Fuschia Nightfire, also known as Nina Camplin in RL, is not only a talented designer and artist in both RL and SL, but she is an accomplished machninamist, as well. Among her many accomplishments in SL are sculptures and statues, and she built the beautiful **STARS** Dance Club in Second Life, a live music venue.
Nina’s RL website can be found by clicking this link: Nina Camplin.
Here is a link to some information about her and **STARS** Dance Club can be found by cliking this link: Fuschia Nightfire and **STARS** Dance Club
One of the most beautiful love songs currently on the airwaves is Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud.” The music video for his song is a stunningly elegant and creative dance of two lovers. Fuschia re-created this video in SL, set to “Thinking Out Loud” being sung by talented SL and RL live music performer Wolfie Moonshadow.
This collaboration of talents has resulted in one of the most beautiful machinimas I’ve seen to date. Set against the stunning backdrop of the beautiful **STARS** Dance Club, Fuschia and Wolfie have created something that is a delight and treat for your senses.
I’ve included both the link to Ed Sheeran’s original video, and to the machinima created by Fuschia and Wolfie.
Here is Fuschia’s machinima:
Here’s Ed Sheeran’s original video:
Click here for the SLURL for **STARS** Dance Club in Second Life. They have live music three nights a week: **STARS** Dance Club
I remain respectfully yours,
~ Suzanne Piers, ZI Blogger and Social Media