complimentary marketing for your business ventures.  Please feel free to browse our blog for the latest land listings, news and other exciting information and places to visit.

Want to let hear ZoHa Islands Residents and prospective buyers of your experiences here?  Write a testimonial and let your voice be heard.  We do love hearing from our residents. 
Your experiences and suggestions are always welcome as we strive to make your home the best in SL.

With this said we hope to make 2013 at ZoHa Islands the best one yet! 
Thank you once again for your business.

With Warm Regards,

KittyKat Jules
ZoHa Islands Assistant Manager/Public Relations

Happy Holidays from ZoHa Islands!

Happy Holidays ZoHa Islands!

Yes, its that time of year again.   Time to let it snow and and be thankful we don’t have electric bills in Second Life when the decorations are all up! 

We’ve got a couple of things in store for you all.

First, Snow Land has arrived!!  Keep in mind these parcels do sell out quickly during this holiday season and they do turn back to the original textures come first week of January.  If you are a current Resident and wish to have your sim changed to snow, here’s how to go about it:
Contact the other parcel owners on your sim and get confirmation via chat logs that it is ok and approved! ( Save these in a NC for yourself)
Send the complete NC to any online ZI Manager with your sim name and your Full SL name in the title (Example: Snow – Governor ZohaIslands – Sim Name)
Wait for the snow to come !

Second, Time to pull the decorations out of inventory and dust them off….because we’ve got some decorating to do!  That’s right, time to make Business District shine. 

This year we are featured in the Linden Lab Destination Guide – even appeared on the login screen this morning.  So time to get decorating and show Second Life why this is the best place to be. I’ll be out lining the streets with some festive décor as well. If you have any questions you can contact me in world at any time “KittyKat Jules”.

Warm Regards,

Kittykat Jules
Assistant Manager – Public Relations/Marketing

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello ZoHa Islands!

We here at ZI know how crazy these holiday times can be – so to get into the Holiday Spirit we are having a WE’VE GONE CRAZY SALE!

Thats right! To take advantage of this sale all you need to do is add to your existing land Upgrade or buy additional land and get 15% off your new addition!!

Thats all you need to do!  Contact a ZI Rep today!

Now for the Details and Exclusions!!

  • This cannot be dropping one property and getting one at the 15% off rate.
  • You must keep your parcel and this must be ADDITIONAL LAND to get this deal.  All you need to do is place down 1 week on the new piece and keep your current land.

We are also having another Special Promotion this Holiday season!

Refer A Friend and you could Win! (A Free Weeks Tier!)

All you need to do is Refer a friend when they purchase land and pay at least 2 weeks tier you will be entered into a monthly drawing which will be a random draw at the end of each month. For each referral you bring to ZoHa Islands you will be entered! So bring as many as you can for more chances to WIN.

Also your friends will receive 10% off regular price (Full primed parcels ONLY!) just for knowing you. So thats a WIN WIN FOR ALL! Just make sure they tell the agent you refereed them so they can get the credit and you will be entered into the monthly drawing.


Your Incredibiy Insane ZI Sales Staff